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The men stood outside the burnt remains of the Delant house. Each was clad in solid black from head to toe. The first was about six feet tall, and a little on the hefty side. He stood slightly apart from the others, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. The second man stood a short 5’5”, but his clothing fit to utter perfection. He made sure that what he lacked in height, he made up in strength. The third man stood in the middle, and at 6’4”, was the tallest, with broad shoulders and a trim waist. The fourth and fifth men had oddly similar bodies, both 6’2” and of medium build. From behind, they were often mistaken for twins. At their feet laid an unconscious Jasmine, her wrists, and feet bound together. Her mouth gagged and around her neck was a bright gold necklace like the one Sasha wore. They were not able to search the tunnels for the missing girls. In their hurry to get in, they caused a number of the tunnels to cave in.
“Boss...” the second man said to the third, “We should get out of here before someone comes to visit this place.”
“Visit?” the fourth man scoffed. “Who would visit this late in the evening? It’s time for this sleepy little town to go to bed. We’ve watched this house all week, listened to all the phone calls, no one is coming here for a while. We could hang out here all night if we wanted to,” he laughed.
“That’s what we thought, and the other little girl showed up. We shouldn’t risk it,” the second guy reasoned.
“Squirt, just chill out. Stressing will stunt your growth – well, stunt it more...” the fourth guy laughed at his own joke.
The boss rolled his eyes at his men before clearing his throat to gain their attention. “He’s right. We need to move. Just because there was nothing planned, doesn’t mean they won't get a visitor. We lost the other one and we have another witness; we cannot afford the risk of anyone showing up and losing her.” He kicked at Jasmine's feet.
“What do we tell them about the other two?” the second man questioned.
“The truth – they escaped. To where, I have no idea, but we have her and we can let them get the rest of the information out of her.”
“We still get paid the full amount, right?” the fifth man asked. He never cared what the job was, as long as it paid well.
“I doubt it, but we got the one they truly wanted. The other one is not as important.” he reached down and picked up Jasmine and threw her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing.
The sound of an approaching car’s engine set them on edge, they would not be alone for much longer. They disappeared into the shadows of the forest. Bright beams of the car's headlights illuminated the road.
The driver, Susan Comesto, was a beautiful woman. She had striking ice-blue eyes and short wavy brown hair just a shade darker than her sun-kissed skin. She slammed on her breaks at the sight of the house.
It was gone... the house was gone; burned to the ground. Only the bones – the beams and foundation – remained.
“What happened?” she gasped climbing out of the car and took a few steps forward. “Jasmine! Sasha!” she called into the darkness. “Guys are you out there?” she walked up to the steps and scanned the area, but in this darkness, there was no way she was ever going to see anything. She ran back into her car jumped in, pulled out her phone, and called for the Enforcers.
It took five long minutes for three Enforcer cars and one Fire Control truck to drive up the long driveway. They slammed on their breaks seeing the state of the house. The members exited, their faces fixed on the destroyed Delant Home. They made their way past Susan and started to check out the home.
Susan exited her car once she saw Robert Walsh, Head Enforcer of the small town of Blanton, climbed out of his car.
“What happened?” he asked once he reached her. His Enforcers staring up to the house and setting up the perimeter.
“I don’t know,” she shook her head. “I just got here, I spoke to Jasmine earlier today. She invited me over for dinner...but I didn’t think I would make it, I was busy finishing a deadline for work.”
“But you decided to come anyway?” he questioned.
“I finished earlier than expected so I figured I would come by for a bit to hang out. It’s the weekend so no need to wake up early tomorrow, but I got here to this,” she gestured to the ruined house.
“Did you see any smoke on your drive up here?”
“She wouldn’t have.” Fred Johnson, a seasoned Fire Control member joined them.
“Excuse me if I’m wrong but the house burned to the ground, there would have been smoke.” Robert turned to him.
“Is the smell of smoke still lingering in the air? No. A fire large enough to take down this house to this state, would have taken hours. The wood would still be hot to the touch but it’s not. That could only happen if the fire was started by magic. I mean, I will have them test it but I’m very positive in my theory.”
“Are you sure?” Susan asked.
“Yes, I’ve seen a couple of these when teenagers start showing off their powers and lose control,” he explained.
“But neither Jasmine nor Sasha are magical. There’s no way they could start a magical fire, there has to be another explanation.” Susan reasoned.
“I don’t know what to say.” Fred rubbed his neck. “I guess that means someone else started it.”
Robert just shook his head. “Before we jump to any conclusion, test the wood to be sure how it started. We need more people here to help find the missing girls,” he said.
Fred nodded and went back to work. Robert headed back over to his car and called for reinforcements.
The team gathered back around Robert. The sounds of oncoming traffic resonated through the woods. Six more Enforcer patrol cars and two Fire Control trucks made their way to the house. Within a few minutes, a small crowd had gathered around Robert and Susan.
