First of all I’d like to thank The Lord Jesus Christ!
All of my blessings have come through him, and I have to give him the glory! Thank you for such a wonderful gift and the great inspirations, Lord! In the name of your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, my profound thanks to you, Holy Father and to the spirit of the Holy Ghost; truly I am humbled by your presence in my life. Thank you for giving your Son.
For my husband, James Rhodes, even though I am a writer I cannot find the words to express my love, appreciation, and joy at your unswerving, undying belief in my talents. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your faith and support. You have paid the price for me to shine.
James Rhodes Jr. and Jamie Lynne Rhodes, you are my sunshine. Thank you both for your sacrifices. Much love to you, my babies.
Next, I’d like to thank the Booksellers who work harder and give more than people know to bring important and needed stories to the readers. I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude. You are to be commended. Many of you have contributed so much. Thank you for all your support of EXPIRED as well as for helping me to bring this story to the forefront. May the Lord in his infinite wisdon bless you.
Most grateful thanks to the sales reps, distributors, and wholesalers as well for all of your support and hard work.
Many thanks and blessings to my agent Robert G. (Bob) Diforio of D4EO Literary Agency who from the day he entered my writing arena has been by my side helping me to build my career steadfastly. You’re a gem, Bob! I’ve always said that!
Many thanks and blessings to my editor, Karen R. Thomas, who believed in the vision I structured on paper, who nurtured that vision, and who put her own years of hard work and experience behind my writing to back it.
May the Lord bless you for that, Karen!
Thanks to the entire Kensington Publishing family for your excellence in the publishing of EXPIRED. There are many unsung heroes behind the scenes and I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. Laurie Parkin, thank you for your support. I’d also like to personally thank Kensington Publishing for creating vast opportunities for African-American writers. Walter Zacharius and Steven Zacharius be blessed.
Dr. Kenneth Terry of The Gospel Magazine Inc., thank you for your support of my writing, for providing an arena for my work, and most of all for believing in the spirit of it. May the Lord Bless you abundantly!
There are many of you who are in my mind, heart, and soul. Jesus knows who you are. Thank you for giving.
And last, but not least, I’d like to thank Rozzie Lee Jackson, my mother. Although you’ve passed on and are not here with us anymore, your gift of poetic writing, your love, your sacrifices are living on. I wish you were here to see this. Much love to you Roz in the Spirit. May you rest in peace in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ!
To all who know me I remain STANDING IN THE SPIRIT. May the Lord Bless You All!