Chapter Fifteen

Before Michael could go greet Rydell and Janis, Olivia yanked his hand. "Follow me," she insisted, ducking her head, heading toward the pub stairway.

Dank earth met her nostrils. She stepped underneath the steps and closer to the building so as not to be seen. Michael leaned next to her.

"Why are we hiding?" he asked, his hot breath on her ear.

She turned to whisper back. "I want to observe how they interact together without us. Did you see that hug Court gave Janis? Gave me the creeps!" Olivia held her finger to her lips. Rydell and Janis made their way up the slatted stairs and stopped right above Michael and Olivia’s hiding spot beneath.

Olivia looked up, pointing to what she saw. The space between the steps revealed Cox’s and Jets's legs, stepping close together. Her stomach lurched.

He's got his arm around Janis.

Olivia caught her breath as Janis Jets stumbled on the stairway. "Watch out, you big lug. I nearly fell," came Jets's voice.

Cox grunted, giving Janis a little shove. "We haven't even started drinking yet. You're a little off balance tonight, sweet cakes."

Ugh. Sweet cakes. Why does Janis put up with that nonsense?

Olivia inhaled sharply as Janis stumbled again, her knee landing on the stair ahead.

"Ouch," she cried. "I'm sure clumsy."

For just a moment, as Janis leaned into her knee, her stark gaze darted between the slats of the stairs, staring straight at Olivia and Michael. She winked at them before Cox jerked her back to her feet.

"I've got it now," Janis assured her companion, her voice slightly slurred. The couple continued toward the pub entrance.

Court came next. Right behind Janis and Rydell, he waited for Janis to catch her balance and then let out an exasperated sigh. "I wish you two would stop making a spectacle of yourselves. Get going. We have to talk inside."

After all three had made it up the stairway and through the pub entrance, Olivia drew a deep breath.

"That was a close one," Michael muttered. "Did you see the wink? I guess Janis knew we were hiding here.”

"I'm going to text Janis so she knows we're not coming. I don't want to be seen in the pub with that group," admitted Olivia. Her fingers tapped the phone and then she pressed Send.

"We're putting her in a difficult situation, alone with Cox and Rydell."

"She's not alone in a crowded pub, plus she's a cop. She can handle this. Plus her behavior is confusing me. I don't trust her right now, and I'm worried she's gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd. Maybe she's been lonely and she just fell for the first guy—"

When Michael didn't say anything, Olivia continued, "I wanted to tell you earlier, Janis is interviewing for a new job."

Michael's body grew very still. "Say what?"

"She's interviewing with the Riverside Police Department. She told me she doesn't fit in Lily Rock anymore."

"I don't believe it. Janis wouldn't do that to us. She's been the officer in charge for as long as I can remember. Right out of the academy she took an assignment in Lily Rock. The job wasn't the first choice on anyone's list except for Janis."

"I saw the interview letter. It's for real," insisted Olivia.

"I take your word for it. But I have trouble wrapping my mind around her applying for another job anywhere except Lily Rock."

"It's not for sure yet," Olivia said, "but until it’s definite one way or the other, I want to steer clear of drinks at the pub and the rest. I don't want to be the one to spill the beans by accident."

"So you want to turn around and go home?"

"When I saw the helicopter and Simon Court, I wanted to run. He's another one who gets under my skin. The first time I saw him was at the constabulary when he tried to bully Janis into filing a complaint against one of the Tone Rangers. And then today? He trapped me in his helicopter and threatened to hurt Sage. Plus I'm completely convinced the whole helicopter chat was about making it quite clear that I could be silenced with a slight shove into the abyss."

Michael's body tensed. "Did you tell Janis?"

"No, but I did tell Cayenne."

Michael pulled Olivia closer. "You have failed miserably. I'm not just alarmed, I’m plenty angry. If you have to keep temping, why not somewhere, anywhere other than the constabulary?" She heard the harshness in his voice. "Tell me more about the complaint incident at the constabulary. Maybe there's something in that first encounter that will pin down Court's motive. I think he pushed Dave over the cliff. He's my number one suspect."

