Some of the stories in this collection originally appeared in slightly different versions in the following magazines and anthologies, to whose editors grateful acknowledgement is made:

“How to Make Paper When the World is Ending” in Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment; “Goosepimples” in Arroyo Literary Review and Redux; “How My Parents Fell in Love” in The Newport Review; “Frozen Windmills” in The Tishman Review; “How to Make Spinach-Artichoke Lasagna Three Weeks After Your Best Friend’s Funeral” in Your Impossible Voice; “Receiptless” in The Literati Quarterly, Flash Fiction Forum, and Play On Words; “The Man Who Lives in my Shower” in Zahir: A Journal of Speculative Fiction; “Tarzan” in Superstition Review; “Pieces” in The Santa Clara Review; “Sustenance” in The Mom Egg; “Dirt” in North Dakota Quarterly.