L. D. Dowdall

[830a5] 1 · Men say that in Paeonia, on the mountain called Hesaenus, which forms the boundary between the Paeonian and Maedian districts, there is found a wild beast, which is called Bolinthos, but by the Paeonians is named Monaepos. They state that this in its general nature is similar to the ox, but surpasses it in size and [10] strength, and moreover is distinguished from it by its mane; for like the horse it has a mane hanging down very thick from the neck, and from the crown of the head as far as the eyes. It has horns, not such as oxen have, but bent downwards, the tip [15] being low down near the ears; and these severally contain more than three pints, and are very black, and shine as though they were peeled; and when the hide is stripped off it occupies a space capable of containing eight couches. When the animal is struck with a weapon it flees, and only stops when it is quite exhausted. Its flesh has an agreeable taste. It defends itself by kicking, and voiding excrement over [20] a distance of about twenty-four feet. It easily and frequently employs this kind of defence, and the excretion burns so severely that the hair of the dogs is scraped off. They say, however, that the excrement produces this effect only when the animal is disturbed, but when it is undisturbed it does not burn. When they bring forth young, assembling in larger numbers and being all gathered closely together, the full-grown ones bring forth, and void excrement as a defence round their young; for the animal discharges a large quantity of this excretion.

[830b5] 2 · The camels in Arabia, they say, do not copulate with their mothers, but that even if someone tries to force them they are unwilling. For it is said that once, when there was no stallion present, a keeper disguised the mother and set her foal on [10] her. And the foal, it seems, finished its task then, but a little later bit the keeper and killed him.

3 · Men say that the cuckoos in Helice, when about to breed, do not build a nest, but lay their eggs in the nests of ring-doves or turtle-doves, and neither sit on their eggs, nor hatch them, nor rear their young; but when the chick is born and reared, it expels its companions from the nest. Moreover, it appears, it grows large [15] and beautiful, so that it easily overcomes the rest. They say that the ring-doves also take such a delight in it that they even assist it to drive out their own young.

4 · The she-goats in Crete, when they are shot with arrows, seek, it would [20] appear, for the dittany, which grows there; for as soon as they have eaten it, they straightway expel the arrows from their bodies.

5 · Men say that some of the stags in Achaea, when they have shed their horns, proceed to places of such a kind that they cannot be easily found; and that they act in this way because they have no means of defence, and also because the [831a1] parts from which they have shed their horns give them pain; and it is stated that, in the case of many of these animals, ivy is seen growing in the place of the horns.

6 · Men say that in Armenia a certain poison grows, which is called leopard’s bane. So, when a leopard is seen, they anoint a victim with this, and let it go. When [5] the leopard touches it, she goes, it would appear, in quest of human excrement. Therefore the hunters put excrement in a vessel, and suspend it from a tree, so that the leopard, by leaping up towards it and becoming exhausted, may be paralysed by it, and fall into their power. [10]

7 · Men say that in Egypt the sandpipers fly into the mouths of the crocodiles, and clean their teeth, pulling out the pieces of flesh, which stick in their snouts, while the crocodiles are pleased, and do them no harm.

8 · Men say that the hedgehogs in Byzantium perceive when north or south [15] winds are blowing, and immediately change their holes; and, when the winds are southerly, make their holes opening out of the ground, but, when they are northerly, out of the walls.

9 · The she-goats in Cephallenia do not drink, as it appears, like other quadrupeds; but daily turning their faces towards the sea, open their mouths, and [20] take in the breezes.

10 · They say that in Syria one of the wild donkeys leads the herd, and that when one of the younger foals mounts a female the leader gets angry and chases him until he catches him; and then, ducking down to his back legs, he tears off his [25] genitals with his teeth.

11 · Men say that tortoises, when they have eaten part of a viper, eat marjoram as an antidote, and, if the creature fails to find it at once, it dies; that many of the countryfolk, wishing to prove whether this is true, whenever they see it acting in this manner, pluck up the marjoram, and when they have done so, the [30] tortoise is presently seen dying.

[831b1] 12 · They say that the penis of the marten is not like that of the other animals, but is always stiff like a bone, whatever state the marten may be in. They say that it is one of the best drugs for strangury and is given in powdered form.

[5] 13 · Men say that the bird called the woodpecker climbs upon the trees like lizards, both hanging from and standing on the branches. It is further stated that it feeds upon the grubs out of the trees, and digs so deeply into the trees, in its search for the grubs, that it even brings the trees down.

[10] 14 · Men say that the pelicans dig up the mussels that are found in the rivers, and swallow them; then, when they have devoured a large quantity of these, they vomit them up again, and thereupon eat the meat of the mussels, but do not touch the shells.

15 · Men say that in Cyllene in Arcadia the blackbirds are born white, [15] which happens nowhere else, and that they give utterance to various sounds, and go forth by the light of the moon; but that, if any one should attempt to capture them by day, they are caught with great difficulty.

16 · It is stated by certain persons that what is called flower-honey is [20] produced in Melos and Knidos, and that, while fragrant in smell, it lasts for only a short time; and that in it bee-bread is produced.

17 · In some parts of Cappadocia they say that the honey is made without a honey-comb, and that in consistency it resembles olive-oil.

18 · At Trapezus in Pontus the honey gathered from the box-tree is [25] produced, having an oppressive smell, and they say that this drives out of their senses those who are sound in mind, while it completely cures those who suffer from epilepsy.

19 · Men say that in Lydia also the honey is gathered from the trees in abundance, and that the inhabitants form out of it balls without wax, and cutting [30] off portions by very violent rubbing make use of it. It is produced indeed in Thrace likewise, not so solid, but as it were of a sandy nature. They say that all honey when [832a1] congealed preserves an equal volume, not like water and all other liquids.

20 · The grass of Chalcis and almonds are most useful for making honey; for they say that a very large quantity is produced by them.

21 · People say that bees are stupefied by unguents, and are unable to [5] endure the smell of them; while some say that they especially sting those who have been anointed.

22 · They say that among the Illyrians those who are called Taulantians make wine out of honey. When they have squeezed out the honey-combs, they pour water on the honey, and boil it in a caldron until half is consumed; then they pour it out into earthen jars, fill them half full, and lay them on boards; and on these they [10] say it ferments for a long time, and becomes like wine, while for the rest it is sweet and strong. But now they state that this mode of preparation was adopted also among some of the inhabitants of Greece, so that the drink did not differ from old wine, and that in later times, when they inquired into the method of mixing it, they were unable to discover it.

23 · They relate that in Thessaly once upon a time so large a number of serpents was bred alive that, if they had not been exterminated by the storks, the [15] inhabitants would have left the country. That is why they also honour the storks, and it is unlawful to kill them, and, if any one kills them, he becomes liable to the same penalties as a homicide.

24 · Likewise also it is related that there was once in Lacedaemon so great a multitude of serpents that the Lacedaemonians, owing to a scarcity of corn, used [20] them as food; whence also they say that the Pythian priestess called them ‘serpent-necked’.

25 · It is said that in the island of Gyaros the mice eat iron.

26 · Men say that among the Chalybians, in an islet situated beyond them, gold is collected by mice in large numbers: that is why also, as it appears, they cut up those that are found in the mines. [25]

27 · It is said that travellers going from Susa to Media meet with an immense multitude of scorpions at the second stage. So the King of the Persians, whenever he was passing through the place, remained there for three days, ordering all his men to hunt them down; and he gave a prize to him who caught the greatest number. [30]

28 · Men say that in Cyrene there is not merely one sort of mouse, but several kinds differing both in forms and in colours; for some are broad-faced, like [832b1] weasels, and some like hedgehogs, which they call ‘hedgehogs’.