"Simon Court is certainly the most menacing. Even that first time, he demanded justice for his daughter, but it felt like he had another agenda for wanting to file a complaint. It felt like a test to see if Janis would cooperate. She didn't, by the way. She delayed him long enough there's been no more mention of the slapping incident, especially since Dave's death."

Olivia took a deep breath. "I want to go home, at least for a few hours. I want to check in with Sage most of all. Then I can go back to the dorm for another night. Just one more look to make sure they're off the stairway and then we can go."

Olivia ducked her head, making her way out from under the stairway. Standing up straight, she heard laughter pouring from the outdoor patio, the voices of people enjoying each other's company, along with the occasional clank of silverware against dishes. The smell of barbecue on the grill from the back of the pub kitchen made her smile. She inhaled deeply before reaching for Michael's hand.

Michael didn't need any more encouragement. He planted a swift kiss on her upturned lips. "Done and done. Let's get out from under here and then I'll drive us to your house. I'll hang around for as long as you want."

They walked silently to the truck, Olivia glancing back over her shoulder once when laughter from the pub caught her attention. When they reached his vehicle, she pulled him closer.

Olivia wrapped her arms around Michael's middle, giving herself to his warm embrace. He held her for several minutes, bending his face toward her soft hair. "You smell good," he told her, inhaling deeply. "What kind of shampoo are you using?"

Olivia pulled back with a laugh.

"I want to know everything about you," he explained. "I find you infinitely fascinating."

Olivia leaned away to ruffle the back of her hair, fluffing it off her neck with one hand. "That's me, a never-ending source of fasc-in-ation." She fluffed her hair again and then patted her head.

"It smells much better out here than under those stairs," she told him. Michael unlocked the passenger side of the truck and helped her in. He walked behind the truck to unlock the driver's side, lifting himself into the seat with ease. "Okay then, we're heading home."

"I'm going to give Sage a call," said Olivia, reaching for her cell.

Michael nodded his agreement, starting up the truck.

"Hello?" came her sister's voice.

"Hey, honey. Are you home?"

"I'm still in my office," Sage sighed. "But I've been getting some paperwork done and answering questions from parents about Dave's death. Hopefully Janis will find her killer soon so that we can get back to our academic schedule."

"You are my she-roe," Olivia said, trying to be encouraging. "Michael is here with me and we wondered if you would like to hang out for a bit. It's been over a week since the three of us got together, what with you working so hard."

"I would love that. Let me wrap this up at the office and I'll be home in fifteen."

"See you there." Olivia smiled as she clicked off her cell.

"Feel better now that you've connected with Sage?" Michael asked.

"I really do. It's just so odd and I worry about her. That admission office gives me the creeps since Rydell Cox moved in. Then when he won Janis over and she set up her office next to his, I felt like Sage got pushed out of her own space."

"I see," Michael answered as he navigated the winding roads back to Olivia and Sage's house. "We can ask her how she feels and check out her impression of Janis and Rydell."

As they drove down the gravel driveway toward the house, Michael reached over to hold Olivia's hand.

This is gonna be a thing, the hand holding. I kind of like it.

He only dropped her hand when she got out of the truck. Together they made their way to the front door, where Olivia pulled out her key. Once inside the house, she punched in the alarm code, and the incessant beep stopped.

"I'm going to look for a beer, want anything?" Michael offered.

He feels at home here.

"Sparkling water with a squeeze of lime," Olivia called out. Then she shouted, "Sage is driving up. Better make that two beers."

When Sage walked in the front door, Michael handed her a cold bottle right from the refrigerator. "Want to sit outside?" he suggested.

Sage dropped her briefcase and took the beer. Then she gave Olivia a sideways hug. "Give me a minute to change clothes and I'll meet you guys on the deck." After a long sip she walked toward her bedroom, the bottle held by her side in one hand.

