Columbia, South Carolina

STUDY GROUP WAS GOING well and Gina was pleased with herself for the gathering. She and three other girls from her junior high school met twice a week to study and cram for tests. Gina didn't need the help, but she enjoyed the warm sense of accomplishment that came from helping others. Well, she didn't need help with academic classes. Science, social studies, English, Spanish, and history came easy to her. It was speech class that gave her nightmares. The class reinforced what she long suspected: She was a high-order introvert. Among family and friends, she was a wit, quick with a jab, a soft sarcasm, or a suggestion for an outing. Standing in front of a class and talking was a different matter.

Tomorrow she would have to do the emotionally painful act of giving a three-minute speech. Three minutes! Why did it have to be so long? Her stomach already hurt.

Gina repositioned herself on the floor, crossing her legs. The girls gathered in Pauline Wysocki's house three blocks south of Gina's home. Pauline was the first to practice her speech: "How to Properly Brush Your Teeth." Gina suggested something a little more serious might be in order.

"Dental hygiene is important, girl." Pauline's straight black hair bounced when she spoke. Petite and several inches shorter than anyone else in the group, Pauline was powered by boundless energy. Everything she did, she did at accelerated speed. Gina guessed the girl would have to write a six-minute speech to reach the three-minute minimum. "I mean, have you seen Vinny's teeth?"

"Eeeeew." Sharon sat on the floor, her back against Pauline's sofa.

"You just like the subject because your dad is an Army dentist." Beth was stretched out on the sofa. Tall and lanky, she covered the entire length of the piece of furniture.

"And what's wrong with that?" Pauline crossed her arms.

"Nothing wrong with it. I'm just sayin'." Beth studied her nails, the notes for her speech resting on her flat belly. Life kick-started her growing years, leaving her a half-a-foot taller than any girl in her class. To her credit, she took the teasing in stride. Her unflappable nature was one of the things Gina admired about her. That, and she was the smartest girl in the school and Gina's constant competition for the higher grades.

Sharon sighed loudly and for effect. "Come on, guys, let's get on with this. I gotta be home by nine, or my parents will ground me again." She pushed her blond bangs from her eyes. Sharon was the darling of the boys. Her short hair with the streak of pink in it, bright blue eyes, and thousand-watt smile drew the attention of every seventh, eighth, and ninth grader with a Y chromosome.

"Okay, you go first, Pauline." Gina lifted a stopwatch she borrowed from her brother. "I'll time you."

"Why me?"

"It's your house," Beth said.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"It doesn't." Beth pulled her long legs in, turned on the sofa, and sat facing Pauline. "We're all going to give our speeches, so what does it matter who goes first? Get it over with, girl. There's a program I want to watch on television."


"Just do it." The other girls spoke in unison. The unplanned chorus drew giggles from them all.

"Okay, okay." Pauline stepped to the middle of the living room, straightened her back, and raised her notes. "High blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Very few people know these diseases can come from poor dental health . . ."

THE STUDY SESSION LASTED another ninety minutes, lengthened by Pauline's mother's insistence they reward themselves with chocolate chip cookies and milk. Gina didn't want any so she ate only three of the largest cookies.

She told her mother she'd be home by eleven and her watch told her it was five minutes past that. It would take less than ten minutes to walk the three blocks north to her house, not late enough to call home. Mom was always tolerant of Gina's study nights.

The May air was still warm; South Carolina warmed early and stayed hot far too long for her tastes. At this hour, however, things had cooled to a comfortable level although the humidity refused to leave.

Had Rob made it home from McDonald's? He said he might have to work late, so maybe not. She spent more time lately thinking of her brother. Maybe it was because of the change she watched in him over the last two years; maybe, at the age of eighteen, he became the protector of the family when her father went away on mission. Maybe.

The neighborhood looked sleepy. Only half the houses had lights burning; from a few the sound of a television rode the gentle breeze. In the distance a night bird sang. Weariness settled on her. After a day of school, an afternoon of study, and an evening of study group, Gina was ready for her bed.

The headlights of a car approaching from behind washed the road with illumination. Gina turned and saw a red 1970s Cadillac approaching. She had seen the car before. An elderly couple owned the vehicle, apparently unable or unwilling to buy something made in this century.

She turned her attention to the sidewalk extending before her. Just two blocks to go. Another pair of lights came toward her: a new Volkswagen Beetle. She eyed it with admiration. A red Beetle was on her wish list. All she needed was to grow a little older and find a way to finance the car. Like the Cadillac, she had seen the car before.

She paused at the curb, ready to cross the last street and walk the last block. Gina shifted her speech book to her other arm and started across.

A car engine started.