29 · In Cilicia they say that there is a whirlpool, in which birds, and animals besides, that have been suffocated, when immersed come to life again. [5]

30 · Among the Scythians who are called Geloni, they say that there is a certain wild animal, excessively rare indeed, which is named Tarandos. Now this is said to change the colour of its hair, according to the place in which it may be; and [10] for this reason it is hard to catch; for it becomes in colour like to trees and places, and its surroundings generally. But the most wonderful thing is its changing its hair; [15] for other animals change the colour of the skin, such as the chameleon and octopus. In size it resembles an ox, while the form of its face is like that of a stag.

31 · It is said that a certain man in Abydos being deranged in mind, and going to the theatre on many days looked on (as though actors were performing a [20] play), and applauded; and, when he was restored to his senses, he declared that that was the happiest time he had ever spent.

32 · Moreover they say that at Tarentum a certain wine-merchant was mad at night, but sold his wines during the day: he also kept the key of the cellar attached to his belt, and though many tried to steal it from him and get possession of it, he [25] never lost it.

33 · In the island of Tenos they say there is a small bowl containing a mixture, from which people kindle fire very readily. Moreover in the Thracian Bithynia there is found in the mines the stone which is called ‘the chaffinch’ from [30] which they say that fire is kindled.

34 · People say that in the island of Lipara there is a certain place where the air is sucked down into the earth, and that if they bury a pot there they can put in it whatever they please and boil it.

[833a1] 35 · Both in Media and in Psittacene, a district of Persia, there are fires burning, that in Media small, but that in Psittacene large and with a bright flame; for which reason also the King of the Persians constructed kitchens near it. Both [5] these are in level, not in elevated places. These fires are conspicuous both by night and by day, while those in Pamphylia are seen only at night.

36 · They say also that at Atitania, near the borders of the district of Apollonia, there is a certain rock, and fire rising from it is not visible, but whenever [10] oil is poured on it it blazes up.

37 · It is said that the places outside the Pillars of Hercules burn, some constantly, others at night only, as Hanno’s Circumnavigation relates. The fire also in Lipara is visible and flaming, yet not by day, but only at night. They say also that [15] in Pithecusae the ground is fiery, and extraordinarily hot, yet not burning.

38 · Xenophanes states that the fire in Lipara once failed for sixteen years, but returned in the seventeenth year. They say that the lava-stream in Etna is neither flaming nor continuous, but returns only after an interval of many years.

[20] 39 · It is said that in Lydia a vast amount of fire blazed up, and continued burning for seven days.

40 · The lava-stream in Sicily is an extraordinary phenomenon. The breadth of the fire that blazes up amounts to forty stadia, while the height to which it is carried amounts to three.

41 · They say that the stone in Thrace which is called ‘the chaffinch’ burns [25] when split in two, and that it also, like charcoal-embers, when put together again, and sprinkled with water, burns; and that the stone called ‘marieus’ does the same.

42 · At Philippi in Macedonia they state that there are mines, the refuse from which, they say, increases and produces gold, and that this is an observable fact.

43 · They say that in Cyprus, at the place called Tyrrhias, copper is [833b1] produced in like manner; for men having cut it up, as it appears, into small pieces, sow it, and then, when the rains have come on, it grows and springs up, and so is collected.

44 · They say that in the island of Melos, in those parts of the ground that are dug up, the earth fills itself up again. [5]

45 · In Paeonia they state that when continuous showers have fallen, and the ground is thoroughly soaked, there is found what is called gold without fire. They state, too, that in Paeonia the ground is so rich in gold that many persons have found gold even exceeding a pound in weight. And they say that certain persons, who had [10] found them, brought two nuggets to the king, one weighing three pounds, the other five; and they say that these are set beside him on the table, and, if he eats anything, he first offers a libation upon them.

46 · They say that among the Bactrians also the river Oxus carries down numerous small nuggets of gold, and moreover that in Iberia the river called [15] Theodorus both throws out much gold on its banks, and likewise also carries it down the stream.

47 · They state also that in Pieria, a district of Macedonia, some uncoined gold was buried by the ancient kings, and, while there were four cavities, from one [20] of them gold grew up a span in length.

48 · It is said that the production of the Chalybian and Amisenian iron is very peculiar; for it grows together, as at least they assert, from the sand that is carried down by the rivers. Some say that they simply wash this, and smelt it in a [25] furnace; but others that, after frequently washing the deposit left by the first washing, they burn it, and insert what is called the fire-proof stone which is abundant in the country. This iron is far more beautiful than the other kinds. But if [30] it were not burnt in the furnace it would not at all differ, as it appears, from silver. Now they say that it alone is not liable to rust, but that it is not very plentiful.

[834a1] 49 · They say also that among the Indians the copper is so bright, pure, and free from rust that it cannot be distinguished in colour from gold; moreover that among the cups of Darius there are certain goblets, and these not inconsiderable in [5] number, as to which, except by their smell, one could not otherwise decide whether they are of copper or gold.

50 · They say that Celtic tin melts much more quickly than lead. A proof of its fusibility is that it is believed to melt even in water: at any rate, it seems, it stains [10] quickly. Now it melts in the cold also, when the weather is frosty, because, as they say, the hot substance inherent in it is by reason of its weakness shut up and compressed within.

51 · In the Pantheon there is an olive-tree, which is called that ‘of the beautiful crowns’. But all its leaves are contrary in appearance to those of other [15] olive-trees; for it has the pale-green outside, instead of inside, and it sends forth branches, like those of the myrtle, suitable for crowns. From this Heracles took a shoot, and planted it at Olympia, and from it are taken the crowns which are given to the competitors. This tree is near the river Ilissus, sixty stadia distant from the [20] river. It is surrounded by a wall, and a severe penalty is imposed on any one who touches it. From this the Eleians took the shoot, and planted it in Olympia, and from it they took the crowns which they bestowed.

52 · In the Lydian mines near Pergamos, which also Croesus had worked, [25] the following incident occurred. When a certain war arose the workmen fled to them; but, as the mouth was built up, they were suffocated; and a long time afterwards, when the mines were cleared out, vessels, which they used to employ for [30] daily uses, such as jars and the like, were found petrified. These, being filled with whatever liquid it might be, had been turned to stone, as well as the bones of the men.

53 · In the Ascanian lake the water is so impregnated with soda that garments have need of no other detergent; if one leaves them too long in the water they fall to pieces.

54 · Near the Ascanian lake is Pythopolis, a village about one hundred and twenty stadia distant from Cius, in which all the wells are dried up in the winter, so [834b1] that one cannot dip a pitcher into them; but in the summer they are filled up to the brim.

55 · The strait between Sicily and Italy increases and diminishes along with the changes of the moon.

[5] 56 · On the road to Syracuse there is in a meadow a spring, neither large nor containing much water; but, when once a great crowd met at the place, it supplied water in abundance.

