Hanging Up My High Heels for a New Life in France
Karen Wheeler
Copyright © Karen Wheeler 2009
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Which Way to Portsmouth?
The House That Found Me
Full Moon
Let My New Life Begin… Camping Out
Moving In
Lonely in La Rochelle
Patisserie and Poetry
Word Games
Miranda's Birthday
Pink Cocktails in Paris Progress
The Antiques Dealer of Angouleme
The Long, Graceful Goodbye
Pie Night
A Minx in Anzac
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
The Bridge to the Île de Ré
Note From the Author
There are several villages called Villiers in France, but my village in the Poitou-Charentes is not one of them. I have changed names and details throughout the book in order to protect the innocent (and the not so innocent) and have occasionally embellished facts for the same reason.