“Okay everyone, listen up! We have two missing women, Jasmine and Sasha Delant. We have a lot of land to search and no time to waste.” Robert said, taking the map from the newly arrived Enforcers and spreading it over the hood of his car. “We are going to break the farm into four quadrants, four people per quadrant. Walk side by side, keep your heads down. Look for any signs of struggle or disturbance. Anything that would show what direction the women might have gone.” He waited for them to nod in agreement. “We are right here,” he pointed to a spot on the map. “The closest river is about two miles away. They could have gone anywhere between here and there. We have not seen them on any of the main roads, so I am assuming they must have headed into the woods.”
“Susan,” Robert said, turning everyone’s attention to her. “I’m guessing Jasmine knows the land well?”
“Yeah,” Susan nodded. “She told me that when she first moved here with her husband Sam, they took walks in the surrounding area. When Sasha got older, they went on camping trips multiple times a year.”
“That’s good,” Robert smiled. “That means they have a better chance of surviving if we are not able to find them tonight.”
“But why would they head to the woods? They should have come straight to town,” Susan asked.
“It could have been the safer option. If this fire was caused by magic and neither girl had that power, it means someone else started this fire. The woods would have been their best bet for cover and safety.” Robert pointed out.
“Now, break up for the grid search.” Robert’s voice boomed, but was soon drowned out as the sounds of more sirens rang through the air. Additional Enforcer cars came up the driveway followed by another Fire Control truck.
It seemed as though the entire force was there, and they were not the only ones arriving. The townspeople of Blanton and the local news crew started to approach the house. Each trying to see what was happening at the normally quiet Delant farm. The arriving Enforcers and Fire Control officers exited their cars. They joined Robert and the others who were still leaning over the map on the hood of his car.
The news crew and the townspeople openly gaped at the ruined house.
“Dammit! How did the news find out about this?” Robert hissed. The last thing he needed was this getting out before he had any answers. “We need to push the barriers back keep them away from the house. I do not need anyone disturbing the scene. I do not care what they say – keep everyone behind the barrier.” He motioned to four Enforcers who had just arrived. They nodded and went to work keeping the curious town back.
“Everyone else get into groups and get started. We already lost the light and we cannot afford to waste any more time. I am going to try to appease their curiosity, and with luck most of them will go home.”
Robert turned and the Enforcers worked on pushing the barrier back. Between the house and the oncoming crowd. “Everyone listen up!” he yelled as the news crew turned their cameras to him. He ignored the bombarding questions ‘What happened?’ ‘Where are the Delant girls? ‘Are they alright?’
“I am only going to say this once. All that I am willing to report at this time is, there was a fire here at the Delant farm. We are currently investigating it as an accident and that is all. We need everyone to leave and allow us to do our job.” Robert made a blatant attempt to avoid Sara Giovanni’s eye. She was a reporter who had been a thorn in his side since he became Head Enforcer two years ago. He knew she was ambitious and more than willing to call his bluff, and this situation was no different.
“You expect us to believe this story, Head Enforcer Walsh? How about you tell us what is really going on here? If this was a simple accident, why are there multiple Fire Control trucks? The fire’s out. You have dozens of Enforcers doing what I believe is a classic grid search of the farm?” Sara asked. “Also a fire big enough to burn this house down would have created huge clouds of smoke. And I am pretty sure no one in this town saw that today. And here, right next to the house, I do not smell any burning embers. The only way that happens is if the fire had a magical start. It's obvious something bigger going on here. Why have we not seen the occupants of this house yet. So I ask you again, Head Enforcer Walsh. What is going on?”
Robert took a deep breath, taking a moment to calm his voice. “There is nothing more to report to you. Go home.” He walked away knowing he lost this round. Dealing with a nosey reporter was not what he needed to do right now, he needed to focus on what is here and why.
Susan looked around at the structured chaos. This is not how this day should have gone. The enforcers were searching the land, some of the more honorable townspeople were stepping up to help, and the news crew started their broadcast.
“Good Evening, I am Sara Giovanni coming to you live from the Small Delant farm. As you can see behind me, we are witnessing the aftermath of what seemed to be a magical fire. A fire that has completely destroyed the Delant home. Though while it has not yet been confirmed by the Enforcers, it’s clear to this reporter that Jasmine Delant and her daughter, Sasha, are missing. We will update you as more information becomes available.” The camera man signaled that the feed had been cut, and Sara tried to hide her smile as she thought gleefully, this story will make my career.
“Susan,” a small voice yelled, startling her out of her thoughts and she looked to the sound of the voice. There was Malia Bonta, a plump little lady who was always in everyone’s business in town.
“Yes, Ms. Bonta?” Susan answered, politely walking over. Ignoring the fact it was the last thing she wanted to do. She worked hard to never add to Malia’s ever-growing list of juicy gossip topics. That woman could talk you to death.