57 · There is also a certain spring in Palici in Sicily, about as large as the space ten couches would occupy. This throws up water to the height of six cubits, so that it is thought by those who see it that the plain will be inundated; and again it [10] returns to its original state. There is also a form of oath, which is considered to be sacred there; whatever oaths a man swears he writes on a little tablet, and throws into the water. If therefore he swears truly, the tablet floats on the top; but if he swears falsely, they say that the tablet grows heavy and disappears, while the man is [15] burnt. That is why the priest takes security from him that some one shall purify the temple.

58 · Demonesus, the island of the Chalcedonians, received its name from Demonesus, who first cultivated it. The place contains the mine of cyanos and [20] gold-solder. Of this latter the finest sort is worth its weight in gold, for it is also a remedy for the eyes. In the same place there is also copper, obtained by divers, two fathoms below the surface of the sea, from which was made the statue in Sicyon in the ancient temple of Apollo, and in Pheneus the so-called statues of mountaincopper. On these is the inscription—‘Heracles, son of Amphitryon, having captured [25] Elis, dedicated them’. Now he captured Elis guided, in accordance with an oracle, by a woman, whose father, Augeas, he had slain. Those who dig the copper become very sharp-sighted, and those who have no eyelashes grow them: that is why also physicians use the flower of copper and Phrygian ashes for the eyes. [30]

59 · Now in the same place there is a cave which is called the pretty cave. In this pillars have been formed by congelation from certain drippings of water: and this is evident at the point where they join the ground, for the narrowest part is there.

60 · Of the offspring of a pair of eagles, so long as they pair together, every second one is a sea-eagle. Now from the sea-eagles springs an osprey, and from [835a1] these black eagles and vultures: yet these on the other hand do not bring the breed of vultures to a close, but produce the great vultures, and these are barren. And a proof [5] is this, that no one has ever seen a nest of a great vulture.

61 · A wonderful thing they say happens among the Indians with regard to the lead there; for when it has been melted and poured into cold water it jumps out of the water.

62 · Men say that the copper of the Mossynoeci is very brilliant and white, [10] no tin being mixed with it; but there is a kind of earth there, which is smelted with it. They state that the man who discovered the mixture did not inform any one; so the copper vessels formerly produced in these parts were excellent, but those subsequently made were no longer so.

63 · Men state that in Pontus some birds during the winter are found lurking [15] in holes, and not discharging excrement, and when people pluck out their feathers they do not feel it, nor yet when they are pierced on a spit, but only when they have been burnt through with fire. They say that many fishes also, when trimmed and cut [20] round, have no perception of it, but only when they have been warmed through by fire.

64 · The bee is thought to announce the solstices by going to its labours, [25] which the bee-keepers also use as a sign, for then they have rest. The grasshoppers also appear to chirp only after the solstices.

65 · They say also that the hedgehog continues without food for a year.

66 · It is said that the spotted lizard, when it has stripped off its slough, like snakes, turns round and swallows it, because physicians look out for it, from its being serviceable to those who suffer from epilepsy.

[30] 67 · Men state also that the fat of the bear, when it has been congealed owing to the winter, increases as long as the bear lies hidden in its den, and overflows the vessels in which it is kept.

68 · They say that the frogs in Cyrene are altogether dumb, and that in Macedonia, in the country of the Emathiotae, the swine have solid hoofs.

[835b1] 69 · They say that in Cappadocia there are fertile mules, and in Crete black poplars which yield fruit.

70 · They say also that in Seriphos the frogs do not croak; but if they are transferred to another place they croak.

[5] 71 · Among the Indians, in what is called the Horn, it is stated that there are little fishes, which wander about on the dry land, and run away again into the river.

72 · Some say also that in the neighbourhood of Babylon certain fishes remain in the holes, which contain moisture, while the river is drying up; that they [10] go out to the threshing-floors and feed, and walk upon their fins, and move the tail to and fro, and when they are pursued they flee, enter into their holes, and stand facing their pursuer; for people often approach and tease them. Their head is like that of the sea-frog, while the rest of the body resembles that of the gudgeon, and they have gills like other fishes.

[15] 73 · At Heraclea in Pontus, and in Rhegium, they say there are fish obtained by digging, especially in places near rivers, and such as are well watered; and that it sometimes happens that when these places dry up at certain seasons, the fish shrink under the earth, and then when this dries up still more, they, in search of humidity, enter into the mud; then when this becomes dry, they remain in the [20] moisture, like animals which continue in their holes; but, when they are dug up before the waters come on, they then move.

74 · They say also that in Paphlagonia the fish obtained by digging are met with deep in the ground, and that these are of an excellent quality, though neither is [25] water to be seen close at hand, nor do rivers flow into the place; the earth engenders them of itself.

75 · Men say that the stags in Epirus bury their right horn, when they have shed it, and that this is useful for many purposes.

76 · They say that the lynx too covers up its urine, because of its being useful [30] for signet-rings as well as for other things.

77 · They also state that the seal, when taken, vomits out rennet, and that this is medicinal and serviceable to those who suffer from epilepsy.

78 · It is said that on the Circaean mountain in Italy there grows a deadly poison, which is so potent that, if it be sprinkled on any one, it straightway causes [836a1] him to fall, and the hairs of his body to drop off, and generally the limbs of his body to waste away, so that the surface of the body of those who are dying is a pitiable sight. They say too that Aulus the Peucestian and Gaius were detected when about to administer this poison to Cleonymus the Spartan, and that having been examined [5] they were put to death by the Tarentines.

79 · In the island of Diomedeia, which lies in the Adriatic, they say there is a temple of Diomedes, wonderful and holy, and round the temple there sit in a circle birds of a large size, having great hard beaks. These birds, they state, if Greeks land [10] at the place, keep quiet; but if any of the barbarians who live around them approach, they fly up, and soaring in the air swoop down upon their heads, and, wounding them with their beaks, kill them. The story goes that the companions of [15] Diomedes were metamorphosed into these, when they had been shipwrecked off the island and Diomedes was treacherously slain by Aeneas, who was then king of those regions.

80 · Among the Umbrians they say that the cattle bring forth young three [20] times in a year, and that the earth yields many times more fruit than the seed that is sown: that the women also are prolific, and rarely bring forth only one child at a time, but most of them have two or three.

81 · In the Amber islands, which are situated in the corner of the Adriatic, [25] they say that there are two statues erected, the one of tin, the other of bronze, wrought after the ancient fashion. It is stated that these are works of Daedalus, a memorial of old times, when he, fleeing before Minos from Sicily and Crete, put in [30] to these places. But they say that the river Eridanus formed these islands by alluvial deposit. Moreover, as it appears, there is near the river a lake, containing hot water, and a smell exhales from it heavy and unpleasant, and neither does any animal [836b1] drink from it, nor does a bird fly over it, but falls and dies. It has a circumference of two hundred stadia, a width of about ten. Now the inhabitants tell the story that Phaethon, when struck by the thunderbolt, fell into this lake; and that therein are many black poplars, from which falls what is called amber. This, they say, [5] resembles gum, and hardens like a stone, and, when collected by the inhabitants, is carried over to the Greeks. To these islands, therefore, they state that Daedalus came, and, having obtained possession of them, dedicated in one of them his own [10] statue, and in the other that of his son Icarus; but that afterwards, when the Pelasgians, who had been expelled from Argos, sailed against them, Daedalus fled, and arrived at the island of Icarus.

