ONE DAY SOON, WE WILL STAND at the edge of a cliff, toes dangling, as the earth begins to collapse beneath our feet and we look to the depths into which we will fall. We know already we are being pushed to the very limits. In many ways, it's not our fault; we've been pushed here by generations addicted to the idea of progress, no matter what the costs, and who trained us as toddlers to swallow its extravagance whole. But now we must take responsibility, responsibility for things that aren't even our fault. Yes, it's unfair. Yes, it's an injustice. But we have two choices now: survival or suicide. It's just that simple.

The time is now to become our own eco-warriors. Not praise the ones out there or fantasize about our own internal eco-warrior. Instead, let's cross the lines, choose our tactics, and dive nose-first into the chaos.

The good news is there is a movement, some would even say a revolution, as the stories in this book testify. It's not a reincarnation of the 1970s environmental movement, but an entirely new movement of its own. It's as diverse in its tactics as it is in its voices. It's as global as global warming is. And it's surging in the so-called apathetic youth of the 21st century. Why? Because it comes down to that very question of survival. It's not the survival of future generations, as we've been told, but our own—and we know it. So we have to fight, fight for our lives.

But we won't be able to do it alone. As much as the stories in this book are of individuals who fought, they are also of groups of individuals who fought the battle with them. The reality is heroes don't win the revolutions. It is ordinary people doing the extraordinary. And it takes all of us to battle for the changes that need to be made. Gandhi himself was not victorious alone but because of the people that stood beside him. Therefore, we cannot go at this alone either. The wheels of change turn because of groups of individuals and because of the masses, not ever because of one—despite what we like to tell ourselves.

Thus, for our movement to be victorious, we must seek past individual pursuits and past our own egos, desiring something greater than ourselves. Only when we sacrifice to be part of a greater collective and for a greater cause can we begin to connect with one another and with this revolution. But bridging ourselves will probably be the biggest test of our time. For we all may have varying issues, missions and tactics—our diversity, after all, is one of our strengths—but we must unify ourselves on some level, otherwise we are weak and divided. In the age of climate change, we have that possibility. But just as we may have an opportunity within our own revolution to unify, we must create the same opportunity outside the revolution. We cannot engage only with the millions who are a part of this movement already; we must engage also with the billions who aren't, bridging ourselves with the many who are unaware the battle we face even exists.

Only then can a truly global movement exist, not just local or national contingents. Only then can autonomous individuals network to be part of a collective with others. Only then can we begin to build a system based on more than selfish progress. Only then can the fire of this revolution become a phenomenon. And only then can we keep life, as we know it, alive.

Until then, a few select politicians, a few select elite, a few select individuals on the top of the power pyramid hold a tyranny over us. Let's make no qualms about it, they will slice the wrists of this world open and bury us alive in our own grave for the pursuit of short-term gains. And as we all come dangerously close to the edge, this is our moment, perhaps our last, to fight.

The time is now to become our own eco-warriors. Not praise the ones out there or fantasize about our own internal eco-warrior. Instead, let's cross the lines, choose our tactics, and dive nose-first into the chaos. Coming out finding ourselves nearer to the world we are aching for. For only when we take up the battle is there ever truly a fighting chance for that world.

This is our chance.

This is our moment.

This is it.