The advice contained in this book could not only help you find the perfect relationship, it can help you discover safer and yet completely pleasurable sexual experiences.
The Survival Sex techniques which follow will not only bring pleasure to you and your future partner beyond your wildest dreams, it goes beyond what is now being inaccurately called “Safer” Sex.
The late Dr. Victor Baranco said that the “safer” sex recommended today falls very short of safe. He suggests that we go far beyond the methods being suggested at this time. He has come up with methods which are not only sensuous and pleasurable, but which we believe are also as careful as ideas others have come up with short of total abstinence.
His method, “Survival Sex,” was designed for anyone who has a partner who has had “intimate contact” with someone else within a five- to ten-year period.
“Intimate contact” is any circumstance where there was or might have been an exchange of body fluids, whether through sexual contact or not: intercourse, oral sex, deep kissing, blood, or sharp objects.
Intimate contact these days can be very scary. In some cases the deadly disease AIDS can be transmitted if a person has a cut (even one invisible to the naked eye), a rash, an abrasion, a broken blister or some other opening or weakness in the skin’s epidermal barrier, and is exposed to infected blood or body fluids.* This book presents information about techniques that don’t involve oral sex or intercourse and that not only provide much greater pleasure, but far less risk of pregnancy or disease. Oral sex, intercourse, and other intimate contact and associated safer sex practices are not topics intended to be addressed here. Given that these are activities that can pose greater risks, you should educate yourself before engaging in those activities.
If you are not absolutely certain that both you and your partner are totally free of sexually transmittable diseases, the technique called “Survival Sex” should be practiced.
Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, in their book, Crisis: Heterosexual Behavior in the Age of AIDS, talk about the potential for AIDS to also spread throughout the heterosexual community in epidemic proportions. Their research warns how lightly most of the heterosexual community, including the so-called experts, are taking this threat to human life. Masters and Johnson said that they believe that authorities are greatly underestimating the number of people infected with the AIDS virus in the population today. Six out of every hundred heterosexual people in a study they conducted were infected with the AIDS virus.
If 6 out of every 100 airplanes crashed, most of us would not fly. Even though their research was limited to a narrow group of heterosexuals who had multiple partners, it seems unreasonably dangerous and reckless not to take precautions and use common sense.
Some people who have the AIDS virus and transmit the disease to others appear healthy and may not even realize they are infected and so may not realize how particularly crucial it is to take precautions in terms of sexual behavior.
According to that Masters and Johnson study, the AIDS virus is working its way into the younger population—the 15 to 24 age group—the ones most susceptible to epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases because this group is the most sexually active.
The biggest reason AIDS still exists today is because of stubborn human behavior. Please seriously consider what we are about to suggest.
Sensuous “Survival Sex” begins with the familiar Boy Scout motto. Be prepared so that you and your partner will be as safe as possible and avoid the spread of disease and unwanted pregnancies without abstaining from sexing altogether.
The simple formula for Sensuous “Survival Sex” is:
1. Use a substance or agent that kills most sexually transmitted diseases.
This means that first you apply the prescribed amount of the creams or jellies (any lubricant with an anti-AIDS virus and/or sexually transmittable disease agent recommended by your health care professional).
Follow the instructions on the label and make sure that you cover any part of you which will be touching your partner. Your lips, hands, interior of your mouth, genitals, and any visible scratches or abrasions which may be exposed.
2. Use a barrier made of a substance such as latex.
When using the “Venus Butterfly” technique on a partner, slip into a pair of medical disposable latex examination gloves. These are thinner than latex surgical gloves and preferred for the sensual stimulation of the genitals.
These latex examination gloves are available in the sizes small, medium, large, and extra large at your local drugstore.
Make that snapping noise when you are putting them on so that your partner will begin to associate the sound to mean that “pleasure is on its way.”
3. Put a second coating of the cream or jelly (not Vaseline) over the entire surface of the glove and then apply it to the areas of your partner which you are going to touch.
If the person being done is the man, it is further recommended that the penis be sheathed in a condom.
Now you are ready for what we believe is the best and relatively safest sensual experience you can enjoy giving your partner.
Complicated as this may sound, the whole procedure, if attentively and carefully done, can be incorporated into the pleasurable act and contribute to the sensuality of genital manipulation.
Warning: Do not use Vaseline if you are practicing “Survival Sex.” Vaseline and other petroleum jellies contain properties which will melt and destroy the effectiveness of the material that examination gloves and condoms are made of.
If you are practicing “survival” sex, you have to use a non-petroleum type lubricant to keep friction from hurting your partner.
During these times of widespread sexually transmitted diseases, the practice of unprotected sexual activity is foolish and life threatening.
Until you are prepared to risk life itself for the sake of a sexual encounter, it is advisable that sensual activity be limited to the expression of physical affection that clearly excludes the possibility of any direct contact with the genitals, semen, or any blood products.
Abstinence from sexual relations is the only real guarantee that one is totally immune from infection, however, the “Venus Butterfly” technique combined with Survival Sex precautions provide sensual pleasure, relieve the pressures of, and reduce the tendency to indulge in hazardous sexual activity.
It is also impossible to fully enjoy a sexual experience if one is worried about the possible fatal consequences of your sensual actions. Optimum sensual pleasure cannot occur if your mind is dwelling on disturbing images of disease, death, or an unwanted pregnancy.
One of the problems in the past with prevention methods is that we have had to apply them as quickly as possible after we had become aroused, and they were seen as a delay to pleasuring ourselves or our partners.
Correctly practicing the “Venus Butterfly” technique gives you all the time in the world to use Survival Sex to get ready.
If you are a man, and your partner knows that you are getting ready to pleasure her while she is lying on the bed in anticipation, everything you do that gets you closer to starting will add to her tumescent state. Your preparations can become a useful part of turning on your partner, as well as letting her know that you care enough about her to take precautions which could protect her from an unwanted pregnancy, keep her free of sexually transmitted diseases, and possibly even save her life.
Practicing “Survival Sex” is also a strong incentive to have a lifetime monogamous relationship with a loving partner who is trained to give you all the pleasure most people have only dreamed about.
*Research and knowledge about AIDS prevention continues to evolve as does debate and research about the use, effectiveness, and effects of nonoxynol-9 and other substances and agents. There are many resources available on the internet and elsewhere where you can find the most up-to-date information, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web site,