[15] 82 · In Sicily, in the neighbourhood of the place called Enna, there is said to be a cave, round about which they assert that there not only grows a quantity of other kinds of flowers at every season of the year, but that especially an immense space is covered with violets, which fill the adjoining country with fragrance, so that the huntsmen are unable to track the hares, as their dogs are overcome by the smell. [20] Through this chasm there is an invisible subterranean passage, by which they say Pluto carried off Proserpine. In this place it is said that wheat is found, resembling neither the native sorts, which people use, nor other kinds that are imported, but possessed of a great peculiarity. And this they use as an argument to prove that the [25] wheat-fruit appeared first among themselves; whence also they lay claim to Demeter, affirming that the goddess was born among them.

83 · In Crete men say that there are no wolves, bears, and vipers, and similarly no wild beasts like them, because Zeus was born there.

[30] 84 · In the sea outside the Pillars of Hercules they say that an island was discovered by the Carthaginians, desolate, having wood of every kind, and navigable rivers, and admirable for its fruits besides, but distant several days’ [837a1] voyage from them. But, when the Carthaginians often came to this island because of its fertility, and some even dwelt there, the magistrates of the Carthaginians gave notice that they would punish with death those who should sail to it, and destroyed all the inhabitants, lest they should spread a report about it, or a large number [5] might gather together to the island in their time,1 get possession of the authority, and destroy the prosperity of the Carthaginians.

85 · From Italy as far as the country of the Celts, Celtoligurians, and Iberians, they say there is a certain road, called the ‘road of Heracles’, by which [10] whether a Greek or a native travels, he is watched by the neighbouring tribes, so that he may receive no injury; for those among whom the injury has been done must pay the penalty.

86 · They say that among the Celts there is a poison called by them ‘arrow-poison’, which they assert produces corruption so quickly that the Celtic huntsmen, when they have shot a stag, or any other animal, run up to it in haste, and [15] cut out the wounded part of the flesh, before the poison spreads, as well for the sake of the food as to prevent the animal from putrefying. They say, however, that the bark of the oak was found to be an antidote for this; but others maintain that the antidote is something different, a leaf, which they call ravenswort, because a raven, [20] which had tasted the poison, and become sick, was observed by them to hasten for this leaf, and, after devouring it, to be delivered from its pain.

87 · In Iberia they say that, when the coppices were set on fire by certain shepherds, and the earth was heated by the wood, the country visibly flowed with [25] silver; and when, after some time, earthquakes succeeded, and the ground in different places burst asunder, a large quantity of silver was collected, which brought in no ordinary revenue to the Massilians.

88 · In the islands called Gymnesiae, that lie off the coast of Iberia, which [30] they assert to be the largest, after the so-called seven islands, they say that oil is not produced from olives, but from the turpentine-tree in very large quantities, and adapted for every purpose. Moreover they affirm that the Iberians, who inhabit those islands, are so fond of women that they give to the merchants four or five males in exchange for one female. When they receive their pay, while serving with [837b1] the Carthaginians, they purchase, it seems, nothing else but women; for no man among them is allowed to have gold or silver. But as a reason for their forbidding the introduction of money, some such statement as this is added, that Heracles made his [5] expedition against Iberia for the sake of the riches of the inhabitants.

89 · In the country of the Massilians, on the borders of Liguria, they say there is a certain lake, and that this boils up and overflows, and casts out so great a quantity of fish as to surpass belief. But whenever the Etesian winds blow the soil is [10] heaped up upon it (such dust arises there), and its surface becomes solid like the ground, and the natives, piercing it with tridents, easily take out of it as many fish as [15] they please.

90 · It is said that some of the Ligurians sling so skilfully that, when they see several birds, they contend with one another about which bird each is preparing to strike, presuming that all will easily hit their mark.

91 · They say that there is also this peculiarity among them: the women give [20] birth while engaged in work, and after washing the child with water, they immediately dig and hoe, and attend to their other household duties, which they were obliged to perform before the time of their delivery.

92 · This is also a marvel among the Ligurians: they say that there is a river [25] in their country whose stream is lifted up on high and flows along so that those on the other side cannot be seen.

93 · In Etruria there is said to be a certain island named Aethaleia, in which out of a certain mine in former days copper was dug, from which they say that all the copper vessels among them have been wrought; that afterwards it could no [30] longer be found: but, when a long interval of time had elapsed, from the same mine iron was produced, which the Etrurians, who inhabit the town called Populonium, use to the present day.

94 · Now in Etruria there is a certain city called Oenarea, which they say is exceedingly strong; for in the midst of it there is a lofty hill, rising upwards to the height of thirty stadia, and having at its foot wood of all sorts, and waters. They say, [838a1] therefore, that the inhabitants, fearing lest some one should become despot, set over themselves those of their slaves who had been manumitted, and these have dominion over them; but every year they appoint others of the same class in their stead.

[5] 95 · At Cumae in Italy there is shown, it appears, a subterranean bed-chamber of the prophetic Sibyl, who, they say, was of a very great age, and had always remained a virgin, being a native of Erythrae, but by some of the inhabitants [10] of Italy called a native of Cumae, and by some named Melancraera. It is said that this place is under the sway of the Lucanians. They state moreover that in those parts about Cumae there is a certain river called Cetus, and they say that whatever is thrown into this is after a considerable time first coated over, and finally turns into stone.

[15] 96 · Men say that for Alcimenes, the Sybarite, a mantle was prepared of such magnificence, that it was exhibited at Lacinium during the festival of Hera, to which all the Italians assemble, and that it was admired more than all the things [20] that were shown there. Of this they say that Dionysius the Elder obtained possession, and sold it to the Carthaginians for one hundred and twenty talents. It was of purple, fifteen cubits in width, and was adorned on either side with little figures inwoven, above with Susa, below with Persians; in the middle were Zeus, [25] Hera, Themis, Athene, Apollo, and Aphrodite. Near each extremity was Alcimenes, and on both sides Sybaris.

97 · In the neighbourhood of the Iapygian promontory, from a certain place [30] in which, as the legends relate, the fight of Heracles with the giants took place, they say that ichor flows in great abundance, and of such a nature that, owing to the oppressiveness of the smell, the sea off that place is not navigable. They state besides that in many parts of Italy many memorials of Heracles still exist on the roads by which he travelled. Near Pandosia in Iapygia footprints of the god are shown, on which no one must tread.

98 · There is also in the neighbourhood of the Iapygian promontory a stone [838b1] big enough to load a waggon, which they say was lifted up by him and transferred to this spot, and it was actually moved with one finger.

99 · In the city of the Orchomenians in Boeotia they say that a fox was seen, which, being pursued by a dog, entered into a certain subterranean passage, and [5] that the dog entered along with her and, barking, produced a great noise, as though he found a wide space about him; but the huntsmen, thinking there was something marvellous there, broke open the entrance, and forced their way in as well: and that, seeing the light coming in by certain holes, they had a clear view of all that was in [10] the cave, and went and reported it to the magistrates.

100 · In the island of Sardinia they say there are many beautiful buildings constructed in the ancient Greek style, and, among others, domes carved in remarkable proportions. It is said that these were built by Iolaus, son of Iphicles, [15] when he, having taken with him the Thespiadae, the sons of Heracles, sailed to those parts with the intention of settling there, considering that they belonged to him through his relationship with Heracles, because Heracles was lord of all the [20] western land. This island, as it appears, was formerly called Ichnussa, because it was shaped in its outline very similarly to a human footstep. It is stated to have been previously fertile and productive; for the legend states that Aristaeus, whom they assert to have been most skilful in agriculture among the ancients, ruled over these parts, which were formerly occupied by many large birds. At the present day, [25] however, it is no longer fertile, because when ruled by the Carthaginians it had all its fruits that were useful for food destroyed, and death was fixed as the penalty for the inhabitants if any one should plant again anything of the kind.

