
After the murders of Simone and Carlos, Jasmine was drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. She explained to Homicide that she needed to go to Long Island for a few days to get the info on Nico they would need in order to retire. The truth was that Jasmine really needed to go to Long Island so she could get a few days to herself and not feel like she was going to go crazy and have a nervous breakdown. Homicide was cool with her going to Long Island, but he was certain to remind her not to let Nico fuck her.

As far as Jasmine was concerned, sex was the last thing on her mind. She loved sex, but she wasn’t a sex machine. And over the past couple of days, she had experienced something she had never experienced before when she fucked three different guys within a twenty-four-hour period. Jasmine wanted to give her pussy a much-needed rest, and was hoping that her period came so she would have a good built-in excuse not to fuck.

When she got to her and Nico’s house, Nico wasn’t there because he was visiting with BJ, who was scheduled to be released from the hospital within two days. But Nico still wanted to go check him.

Jasmine was glad Nico wasn’t there. The first thing she did was run a warm bubble bath in the Jacuzzi bathtub in the master bathroom. It was the most relaxing bath she remembered taking. She stayed in the bathtub for more than an hour and a half, periodically adding new hot water to keep the bathwater at a nice, warm, relaxing temperature.

After the bath was over, Jasmine got out and dried herself off and put baby oil all over her body, and she put on a bra and a pair of panties. Although it was mid-afternoon, she got in the bed and went to sleep.

Like the relaxing bath she had just taken, Jasmine was now experiencing some of the best sleep she’d had in years. She slept and slept, and it felt like she had been hibernating like a bear in the woods. But when Nico came home and woke her up, she realized she had actually only been sleeping for a little over four hours.

“You sleeping?” Nico asked her after he walked into the room.

“I was sleeping until you just woke me up.”

“My bad.”

Jasmine removed the bed sheet from over her head and explained to Nico how she had got home real late because she almost caught a DWI charge with Simone.

“Get the fuck outta here.” Nico then asked her to tell him what happened.

Jasmine lied and told Nico that the Bridge and Tunnel officer had allowed her to pull in front of the barrack offices near the bridge and sleep off the liquor, and he didn’t charge her.

“He tried to holler at you?”

“No, not at all.”

“You lucky then.”

Jasmine sat up in the bed. “How is BJ doing?”

“He’s coming home in two days, but the nigga is fucked up. He has to wear that smelly-ass bag and shit for the rest of his life. A nurse or a health aide-type chick is going to have to come to his house every day and help him clean the bag, so he won’t get no infections or nothing like that.”

“Poor baby.”

Jasmine got up out of the bed and checked her phone. Then she put it in her bag and discreetly started recording with her other phone, which was also in her bag.

“BJ talking about getting back in the mix and shit when he comes home. And I didn’t wanna crush the nigga’s heart or nothing, but I’m saying to myself, BJ, dog, you gotta get out the game. With them kind of injuries, he can’t be scrambling on the streets like he needs to. You know what I’m saying?”

Jasmine nodded.

“We got a shipment coming from the Haitians in two days. They gonna do the drop near that vacant warehouse in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and this nigga BJ is saying he wanna be there.”

“With a colostomy bag? That’s like somebody trying to rob a bank in a wheelchair,” Jasmine joked.


Jasmine got out of the bed and looked for something to put on.

“I just told him that we’ll send two of them young gun muthafuckas from Ish’s crew. And since Ish is locked up, we can just move them under BJ and have them report to him.”

“What did he say when you said that?” Jasmine asked, putting on her jeans.

“I mean, he’s with it. You know he reminds me of one of those boxers that don’t know when to hang it up, always want one more prize fight.”

Jasmine reached for a shirt to put on. “And then they end up punch-drunk and talking with slurred speech for the rest of their life.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

Jasmine walked out of the room as if she could have cared less about what Nico was saying. “I need aspirin. I still got a slight queasy feeling from these Henny Coladas that me and Simone was drinking.”

Nico followed Jasmine down to the kitchen. He changed the subject to something completely different. He had already planted the seed of information into her brain and was ready to sit back and see what that seed would grow into.