Jason awakened later to find the next door neighbor, Mrs. Irene Silver beside his bed.
“Well, hello darling. I’m going to stay with you until your grandparents get here. Your daddy took your mother to the hospital. She has a broken wrist and some minor injuries. She said she fell.” Jason said nothing. He knew better, but wasn’t sure what to tell.
Irene picked Jason up and carried him into the living room where her husband, Matthew, was sitting. They cuddled him between them and soon Grandpa Michael Pistoli and Grandma Terry Pistoli were there. The two couples visited for a few minutes and then Grandpa hurried home with Jason after Grandma had packed him a bag. Grandma stayed for a few days to help her daughter.
Jason never knew how angry his daddy was to find her there or how angry he was to find Jason gone. Three days later he called Grandpa and angrily demanded the return of his son.
Rory continued to hit Jason and make him afraid to move out of his room when daddy was home. Mary Margaret was taken to the hospital frequently with broken ribs, twice a broken arm, and other minor, but painful, injuries.
* * * * *
Two weeks before his fifth birthday, Jason was devastated to learn of the death of his beloved mother. Rory had said she tripped, in the dark, over some concrete blocks in the back yard. She never regained conscientious and died two days later.
Dr. Albert Hammond had been suspicious concerning Mary Margaret’s injuries, but could do nothing because she always told him she was careless.
The Medical Examiner, Dr. Lawrence Backes, was a friend of Dr. Hammond. The two men talked about this death and came to the agreement that proof of broken bones and damaged flesh showed physical abuse.
The maternal grandparents brought charges against Rory and gained custody of Jason. The medical reports, coupled with the reports of bad attitude at the police department, gave Judge Hiram Weaver grounds to conduct a trial, charging Rory with manslaughter. He was given fifteen years in prison, but during his second year was killed by another inmate during a fight.
* * * * *
Jason always thought lovingly of his sweet mother, but loved and appreciated his grandparents. They encouraged him to get the best education possible, to sing as much as he wanted to and to have compassion for other people. He grew up loving Bible study and trying very hard to live as he should.
* * * * *
Jason took the papers to Corella, reiterating that he wasn’t sure what he might do in the future.
“Jason, there’s no pressure on any one. Do you think you’d like to join and get acquainted? Then you could decide what you want to do permanently.”
“I guess so --- for a few months.”
“Good. Jenny,” she called to a young woman at another desk. “Please come here. This is Jason McBride. Jason, this is Jenny Carson. She’s our Treasurer and will take care of you.”
“I shall be delighted to help Jason. Please come down here with me.
Okay, Jason, I’ll need sixty dollars, but from now on it’ll only be thirty dollars a month. How do you want to pay?”
“May I write a check? I make it a habit not to carry much money.”
“Sure. We’ll take your check.” She took the check and gave him a receipt. “We want you to be happy and satisfied, Jason. Please let us know if we can do anything to help you. Now, I want you to meet Dottie Fingar. She’s our membership chairman and will help you make a video and have a still shot.”
“Hello, Jason. Welcome. I’m glad to meet you. If you’ll come with me, we’ll get a still shot first and then make a short video.”
“If I make a video, why do I need a still shot?”
“The still shot goes in these book here on this table with a short paragraph about you. Ladies look through the book and if they like the picture, they’ll ask to see the video. If they’re interested, we’ll notify you and you come in and look at their video. If you, too, are interested, we’ll arrange a meeting here in the club and the two of you will go on from there.”
“Will I be expected to contact any lady who asks to meet me?”
“Oh, no. That’s up to you, and the same goes for the ladies. If they are not interested in further contact, they can just ignore the request.”
“Thank you. May I call you Dottie?”
“That’s my name,” she laughed. “We’re all first name here.” She proceeded to take a shot of him and then led him into another room to make a video. “I’m going to leave you alone for a few minutes. Here’s a pad and pen. If you wish, you can write what you want to say. It will keep you from getting nervous and giving a less than sterling impression.”
Jason decided to just give his first name, his height, his hobbies and his likes and dislikes. It only took five minutes to make the video.
“Very good. Tomorrow your picture will be in the book and your video will be in our collection. You can check on your own efforts any time; keep the video as is or change it.”
“Thank you, Dottie. I told Corella that I’m not sure about this, but I’m willing to give it a try.”
“Great. We have a get-together, with refreshments, usually on the second Saturday of each month at seven P M. You’ll meet the staff and members on that night.”
“Am I required to attend?”
“No. Not every one attends or some come in once in a while. The owners try to promote a family style atmosphere. They would like everyone to be friends and encourage each other.”
“Why the name, The Perfect Spouse?”
“Elaine Harper and Joseph Harper are the owners. She said she has been so happy in her marriage of forty some years, and feels she has a perfect spouse. She wanted others to find someone and be as happy as they are.”
“Catchy name. Thank you for your help.” He nodded to Dottie and lifted a hand toward Jenny and Corella as he left. He wanted to keep this to himself, for the time being. Not to be secretive, but he felt shy about joining a dating agency when there were several nice ladies in the church. Too, he wasn’t sure how long he would continue to be a member.
Walking off, Jason did not know that Corella had already called Chief Mason and asked him to check his data base and see if a Jason McBride had an undesirable record. The owners of The Perfect Spouse tried to be very careful as to whom they let in and introduced to other people.