Once outside Michael adjusted the deck chairs and turned on the heater. "It's getting a little chilly in the evenings," he commented. "You got that sweater wardrobe all ready?"

"I've got sweaters galore," Olivia said, dragging a table in front of the chair so that everyone could put their feet up and look out at Lily Rock.

Sitting down, she looked out over the forest at the pine trees, stately and quiet. One lone caw from a crow echoed in the twilight. Michael walked back inside the house.

Closing her eyes, Olivia listened. She heard Sage step through the doorway onto the deck. Rising up in her chair she called out, "Hey, sis. What a beautiful evening."

Sage gave Olivia's cheek a peck and then sat down in an empty chair with a fresh bottle of beer in her hand.

In a minute Michael arrived with crackers and sliced cheese. He'd arranged them in circles on a worn cutting board. Nudging the remaining chair with his foot, he sat down and placed the board on the table so that everyone could reach. Sage sat up to be the first to grab a snack.

"You two are the best. I so needed to get away from that hullabaloo at the academy."

"We met the new admissions director," Michael said as he settled back into the chair next to Olivia.

"Apparently he's besties with Magic Johnson," Olivia added.

Sage made a face and then took another sip of beer. "I still can't believe he's dating Janis."

Both Michael and Olivia nodded.

"I think Rydell rented a house over in the Pine Creek area, where Janis's house is. A lot of our faculty live there, a bit away from the campus but an easy commute."

"That makes sense," Olivia added. "I can see why faculty doesn't live on the campus, except for the dorm supervisor." Olivia looked over at Sage. "But what I really want to know is, how are things going with Rydell Cox?"

Sage took another sip of beer. "He's hard to figure. I had that immediate dislike of him the first time we met."

"I did too," agreed Olivia. "He doesn't fit with the Lily Rock Music Academy tradition of being laid back. He doesn't even dress the part. Plus he's busy trying to impress people with his car and name dropping. I just feel uneasy around him. Maybe he pushed Dave after a heated discussion. Do we know his alibi for the time of death?"

She continued, her voice growing more heated. "I'm thinking Simon Court either helped or did the job himself. Those two meeting at the pub gave me the creeps."

"Gave you the creeps?" Sage said. "How about you work with Cox right next door? He's the worst, always lingering in my office, leaning over my shoulder at the copy machine. When Janis's door is partially closed, he touches me on the back for no reason and then looks to see if she's watching."

"Very creepy," said Olivia.

"The creepiest," added Michael.

All three stared into the woods, sighing collectively.

Olivia swirled the ice cubes in her glass, flicking the lime wedge off the side into the remaining sparkling water. "So now that we've agreed on Cox, I agree with you two. I'm back to thinking it may be Court. He is more than creepy. He's diabolical the way he shows up in that helicopter."

Oops, I didn't tell Sage about Court's threats.

"What’s going on with the helicopter?" asked Sage.

By the time Olivia told her the whole story, Sage had finished her second beer. Even in the dark Olivia could see tears forming in her eyes.

Sage spoke in a low voice. "Court wants me out, Olivia. He's so menacing and I don't want to put you in danger just because of my stubborn refusal to quit a job."

"That's just what he wants!" Olivia said firmly. "He'll win if you resign, and then what will happen to all of those kids who aren't Tone Rangers? The students who want to get a fine arts education and attend good enough colleges?"

Sage inhaled deeply. "I feel like my job is being stolen right out from under me. Court acts like he's in charge of the whole school. He pops in and out whenever he wants, not like the other parents. Plus he’s always talking with Cookie in the kitchen. That worries me. He's got Rydell Cox in his pocket and now Cookie."

"Do you think Cookie is part of Court's plan to take over the Lily Rock academy?" asked Michael.

Olivia paused to consider her next words. "I like Cookie. I do. But he hangs out with the wrong people. I saw him and Cox in the park a couple of days ago. Two of the Tone Rangers saw Cookie and Dave talking at the very spot Dave was pushed over the cliff."