“Susan,” she said, grabbing her arm and pulling her close so she could keep her voice down. “You know the Lightworths. Well they went out of town this morning. I called them later today to make sure they arrived okay and they told me that their daughter, little Cassie, decided to stay home.” Susan sighed as Malia continued to talk about the one thing she truly did not care about at that moment.
“I’m sorry Ms. Bonta, but I do not have the time to talk about this. There are more important things I need to focus on right now.” Susan responded, snatching her arm back and trying to get away.
“No!” Malia screeched, resuming her hold. “That is what I am trying to say! She told me that Cassie was going to stay here with Sasha,” she finished in a huff. “If Jasmine and Sasha are missing, which we both know they are, so is Cassie – and no one is looking for her!”
“Oh, No!” Susan scanned the crowd for Robert and rushed to him. Someone needed to call Cassie parents before they saw this report on the news.
“Follow her... Follow her...” Sara hissed to the camera man, pointing him in Susan’s direction. “Something big just happened and I refuse to miss it.”
“Enforcer Robert!” Susan yelled to get his attention as she ran towards him. “Cassandra Lightworth was here as well,” she cried out once she was close enough to him.
“Are you sure?” The last thing Robert needed was another missing girl, and now he would have to make that phone call he hated.
“Yes. Malia Bonta talked to her parents earlier today. She said Cassie was staying here with the Delants while her parents were away.” Susan rushed out.
He hung his head and called over his most trusted Enforcer, George to come over.
“George, you are friends with the Lightworth family, right?”
“Yeah, but they are out of town this week,” George replied.
“It turns out that their daughter, Cassie, was here staying with Jasmine and Sasha. I need you to call them and ask if they have heard from Cassie. Get all the information you can before you tell them she is missing.”
George hesitated a moment before taking out his phone to call his old friends.
This was one call that Susan did not need to hear. She knew John and Cathy Lightworth, they were great people, and their family had been in this town for years. Cassie was their only child and everyone knew how close they were as a family.
This news was going to kill them.
Charles, a seasoned Fire Control member, made his way over to Robert after checking the remains of the house. “Robert,” he pulled him off to the side. “It seems like Fred’s initial assumption was correct. This was a magical fire. On the up side, we did not find any remains in the house, so we know they did escape.”
“Did any evidence survive?”
“Not anything we can see. Whoever did this knew what they were doing.”
“So we have nothing,” Robert surmised.
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” Charles rubbed the back of his neck. “This fire tells us something about the attackers. Controlling fire is a hard thing to do. That is why there are so many Fire Control members. Fire is a living element with a mind of its own. To create a fire from scratch is not hard. But to create enough to consume this entire house, you would definitely need more than one person. If I had to guess I would say at least maybe five or six strong magicals. A magical fire dies fast unless it is constantly fed. But it is draining; since you are using your own energy to fuel it. There had to be at least five to seven people here to finish the job without seriously hurting themselves. The group who did this was powerful.”
“Meaning someone did this on purpose.” Robert blew out a breath. “What were these girls mixed up in to land them here?” he wondered.
Charles nodded. “That’s my guess.”
“Who would want that?” Susan interjected. “They were the nicest women I have ever met. They don’t have any enemies,” she stressed.
“How long has Jasmine lived in this area?” Robert turned to Susan, who was barely keeping it together at this point.
“Right before Sasha was born. They moved here after her family died. I think it was a car crash in Iron Grove Cove. She told me they wanted a fresh start.”
“George,” Robert called, seeing he was off the phone. Not a good sign in his book. “I need you to head back to the station and call up the Enforcers in Iron Grove Cove. Find out everything you can about Jasmine Delant and get back to me as soon as possible.”
“What city?” George asked and both men turned to Susan for the answer. She mentally ran through every conversation she hand with Jasmine. Her eyes were darting back and forth as if she was trying to recall every word.
“I don’t know.” Susan shook her head. “Every time I asked, she changed the subject or avoided answering. I never thought much about it, I figured she didn’t want to talk about it because it was too painful.”
“Just start with the major cities and work your way down,” Robert ordered. “There has to be a record somewhere. It would have been around 16 years ago,” George nodded, headed to the car and back to the base.
Robert turned back to Susan. “I need you to go home,” he said, “There is nothing else for you to do here. We are going to continue searching through the night.”
“No,” Susan argued. “I want to help search. They are like my family, there is no way I could go home not knowing where they are.”
“There is nothing left for you to do here. If I find out anything, I promise that you will be the first person I call,” Robert said. Susan gave him a small smile and a tiny nod before heading to her car.
Robert gave her a wave as she got in. When she was out of sight, he stepped up onto the patio to address the crowd that continued to gather.
“Can I get your attention?” It took a minute for everyone to quiet down and turn their attention to Robert. “There is nothing left to see here. I understand that most of you know Jasmine and Sasha personally and are worried about their safety. As soon as we have any new information, we will let everyone know. Please go back home to your families.” Robert stepped down and went to join the other Enforcers search for the missing girls while the girls drove further from town