101 · In one of the seven so-called islands of Aeolus, which bears the name [30] Lipara, the legend goes that there is a tomb, about which they tell many other portentous stories, and agree in asserting that it is unsafe to approach that place at night; for from it are distinctly heard the sound of drums and cymbals, and [839a1] laughter, along with uproar and the rattle of castanets. But they state that a still more prodigious event occurred with regard to the cave; for a certain man, under the influence of wine, fell asleep in it before daylight, and continued to be sought for by his servants for three days; but on the fourth, being found apparently dead, he [5] was conveyed by his servants to his own tomb, and after obtaining all the usual rites, he suddenly rose up, and related all that had befallen him. This story seems to me somewhat fabulous, yet it was necessary for me not to leave it unmentioned, while [10] giving a record of circumstances connected with that place.

102 · Near Cumae in Italy there is a lake called Avernus, containing in itself, as it seems, nothing wonderful; for they say that hills lie round about it not [15] less than three stadia in height; that it is itself circular in form and of unsurpassable depth. But this is what seems marvellous: while trees stand thickly above it, and [20] some lean over it, one cannot see a single leaf floating upon the water, while the water is so very pure that those who behold it wonder. On the mainland not far distant from it hot water springs forth from many parts, and all the place is called [25] Pyriphlegethon. But to say that no bird flies over it is a lie; for those who have been there maintain that there is a large number of swans in it.

103 · They say that the Siren islands are situated in Italy at the point of the headland in the strait, which lies before the promontory separating the two bays, 2[30] i.e. the one surrounding Cumae and the one which cuts off from it the city called Posidonia; on this promontory also a temple of the Sirens has been built, and they are honoured exceedingly by the neighbouring peoples with diligent sacrifices, and they, making mention of their names, call one Parthenope, another Leucosia, and the third Ligeia.

104 · It is stated that between the Mentoric district and that of Istria there [839b1] is a mountain named Delphium with a high crest. When the Mentores, who dwell near the Adriatic, ascend this crest they can discern, as it appears, the ships sailing [5] into the Pontus: there is also a spot, half-way between, at which when a common market is held, Lesbian, Chian, and Thasian wares are sold by the merchants coming up from the Pontus, and Corcyraean jars by the merchants from the Adriatic.

105 · Men say that the Ister, flowing from what are called the Hercynian [10] woods, divides, and in one direction flows into the Pontus, and in the other discharges its waters into the Adriatic. And we have seen a proof not only in the present times, but also more fully in antiquity, that the waters there are not3 innavigable; for they say that Jason sailed into the Pontus by the ‘Dark Rocks’, [15] while he sailed out of it by the Ister; and for this, besides alleging not a few other evidences, they point out altars set up by Jason in the country, and in one of the islands in the Adriatic a costly temple of Artemis erected by Medea. Moreover they [20] affirm that Jason could not have sailed past the ‘Wandering Islands’, if he were not sailing away from that quarter. And moreover in the island of Aethaleia, which lies in the Tyrrhenian Sea, they point to other memorials of the chiefs of the Argonautic Expedition, and also to what is said respecting the pebbles; for they say that along the shore there are pebbles of various colours; and the Greeks who inhabit the island [25] say that they received their colour from the oil and dirt which the heroes scraped off, while anointing themselves; for, according to the legend, neither before these times were such pebbles seen nor afterwards had any such been found. Moreover they mention still clearer proofs of this, that they did not sail out through the [30] Symplegades, citing the poet himself as a witness in the case of those regions; for (say they) he, pointing out the gravity of the danger, states that it is impossible to sail past the place—

Planks of ships and bodies of men together are carried

By the waves of the sea and storms of fire destructive.4

As regards the ‘Dark Rocks’ indeed it is not said that they send forth fire; but it [840a1] happens near the strait which divides Sicily from Italy, as the eruptions of fire are found on both sides; while not only is the island continually burning, but also the stream of lava round Etna often spreads over the country. [5]

106 · In Tarentum they say that at certain times people offer sacrifices to the shades of the Atridae, Tydidae, Aeacidae, and Laertiadae, and besides that they celebrate a sacrifice separately to the Agamemnonidae on another special day, on which it is unlawful for the women to taste the victims offered to those heroes. [10] There is also amongst them a temple of Achilles. Now it is said that after the Tarentines had taken it, the place which they at present inhabit was called Heraclea; but in the early times, when the Ionians were in possession, it was named Pleum and at a still earlier date it was called Sigeum by the Trojans, who had [15] gained possession of it.

107 · Among the Sybarites Philoctetes is said to be honoured; for on his return from Troy he founded in the Crotonian territory the town called Macalla, which they say is one hundred and twenty stadia distant; and they relate that he dedicated the bow and arrows of Heracles in the temple of Apollo the sea-god: but [20] from there they say that the Crotonians, during their dominion, took them, and dedicated them in the temple of Apollo in their own city. Now it is said that having died there he lies by the river Sybaris, after he had given help to the Rhodians, who along with Tlepolemus had been carried out of their course to those parts, and had [25] engaged in battle with the barbarians who inhabited that country.

108 · In that part of Italy which is called Gargaria, close to Metapontum, they say there is a temple of Athene Heilenia, where they state that the tools of Epeus were dedicated, which he had prepared for the construction of the wooden horse; he gave the goddess this name—for Athene appeared to him in a dream and [30] desired him to dedicate the tools; and he being therefore delayed in putting out to sea was cooped up in the place, unable to sail out: hence the temple was called that of Athene Heilenia.

109 · In the district which bears the name of Daunia, there is said to be a [840b1] temple called that of the Achaean Athene, in which bronze axes and the arms of Diomedes and his companions are dedicated. In this place they state that there are dogs which do no harm to such of the Greeks as come there, but fawn upon them, as [5] though they were most familiar to them. Now all the Daunians and the neighbouring tribes, both men and women, wear black garments, apparently for the following reason—because it is said that the Trojan women, who had been taken [10] captives, and had come to those parts, fearing that they might experience hard slavery at the hands of the women who already belonged to the Achaeans in their native land, set fire to their ships, in order that they might escape from the expected slavery, and at the same time, that they, being united in wedlock with those men, [15] now compelled to stay, might have them for their husbands. The poet has also very admirably described them; for one may see those women likewise, it seems, ‘robe-trailing’ and ‘deep-bosomed’.

110 · In the country of the Peucetians they say there is a temple of Artemis, [20] in which, they state, is dedicated the bronze necklace celebrated in those parts, with the inscription—‘Diomede to Artemis’. Now the legend relates that he put it round the neck of a stag, and that it adhered there; and in this way having been afterwards found by Agathocles, king of the Sicilians, it was, they affirm, dedicated in the temple of Zeus.

[25] 111 · On the promontory of Sicily, called the promontory of Pelorus, it is stated that so much saffron grows that, while by some of the Greeks dwelling in those parts it is not known what sort of flower it is, on the promontory of Pelorus all [30] who wish bring home large waggon loads of it, and in the spring-time strew their beds and stages with saffron.