Tires rumbled on asphalt.

Gina turned to see who was pulling from the curb at this hour. Instead, two large men appeared. Before she could think, before she could react, one of the men pulled a hood over her head. It smelled of chemicals. A hand clamped over her mouth.

She screamed anyway but couldn't manage any sound with volume.


Her legs gave out. Her last memory was of being lifted and carried. A few moments later she felt motion, forward movement. A vehicle?

Gina tried to focus but nothing happened. Shouldn't she be afraid? Yes she should, but she couldn't keep her eyes open. The smell turned her stomach. Thoughts bounced randomly in her head: no order . . . no reason . . . no emotion. The chemical smell deprived her of reason. Her last conscious thought struck her as odd.

She hoped her mother wouldn't be angry about her not coming home. Stupid thought.

Then she couldn't think at all.

Khabarovsk region of eastern Russia, near Enken

THE FEDEX VAN MOTORED over the rough, potholed surface of the road Moyer and his men followed a short time before. Irritation and weariness mixed with adrenaline, leaving Moyer on edge. There was something else; something he couldn't put a finger on.

Lev told them what to expect. After Moyer's little conversation with the man, Lev became very cooperative. Moyer didn't know how long it would last. Lev didn't seem like a man who would stay intimidated. Moyer just hoped it lasted through the trip.

The team sat on seats specially installed for this purpose. They were small, they were uncomfortable, but they did the job.

Rich sat across from him. They made eye contact and the big man tilted his head.

"Something on your mind, Shaq?"

Rich nodded. "Yup."

"Spill it."

He leaned forward and Moyer did the same. Moyer could feel Rich's breath on his ear. "You okay?"

"Solid. Why?"

"You seem a little out of sorts, even for you."

Moyer leaned back. "I'm gonna forget that last comment."

Rich rested elbows on his knees. "All I'm sayin', Boss, is that you seem edgy."

His second in command had to speak up to be heard over the roar of the engine and the rattle of the truck's metal sides. Moyer glanced at the other members of the team. Not one made eye contact.

"What's your point?" Rich leaned forward again but Moyer waved him off. "Just say it, Shaq."

"Okay, I will. You were a little rough on our man up there." He motioned to Lev with his thumb.

"I was rough. You put your gun to his head."

"True, but that's me. Someone has to play the bad soldier and I do that well. You're supposed to be the good soldier."

Moyer frowned. "This isn't good cop, bad cop, Shaq. The man needed some sobering."

"Agreed, but that's what I'm here for."

"So you're ticked because I didn't let you put sense into the man?"

"No. I'm just asking if you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"Okay, if you say so, Boss. Just checkin' because it's my job."

"You've checked and I've answered."

"Understood, Boss. You're doing just peachy. Got it. I read you."

"You don't sound convinced."

"Is that a requirement?"

"Let it go, Shaq."

Rich leaned back. "Already have."

"Good." Moyer stretched forward to look through the delivery driver's passage that joined the cargo area with the cab. He could see nothing through the windshield.

"Coming up on the paved road . . . Boss."

Lev was getting snippy again.

Moyer ignored him and leaned back. Why was he so ill at ease? Rich was right, but Moyer didn't want to indicate that now. He'd make good with his friend later. He turned to the other men. Pete and Crispin were chatting quietly about the communications device. "You boys making any headway with that?"

"Yes, Boss," Pete said. "Hawkeye heard rumors about it back in the States."

"Rumors? It didn't come with a digital instruction manual?"

"Not that we can find."

"What rumors did you hear, Hawkeye?"

"Electronic transmission is my gig, unmanned and the like. Of course, you already know that. There's been talk about these babies. Lev was telling the truth when he said it's designed to send and receive encrypted messages in bursts. The sender records what he wants to say, loads up whatever files he wants, then before you can say 'boom goes the dynamite,' the transmission is sent and downloaded. What you don't get is real-time dialog, that's the bad news. The good news is, the transmission is so short it can't be traced. The other good news is that files can be sent: maps, schematics, whatever you want. In that sense, it's like sending e-mail with attachments."

"So you can make it work?"

"No doubt, Boss. It's very intuitive." Pete looked at Rich. "I bet even Shaq can operate it."

Rich didn't miss a beat. "Good, that means we don't need a nerdy communications guy."

"This is why I stick with guns," J. J. said. "Teams always need a shooter."

"And a medic," Jose added.

"That's true, Doc." He gave Jose a fist bump. "Saved my life and my leg."

"Wait until you get the bill, Colt."

"Write it off as professional courtesy."

Moyer removed his helmet and ran a hand through his hair.

For some reason, he kept thinking of Gina.