Like every book, this one has received support, advice, and hands-on help from many people. First and foremost is Jack Mandelbaum, who generously shared not only his memories but also his scholarship and his time. My husband, Jay Wiedenkeller, was, as always, my mainstay while I struggled with difficult subject matter. Barbara Bartocci and Deborah Shouse offered invaluable help. My agent, Regina Ryan, shared my inspiration and commitment to bringing my literary vision to life. Barbara Lalicki, my editor at HarperCollins, and assistant editor Rachel Orr saw me through the rough spots as my manuscript was transformed into this book.
I was also assisted by Chris Sims at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; Jean Zeldin, Susan Haws, and Fran Sternberg at the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education; and the archival staff at the Truman Library.
Others to whom I am grateful are Murray (Moniek) Ciesla for his memories, and Pola Firestone, James Levy, Amy Sussna, Lisa Armstrong, David Barash, Debi Fast, Claudia Mandelbaum, and Shirley Sander and the late Sam Sander.
Finally, a very special thank-you to Andrea Curley, my first editor, whose editorial eye and encouragement helped this project take flight.