112 · Polycritus, who has written the history of Sicily in verse, states that in a certain part of the interior there is a little lake, with a circumference about that of a shield, and this contains water transparent indeed, but somewhat turbid. Now if [841a1] any one enters this, intending to wash himself, it increases in breadth; and if a second person enters, it grows wider still; and finally, having grown larger, it becomes wide enough for the reception of even fifty men. But whenever it has [5] received this number, swelling up again from the bottom it casts the bodies of the bathers high in the air and out on the ground; and as soon as this has occurred, it returns once more to the original form of its circumference. And not only in the case of men does this occur with regard to it, but also, if a quadruped enters, it experiences the same result.

[10] 113 · In the dominion of the Carthaginians they say there is a mountain which is called Uranion, full of all kinds of wood and variegated with many flowers, so that the contiguous places over a wide extent partaking of its fragrance waft to [15] the travellers a most agreeable odour. Near this spot they say that there is a spring of oil, and that it has a smell like that of cedar sawdust. But they say that the person who approaches it must be chaste, and, if this is the case, it spouts up the oil in greater abundance, so that it can be safely drawn.

[20] 114 · Men say that near this spring also there is a natural rock of great size. Now they say that when summer is come it sends up a flame of fire, but when winter arrives, from the same place it sends gushing up a stream of water so cold that, when compared with snow, it does not differ from it. And this, they declare, is not a secret occurrence, nor does it appear for only a short time; but it sends forth the fire [25] throughout the whole summer, and the water throughout the whole winter.

115 · It is reported that in that part of Thrace which is called the country of the Sinti and Maedi, there is a certain river named Pontus, in which are carried down certain stones which burn, and are of a nature opposed to that of charcoal [30] from wood; for while fanned they are quickly extinguished, but when sprinkled with water they blaze up and kindle better. Now, when they are burning, they have a smell similar to that of bitumen, so bad and pungent that no creeping thing remains [841b1] in the place while they are burning.

116 · They say, moreover, that in their country there is a certain place, not very small, about twenty stadia in extent, that bears barley, which the men indeed use; but the horses and oxen, or any other animal, will not eat it: indeed, not even [5] does any pig or dog venture to taste the excrement of men who after eating a cake or bread made from this barley have voided it, as death results from it.

117 · At Scotussae in Thessaly they say there is a little fountain from which flows water of such a kind that in a moment it heals wounds and bruises both of men [10] and of beasts of burden; and if any one throws wood into it, without having quite broken it, but having merely split it, this unites, and is restored again to its original state.

118 · In Thrace above Amphipolis they say that a thing happens, which is [15] wonderful and incredible to those who have not seen it; for the boys, going forth from the villages and neighbouring districts to catch little birds, take the hawks to help in catching them, and they do so in this manner:—When they have advanced to a suitable spot they call the hawks by name with a loud cry; and, when they hear the [20] boys’ voice, they come and frighten away the birds; these in terror of them take refuge in the bushes, where the boys strike them down with sticks and capture them. But what one would be most of all surprised at is this—whenever the hawks [25] themselves have seized any of the birds, they throw them down to the bird-catchers, while the boys return home, after giving some portion of all their booty to the hawks.

119 · Another marvel also they say occurs among the Heneti: that countless myriads of jackdaws are frequently borne to their country, and eat up the corn when [30] the people have sown it. To them the Heneti offer gifts, before the birds are about to fly to the borders of the land, throwing before them seeds of all kinds of fruits. Now [842a1] if the jackdaws taste these they do not come over into their country, and the Heneti know that they will be in peace; but, if they do not taste them, the people thereupon expect an attack to be made upon them by their enemies.

[5] 120 · In the Thracian Chalcidice, near Olynthus, they say there is a place called Cantharolethros, a little larger in size than a threshing-floor; and that when any other living creature reaches the spot it departs again; but none of the beetles [10] that come there do so; but they going round and round the place die from hunger.

121 · Among the Thracian Cyclopes there is a little spring containing water, which in appearance indeed is pure, transparent, and like all others; but when an animal drinks of it, straightway it perishes.

[15] 122 · Men say that in Crastonia, near the country of the Bisaltae, the hares that are captured have two livers; and that there is a certain place, about a rood in extent, into which whatever animal enters dies. There is in the same place, besides, a [20] temple of Dionysus, large and beautiful, in which, when the festival and sacrifice take place, it is said that a great blaze of fire is seen when the god is going to produce a good season, and that all those who are assembled round the sacred enclosure see it; when, however, he intends to cause unfruitfulness, this light is not seen, but darkness extends over the place, as during the other nights.

[25] 123 · In Elis they relate that there is a certain building about eight furlongs distant from the city, in which, at the festival of Dionysus, they place three empty copper cauldrons. Having done this, they request any of the Greeks staying in the city, who wishes, to examine the vessels, and to seal the doors of the house: then, [30] when they are about to open them, they point out the seals to the citizens and strangers first of all, before they do so. They on entering find the cauldrons full of wine, but the floor and the walls uninjured, so that it is impossible to entertain a suspicion that they accomplish this by some trick. Moreover, they say that among the same people there are kites, which snatch the meat from those who carry it [842b1] through the marketplace, but do not touch the flesh of the sacred victims.

[5] 124 · It is said that at Coronea in Boeotia moles cannot live, or dig up the ground, while the rest of Boeotia possesses a large number of them.

125 · At Lusi in Arcadia men say there is a certain spring in which field-mice are found and dive, passing their lives in it. The same thing is said to occur likewise at Lampsacus.

[10]126 · At Crannon in Thessaly they say there are only two crows in the city. When these have hatched their young, they depart from the place, as it appears, but leave behind as many others of their offspring.

[15] 127 · In Apollonia, which lies near to the country of the Taulantii, they say there is bitumen obtained by digging, and pitch springing up from the earth, in the same manner as springs of water, in no respect differing from that of Macedonia, except that it is naturally blacker and thicker than that. And not far from this place [20] there is a fire burning at all times, as those who dwell in the neighbourhood assert. The burning place, it appears, is not large, but about the size of the space occupied by five couches. This spot smells of sulphur and alum, and thick grass grows around, at which one would be most surprised, and also large trees, not four cubits distant [25] from the fire. Moreover, a fire burns constantly in Lycia and near Megalopolis in the Peloponnese.

128 · It is said also that among the Illyrians the cattle bring forth young twice in the year, and that most of them have twins, and that many goats bring forth three or four kids at a time, and some even five or more; and, besides, that they readily yield nine pints of milk. They say too that the hens do not lay merely once, as [30] among other nations, but twice or thrice in the day.

129 · It is said that the wild oxen in Paeonia are far larger than those that are found in other nations, and that their horns contain twenty-four pints, and those of some of them even more.

130 · Concerning the Sicilian Strait, apart from what many other writers [843a1] have written, this author states that a portentous occurrence takes place: the billows, he says, being carried with a loud whistling sound from the Tyrrhenian Sea, dash against both the promontories, that of Sicily and that of Italy, which is called [5] Rhegium, and being borne from a great sea are shut up in a narrow space; and when this occurs they raise the waves with a loud roar in mid-air to a very great height, as they dash upwards, so that the rising of the waters is visible to those who are far [10] away, not resembling the rising of the sea, but white and foaming, and similar to the sweeping movements which take place in excessively violent storms: and that sometimes the waves meet each other on both the promontories and produce a collision incredible in description, and unendurable for the eyes to behold; but at [15] other times parting, after dashing against each other, they show an abyss, so deep and horrible to those who are compelled to look on, that many are unable to restrain themselves, and fall, blinded with terror. But when the waves, after dashing on [20] either of the two places and being carried to the tops of the promontories, have descended again into the sea flowing beneath, then again with loud bellowing and great and swift eddies the sea boils up, and is lifted on high from the depths in confusion, and assumes alternately all kinds of hues, for it appears at one time dark, [25] at another blue, and often of a purplish colour: but no creeping thing can endure either to hear or to see the quick rush and length of this sea, and besides these its ebb, but all flee to the low-lying skirts of the mountains; but, when the heaving of the billows ceases, the eddies are borne on high, making such various twistings that [30] they seem to produce movements resembling the coils of presteres, or some other large snakes.

