Chapter 29
Early the following morning, Maya and Sandra went down to join the other chaperones and students in the hotel dining room for the breakfast buffet before their last day of touring. They both opted for some fresh fruit, yogurt, and coffee and wandered over to a large round table in the corner where Fern was eating with Coach Cavill and Clancy. Fern’s back was to them, but they could see Cavill staring at her with a distasteful look on his face, the food on his plate untouched. Clancy, on the other hand, was scarfing down a bowl of oatmeal and raisins with gusto before moving on to a made-to-order omelette stuffed with all kinds of meat and cheeses. When Maya and Sandra arrived at the table to sit down in the two empty seats, they immediately noticed what had made Coach Cavill lose his appetite. There were big red splotches all over Fern’s face, neck, and bare arms. At the moment, she was madly scratching her left shoulder, which was covered in a rash of little red bumps.
“My God, Fern, what happened to you?” Sandra gasped, pushing her fruit and yogurt away from her, unable to eat.
“Hives,” Fern moaned. “They broke out all over my body last night, right about the time I found out Anton Volkov was being questioned by the FBI! I was up all night worrying, my heart was thumping like a war drum, and the itching has gotten even worse this morning!”
“You should see a doctor,” Maya advised, sipping her coffee.
Fern moved from scratching her shoulder to attacking her elbow, which was also covered in red bumps. “We are on an extremely tight schedule; there’s no time. I’ll make an appointment with my own doctor when we get home to Portland tomorrow.”
“Fern, no, you need to take care of this now,” Sandra said.
“I know how to take care of it. This is completely stress related, and once I get all these kids back home safe and sound tomorrow, I will be significantly less stressed and I am sure these hives will finally start to go away.”
“So you are just going to suffer until tomorrow?” Sandra asked.
Fern nodded, moving from her elbow to her right arm. “It’s not that painful; it’s just itchy, very, very itchy!”
“Fern, I don’t think you should wait until tomorrow; why don’t you cut the trip short and head home today? It’s only one day,” Sandra suggested. “The kids have seen and learned so much in the time they have been here, more than most people ever do; you have done a stupendous job. They’re going to remember this trip for the rest of their lives . . . but maybe now it’s time to go home.”
Fern shook her head, still violently scratching herself. “What? But we still have the Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Renwick Gallery and—”
“They can always come back with their families or on their own someday. You’ve already given them such an education on American history in everything you’ve already shown them. Do yourself a favor, please; just go home,” Sandra urged.
Fern looked to Coach Cavill, who shrugged. “I think they’re right. I know I’m ready. I was done after the Air and Space Museum.”
Clancy polished off his omelette and put his fork down. “All I need to do is gas up the bus and we can be on our way.”
Fern hesitated but was seriously tempted. “What about Anton? Those FBI agents who showed up at the door told me he’s a suspect in what happened to that poor intern.”
“They also know he’s a minor who needs adult supervision, which he will have back in Maine. They know where to find him if they have more questions.”
Fern finally stopped scratching. “You know what? I’m starting to feel better already.”
“Good,” Sandra said. “Then it’s settled.”
“I will make the announcement after breakfast, then give them a half hour to pack their bags so we can check out,” Fern said. She then glanced at her watch. “Can you all be ready to leave by nine thirty?”
Coach Cavill jumped to his feet. “Honestly, I’ve been ready ever since we pulled out of the school parking lot.” He turned to Maya and Sandra. “How about you, ladies?”
“We’re not going,” Maya announced.
“What do you mean you’re not going?” Fern asked as she resumed scratching her face, both cheeks at the same time.
Maya picked up a strawberry from her plate and tossed it in her mouth. “Sandra’s ex-husband needs our help, so we’re going to stick around and see this thing through.”
“But I promised Principal Williams I would deliver everybody home safely,” Fern whined.
“I’m sure she won’t have a problem with us staying behind, especially given the unfortunate circumstances,” Sandra said.
Coach Cavill looked deflated as he turned to Sandra. “But I was going to save you a seat on the bus next to me.”
Sandra ignored the comment. She was too distracted watching Ryan and Vanessa eating breakfast a few tables away with Anton and a couple of other students. She turned to Cavill. “Do me a favor though, Lucas. When Fern does the last head count before you leave, make doubly sure that my son Ryan’s butt is in his seat and he’s accounted for.”
“Vanessa too,” Maya added.
“Sure thing,” Coach Cavill said with a wink.
Sandra ignored that too, and he awkwardly walked away after mumbling something about brushing his teeth.
Sandra knew she had a major battle ahead with her son.
Ryan was not going to appreciate being shipped off home to Maine when his dad was in the midst of a monumental crisis. He had already made it loudly known he wanted to be here for him. But this wasn’t her first time at the rodeo. She knew things could get more complicated, even dangerous, and she was determined to keep Ryan out of it, whether he liked it or not.