

There are friends too numerous to list who have been angels to visit, call, supply food, bring cheer-up gifts and pray, during my medical problems.

The ladies from my Bible study class, students from my Aqua Champions Aerobics and ladies from Cairo Court #97, Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America have been true blessings.

From my Bible class Rosemary Adams has supplied several full meals. Our Bible teacher, Helen White has brought food and gifts. Mary Ann Austin has visited often and I have her prayers. From the aerobics Linda Snow and Rose Shaw have supplied full meals. Carol Glennie, Fran Silver, Ellen Leedy, Caroline Sklenar, Jean LaFevers, Carol Schneider and Claudia Weaver have supplied food and gifts. Linda Snow, Lisa Alicea and Rose Shaw have supplied frequent transportation. All of the others, men and women, have given of themselves. I love all of you, not for what you’ve done for me, but by being your own loving self.


Don’t walk in front of me; I might not follow

Don’t walk behind me; I might not lead

Walk beside me and be my friend