131 · Men say that, while the Athenians were building the temple of [843b1] Demeter at Eleusis, a brazen pillar was found surrounded with rocks, on which had been inscribed—‘This is the tomb of Deïope’, whom some state to have been the wife of Musaeus, others the mother of Triptolemus. [5]

132 · In one of the islands, called the islands of Aeolus, they say that a large number of palm-trees grow, whence it is also called ‘Palm-island’; therefore that could not be true which is asserted by Callisthenes, that the tree received its name from the Phoenicians, who inhabited the sea-coast of Syria. But some state that the [10] Phoenicians themselves received this name from the Greeks, because they, first of all sailing over the sea, slew and murdered all, wherever they landed. And moreover in the dialect of the Perrhaebians the verb ‘phoenixai’ means ‘to stain with blood’.

[15] 133 · In what is called the Aeniac district, in the neighbourhood of the city named Hypate, an old pillar is said to have been discovered; and the Aenianians, wishing to know to whom it belonged, as it had an inscription in ancient characters, sent certain persons to take it to Athens. But as they were proceeding through [20] Boeotia, and were communicating to some of their guest friends the object of their journey, it is said that they were conducted into the so-called Ismenium at Thebes; for there the meaning of the inscription could be most easily discovered, they said, adding that there were in that place some ancient dedicatory offerings having the forms of the letters similar to those of the one in question: whence they say that, [25] having found an explanation of the objects of their inquiry, from what was already known to them, they copied down the following lines:—

I Heracles offered the grove to the beaming goddess Cythera,

When I had Geryon’s herds, and Erytheia for spoil;

For with desire for her the goddess had vanquished my heart.

[30] But here my wife Erythe brings forth Erython as her offspring,

Nymph-born maid Erythe, to whom I yielded the plain,

Sacred memorial of love under the shade of the beech.

[844a1] With this inscription both that place corresponded, being called Erythus, and also the fact that it was from there, and not from Erytheia, that he drove away the cows; for they say that nowhere either in the parts of Libya or Iberia is the name of [5] Erytheia to be found.

134 · In the city called Utica in Libya, which is situated, as they say, on the gulf between the promontory of Hermes and that of Hippos, and about two hundred [10] furlongs beyond Carthage (now Utica also is said to have been founded by Phoenicians two hundred and eighty-seven years before Carthage itself, as is recorded in the Phoenician histories), men state that salt is obtained by digging at a depth of eighteen feet, in appearance white and not solid, but resembling the most sticky gum; and that when brought into the sun it hardens, and becomes like Parian [15] marble; and they say that from it are carved figures of animals, and utensils besides.

135 · It is said that those of the Phoenicians who first sailed to Tartessus, after importing to that place oil, and other small wares of maritime commerce, obtained for their return cargo so great a quantity of silver, that they were no longer able to keep or receive it, but were forced, when sailing away from those parts, to [20] make of silver not only all the other articles which they used, but also all their anchors.

136 · They say that the Phoenicians who inhabit the city called Gades, when they sail outside the Pillars of Heracles under an easterly wind for four days, [25] arrive at certain desolate places, full of rushes and seaweed, and that these places are not covered with water, whenever there is an ebb, but, whenever there is a flood, they are overflowed, and in these there is found an exceeding great number of tunnies, of a size and thickness surpassing belief, when they are stranded. These [30] they salt, pack up in vessels, and convey to Carthage. They are the only fish which the Carthaginians do not export; on account of their excellence for food, they consume them themselves.

137 · In the district of Pedasa in Caria a sacrifice is celebrated in honour of Zeus, at which they send in the procession a she-goat, with regard to which they say [844b1] that a marvellous thing occurs; for while it proceeds from Pedasa a distance of seventy furlongs, through a dense crowd of people looking on, it is neither disturbed in its progress, nor is turned out of the way, but, being tied with a rope, advances [5] before the man who holds the priesthood.

What is wonderful is that two crows stay continually about the temple of Zeus, while no other approaches the spot, and that one of them has the front part of its neck white.

138 · In the country of those Illyrians who are called Ardiaei, near the [10] boundaries separating them from the Antariates, they say there is a great mountain, and near this is a valley, from which water springs up, not at every season, but during the spring, in great abundance, which the people take, and keep during the day in a cellar, but during the night they set it in the open air. And, after they have done this for five or six days, the water congeals, and becomes the most [15] excellent salt, which they preserve especially for the sake of the cattle: for salt is not imported to them, because they live at a distance from the sea, and have no intercourse with others. They have therefore most need of it for their cattle; for they [20] supply them with salt twice in the year; but if they fail to do this, the result is that most of their cattle perish.

139 · In Argos they say there is a species of locust which is called the scorpion-fighter; for, as soon as it sees a scorpion, it attacks him, and likewise the [25] scorpion attacks it. It chirps as it goes round him in a circle. The other, they say, raises his sting, and turns it round against his adversary in the same spot; then he gradually lets his sting drop, and at last stretches himself out altogether on the ground, while the locust runs round him. At last the locust approaches and devours him. They say that it is good to eat the locust as an antidote against the scorpion’s [30] sting.

140 · They say that the wasps in Naxos, when they have tasted the flesh of the viper (and its flesh, as it appears, is agreeable to them), and when they have afterwards stung any one, inflict so much pain, that their sting seems more dangerous than that of the vipers.

[845a1] 141 · They say that the Scythian poison, in which that people dips its arrows, is procured from the viper. The Scythians, it would appear, watch those that are just bringing forth young, and take them, and allow them to putrefy for some days. But when the whole mass appears to them to have become sufficiently rotten, [5] they pour human blood into a little pot, and, after covering it with a lid, bury it in a dung-hill. And when this likewise has putrefied, they mix the sediment, which is of a watery nature, with the corrupted blood of the viper, and thus make it a deadly poison.

[10] 142 · At Curium in Cyprus they say there is a species of snake, which has similar power to that of the asp in Egypt, except that, if it bites in the winter, it produces no effect, whether from some other reason, or because when congealed with cold the reptile loses its power of movement, and becomes completely powerless, unless it be warmed.

[15] 143 · In Ceos they say there is a species of wild pear of such a kind that, if any one be wounded by its thorn, he dies.

144 · In Mysia they say there is a white species of bears, which, when they are hunted, emit a breath of such a kind as to rot the flesh of the dogs, and likewise of other wild beasts, and render them unfit for food. But, if any one approaches [20] them with violence, they discharge, it appears, from the mouth a very great quantity of phlegm, which the animal blows upon the faces of the dogs, and of the men as well, so as to choke and blind them.

145 · In Arabia they say there is a certain kind of hyaena, which, when it [25] sees some wild beast, before being itself seen, or steps on the shadow of a man, produces speechlessness, and fixes them to the spot in such a way that they cannot move their body; and it is said that they do this in the case of dogs also.

