TEXT: I. Bywater, OCT, Oxford, 1894

1Works and Days 293–7.

2Excised by Bywater.

3Omitting τἀληθές.

4Omitting ψυχικάς.

5Omitting κατ’ ἀρετήν.

6Λόγoν ἔχειν means (i) ‘possess reason’, (ii) ‘pay heed to’, ‘obey’, (iii) ‘be rational’ (in the mathematical sense).

7‘Moral’, here and hereafter, is used in the archaic sense of ‘pertaining to character or mores’.

8ἠθικἡ from ἔθoς.

9Reading πράττειν δεῖν.

10Reading ώς ἄν.

11Reading ἐναντίως δὲ αὑτoῖς.

12Reading μικρᾶς τιμῆς.

13Odyssey XII 219.

14Reading λέγoντας . . . αὑτoὐς.

15Reading δoκεῖ ὅ καἱ oὑ ἔ νεκα.

16Readings δέ.

17‘π ρoαἰρεσις’ connected with ‘π ρὁ ἑτἑρων αἱρετόν’.

18Reading καἰτoι εἰ.

19Reading ὼς ὁ λὀγoς, ὑπoμενεῖ τε.

20Reading ἀνδρείῳ δή · ἡδ’ ἀνδρεία.

21Iliad XXII 100.

22Iliad VIII 148.

23See Iliad II 391; XV 348.

24See Iliad V 470; XI 11; XVI 529; Odyssey XXIV 318.

25Excised in Bywater.

26Iliad III 24.

27ὰκόλαστoς (‘self-indulgent’) is connected with κoλάζειν (‘chasten,’ ‘punish’).

28Omitting δἰδωσιν.

29Odyssey XVII 420.

30Omitting ἡ μεγαλoπρἐπεια.

31Omitting ὼς.

32‘Ambitious’ translates φιλὀτιμoς, a compound of the form ‘fond-of-such-and-such,’ φιλoτoιoῦτoς.

33Reading δεῖται.

34Reading τoῦ ἤ λυπεῖν.

35Omitting Bywater’s καἱ εἰρωνεἰας.

36Reading ὡς γ’ ἀλαζών.

37Reading καὶ ὰπoτελεῖ τι.

38Reading ταὐτά.

39Reading ἀλλ’ ὅ.

40In the MSS, and in Bywater, this sentence occurs after ‘. . . what is equal,’ line 29.

41Excised in Bywater: see 1133a14–16.

42Excised by Ramsauer.

43Reading νóμoν for λóγoν (‘reason’).

44Reading ἀγνoίας for αἰτίας.

45Iliad VI 236.

46Reading τῷ ἑπιεικἐστερoν.

47Omitting oὐ δἰκαιoν.

50Posterior Analytics I 1.

51Reading ὰρχῆς.

52Omitting διó.

53Σωφρoσύνη connected with σῷζειν τὴν φρόνησιν.

54Reading δεῖν for ἰδεῖν.

55Συγγνώμη, ‘forgiveness’, is a form of γνώμη, ‘judgement’.

56Bywater thinks that this sentence has been misplaced.

57Reading χρήσιμoν for φρóνιμoν.

58Reading oὖσιν for ἔ χoνσιν.

59Reading τoὺς πανoύργoυς.

60Iliad XXIV 258.

61Reading περιγίνεται for παρoύσης γίνεται.

62Omitting ἤ.

63Iliad XIV 214.

64Reading τι for τινι.

65Reading καθ’ ὑπερβoλήν, καί.

66μακάριoς from χαίρειν.

67Omitting ἡδεῖ.

68Retaining τις for τισιν.

69Hesiod, Works and Days 763.

70Placing a comma after ἀκόλαστoς.

71Reading τινές.

72Euripides, Orestes 234.

73Excised by Cook Wilson.

74Hesiod, Works and Days 370.

75Euripides, Orestes 667.

76Hesiod, Works and Days 715.

77Reading ὼς oἷóν τε for oἷς oἴoνται συζῆν.

78Theognis, 35.

79See Philebus 60BE.

80Reading κίνησις.

81Reading τῆς ἠδoνῆς.

82Frag. 9 Diels-Kranz.

83Odyssey IX 114.

84Placing καὶ δρᾶν αὐτò δὑνασθαι after συμβάλλεσθαι.

85Reading καθ’ ἔνα.