"He was pushed over?" Sage's eyes grew wide. "That's been established?"

"That's why we wanted to talk to you," Michael said, setting down his empty beer bottle next to his chair. "Before Cox interrupted our dinner with Janis, she shared information from the coroner's report. And then before we could talk about our next moves, Cox's car alarm went off and interrupted our plan of action. It was as if he were listening in somehow and deliberately made a scene. After that Janis seemed totally distracted and blind to the investigation."

Remembering Janis falling on the stairway, Olivia added, "And she's hanging all over Cox, stumbling around as if she's been day drinking."

"What are you saying?" exclaimed Sage. "That is not the Janis Jets I know."

"So finding Dave's killer is up to us then," Michael said.

Olivia glanced toward Sage. "The three of us can work together."

Michael looked at both women, then away. His words came out slowly. "Let Janis do what she does with the police department while the three of us figure out why anyone would want to kill a good guy like Dave Franco."

Now we're talking. We don't need Janis. Sage is our third. She's a good observer and she has the most to lose if we don't find the killer before the parents revolt.

"Hey, we're the newly revised three musketeers." Olivia raised her glass for a toast. Michael and Sage raised their empty beer bottles in agreement.

Michael stood up and turned to Sage. "If we're going to be a team, then another beer is in order. You want one?" he asked Sage.

"I've had enough," Sage said. "I need to have a clear head for work." She sat back in her seat, lifting her feet to the table. "Is this okay, if I put my feet up here?"

"That's what the table is for," Olivia assured her.

Michael gathered Olivia's empty glass before heading to the kitchen.

When he returned with his second beer and a sparkling water, he paused before closing the glass door. M&M trotted right past to sit in front of Sage's feet.

"Look who I found," Michael said, handing Olivia her drink.

"He's been shadowing me everywhere," said Sage, reaching down to pat M&M's head.

The dog walked behind Sage's chair, past Olivia's, to sit next to Michael.

"Hey, buddy," Michael said, running his hand into the curly dog fur on Mayor Maguire's chest.

"M&M is our D'Artagnan, the fourth musketeer," said Olivia.

The dog smiled at Olivia. He then stood to make three turns, flopping down on the warm wood. He closed his eyes, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

It was Sage, not Michael, who drove Olivia back to the Lily Rock Music Academy. They left him in the kitchen putting away glasses and dishes.

"I'm not sure I can handle the pressure of this job anymore," Sage admitted to Olivia. "I want to stay because of the students, but maybe the music academy is changing and it would be best for me to go gracefully."

"I think you should talk to the school board first. They're the ones who hire and fire people. As far as I know your job description hasn't changed for the past five years. You've built up the school and provided funding for the new performance center. Don't forget the renovated dormitory and cafeteria. How could they just dump you after all of that?"

Sage shook her head. "Don't forget Court had himself placed on the advisory board just this past summer. He's got clout and he doesn't care about me or anyone else except his daughter."

"I know he claims to care about Abbey, but why wouldn't he just go away as soon as she goes to college? She'd be at her fancy university and then he could leave us alone."

"We can always hope," Sage said, pulling into the student housing parking lot. "Here you go." Sage stopped in front of the dormitory. "I'm going to park by the admissions office and work a couple more hours before heading home. Thanks for getting me out of my rut. I loved chatting with you and Michael."

Olivia leaned over to give Sage a peck on the cheek. "Love you."

She closed the passenger side door of the old truck, waving goodbye to Sage.

That night Olivia lay on the bed in her dorm room. Unable to sleep, she considered what she knew and what she did not.

What is the connection between Rydell Cox and Simon Court? Did they know each other before? And even though I like Cookie, is he somehow involved with the other two?

Olivia closed her eyes. In order to fall asleep she thought about her breathing. Inhale, exhale. For a moment she felt her thoughts let go but then she became aware of voices in the hallway.

A door banged shut. Someone called out, "Goodnight." Opening one eye she saw the hallway sensor light flick off.