146 · In Syria they say there is an animal, which is called the lion-killer; for the lion, it seems, dies, whenever he eats any of it. He does not indeed do this [30] willingly, but rather flees from the animal; but when the hunters, having caught and roasted it, sprinkle it, like white meal, over some other animal, they say that the lion, after tasting it, dies on the spot. This animal injures the lion even by making water upon it.

147 · It is said also that vultures die from the smell of unguents, if any one [845b1] anoints them, or gives them something smeared with an unguent to eat: likewise they say that beetles also die from the smell of roses.

148 · They say that both in Sicily and Italy the star-lizards have a deadly [5] bite, and not like those among ourselves a weak and soft bite: moreover that there is a sort of mouse, which flies at people, and, when it bites, causes them to die.

149 · In Mesopotamia, a region of Syria, and at Istrus, they say that there are certain little snakes, which do not bite the people of the country, but do great [10] injury to strangers.

150 · At the Euphrates they say that this especially happens; for that many are seen about the edges of the river, swimming also towards either bank; so that while seen in the evening on this side, at daybreak they appear on the other side; and that they refrain from biting such of the Syrians as are taking their repose, but do not spare the Greeks. [15]

151 · In Thessaly they say that the snake which is called sacred destroys all persons, not merely if it bites, but even if it touches them; and so when it appears (but it appears rarely), and they hear its voice, both serpents and vipers, and all the [20] other wild beasts flee. It is not large, but of a moderate size. In the city of Tenos in Thessaly they say it was once destroyed by a woman, and that its death happened in the following manner:—The woman, having described a circle and put the charms in it, entered into the circle, herself and her son, and then imitated the hissing of the [25] beast; it answered the sound of her voice and approached; but, while it was hissing, the woman fell asleep, and the more profoundly, the closer it approached, so that she could not overcome the power of sleep: but her son, sitting beside her, aroused her by striking her, as she had bidden him to do, saying that, if she fell asleep, both [30] she and he would perish, whereas if she used force, and drew the animal towards her, they would be saved. But the snake, when it came up to the circle, immediately withered away.

152 · It is said that near Tyana there is water sacred to Zeus Horcios—they call it Asbamaeon—whose spring rises very cold, but boils up like caldrons. This [846a1] water is sweet and propitious to those who observe their oaths; but punishment follows on the heels of the perjured; for it falls upon their eyes, hands, and feet, and they are seized with dropsies and consumptions; and it is not even possible to get away beforehand, but they are held on the spot, and lament beside the water, [5] confessing the perjuries they have committed.

153 · At Athens they say that the sacred branch of the olive tree in one day buds and increases, but quickly shrinks together again.

154 · When the craters in Etna once burst forth, and the lava was carried hither and thither over the land like a torrent, the deity honoured the race of the [10] pious; for when they were hemmed in on all sides by the stream, because they were bearing their aged parents on their shoulders, and were trying to save them, the stream of fire, having come near to them, was cleft asunder, and turned aside one [15] part of the flame in this direction, another in that, and preserved the young men unharmed, along with their parents.

155 · It is said that the sculptor Phidias, while constructing the Athene in the Acropolis, carved his own face in the centre of her shield, and connected it by an [20] imperceptible artifice with the statue, so that, if any one wished to remove it, he must necessarily break up and destroy the whole statue.

156 · They say that the statue of Bitys in Argos killed the man who had caused the death of Bitys, by falling upon him while he was looking at it. It appears therefore that such events do not happen at random.

[25] 157 · Men say that dogs pursue wild beasts only to the summits of the so-called Black Mountains, but turn back when they have pursued them as far as these.

[30] 158 · In the river Phasis it is related that a rod called the ‘White-leaved’ grows, which jealous husbands pluck, and throw round the bridal-bed, and thus preserve their marriage from adultery.

159 · In the Tigris they say there is a stone found, called in the barbarian language Modon, with a very white colour, and that, if any one possesses this, he is not harmed by wild beasts.

160 · In the Scamander they say a plant grows, called the Rattle, resembling [35] a chick-pea, and that it has seeds that shake, from which fact it has obtained its name: those who possess it (so it is said) fear neither demon nor apparition of any kind.

161 · In Libya there is a vine, which some people call mad, that ripens some [846b1] of its fruit, others it has like unripe grapes, and others in blossom, and this during a short time.

162 · On Mount Sipylus they say there is a stone like a cylinder, which, when pious sons have found it, they place in the sacred precincts of the Mother of [5] the Gods, and never err through impiety, but are always affectionate to their parents.

163 · On Mount Taÿgetus (it is said) there is a plant called the love-plant, which women in the beginning of spring fasten round their necks, and are loved more passionately by their husbands.

[10] 164 · Othrys is a mountain of Thessaly, which produces serpents that are called Rotters, which have not a single colour, but always resemble the place in which they live. Some of them have a colour like that of land snails, while the scales of others are of a bright green; but all of them that dwell in the sands become like these in colour. When they bite they produce thirst. Now their bite is not rough and [15] fiery, but malicious.

165 · When the dark-coloured adder copulates with the female, the female during the copulation bites off the head of the male; therefore also her young ones, as though avenging their father’s death, burst through their mother’s belly. [20]

166 · In the river Nile they say that a stone like a bean is produced, and that, if dogs see it, they do not bark. It is beneficial also to those who are possessed by some demon; for, as soon as it is applied to the nostrils, the demon departs. [25]

167 · In the Maeander, a river of Asia, they say that a stone is found, called by contradiction ‘sound-minded’; for if one throws it into any one’s bosom he becomes mad, and kills some one of his relations.

168 · The rivers Rhine and Danube flow towards the north, one passing the Germans, the other the Paeonians. In the summer they have a navigable stream, but [30] in the winter they are congealed from the cold, and form a plain over which men ride.

169 · Near the city of Thurium they say there are two rivers, the Sybaris and the Crathis. Now the Sybaris causes those that drink of it to be timorous, while the Crathis makes men yellow-haired when they bathe in it. [35]

170 · In Euboea there are said to be two rivers; the sheep that drink from one of them become white—it is called Cerbes; the other is the Neleus, which makes them black.

171 · Near the river Lycormas it is said that a plant grows, which is like a [847a1] lance, and is most beneficial in the case of dim sight.

172 · They say that the fountain of Arethusa at Syracuse in Sicily is set in motion every five years.

173 · On Mount Berecynthius it is said that a stone is produced called ‘the [5] Sword’, and if any one finds it, while the mysteries of Hecate are being celebrated, he becomes mad, as Eudoxus affirms.

174 · On Mount Tmolus it is said that a stone is produced like pumice-stone, which changes its colour four times in the day; and that it is only seen by maidens who have not yet attained to years of discretion.

175 · On the altar of the Orthosian Artemis it is said that a golden bull [847b1] stands, which bellows when hunters enter the temple.

176 · Among the Aetolians it is said that moles see, but only dimly, and do not feed on the earth, but on locusts.

[5] 177 · They say that elephants are pregnant during the space of two years, while others say during eighteen months; and that in giving birth they suffer hard labour.

178 · They say that Demaratus, the pupil of the Locrian Timaeus, having fallen sick, was dumb for ten days; but on the eleventh, having slowly come to his senses after his delirium, he declared that during that time he had lived most [10] agreeably.