Gaathaug, Morten (b. 1955), Norway

Graduate of the Barratt Due Institute of Music where he studied piano, composition, and counterpoint. Completed the B.A. degree at the University of Oslo where he studied piano with Hanna Marie Weydahl and Jens Harald Bratlie. Compositions cover a range of genres including orchestral works, concerti, solo literature, songs, chamber music, and education piano music. Has taught piano part time at the Kontra Cultural School in Ski since 1996.

Sonate, Op. 49

Oslo: MIC (Music Information Centre) Norsk, 1999.

Four movements: I Allegro marcato; II. Lento, e molto grave; III. Prestissimo; IV. Allegro giocoso. Approximate performance duration: twenty-six minutes.

Level: LA

Gabler, Christoph August (1767–1839), Germany

German pianist and composer.

Notturno (E) (with four-voice chorus for the first movement), Op. 47

Leipzig: Peters, ca. 1826.

Large-scale, five-movement work (Marcia; Menuetto; Larghetto cantabile; Polonaise; Andante con variazioni) in Classical idiom. The writing is pianistic, ranging from ponderous, thick chords in the march to lighter figurations in the variations. Although the thematic development lacks inventiveness and tends toward the routine, the melodies are agreeably tuneful and the whole is well balanced for both partners.

Level: I

Ouverture (A), Op. 44

Leipzig: Peters, ca. 1818.

Drei Polonaisen (B, G, C), Op. 30

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1805.

Drei Polonaisen (D, E, C), Op. 32

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1810.

Rondeau en tonne de walse (B), Op. 52

Leipzig: Peters, ca. 1821.

Serenade (C), Op. 4

Leipzig: Hilscher, 1796.

Four-movement work based on dance forms (Marcia; Minuetto; Polonaise: Englische Tanz). Thin fare for the most part, with a few touches of imaginative writing, notably in the fourth movement.

Level: I

Sonate (F), Op. 22

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1802.

Die Spinnerin, alla polacca (B), Op. 43

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, ca. 1819.

Diffuse polonaise in lightweight Classical style, with harmonic and melodic touches suggestive of Weber.

Level: I

Variations sur un air russe (a), Op. 33

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1810.


Leipzig: C. F. Lehmann, ca. 1799.

Gade, Niels Wilhelm (1817–1890), Denmark

Danish composer of opera, choral works, symphonies, chamber music, and piano pieces; his style was influenced by Mendelssohn and Schumann.

Tre Karakteerstykker (Three Character Pieces in March Form), Op. 18

Copenhagen: Hansen, ca. 1849; Peters, ca. 1850.

Level: I

Nordiske Tonebilleder, Fantasien (Norwegian Tone Pictures, Fantasies), Op. 4

Copenhagen: C. C. Lose & Delbancos, ca. 1841; Hansen, 1843; Augener, 1882. Three charming pieces in Romantic style with Nordic folk flavor; there is strong individuality in the composer’s melodic and harmonic idiom.

Level: I

Gael, Henri van (1860–1918), Belgium

A la fontaine

Paris: Pierre Lafitte, 1906.

Level: I

Gaertner, Marie-Thérèse (b. 1928), France

French teacher and composer of music for children.

Concertino (G), pour piano à quatre mains et percussion

Paris: Leduc, 1969.

Charming, tuneful, effective work featuring simple variations on a lively theme through carefully designed modifications of mode, rhythm, tempo, and meter. The ensemble is not difficult to work out with percussion. Enjoyable to play and hear; excellent concert piece.

Level: UE–LI

Gál, Hans (1890–1987), Austria

Austrian musicologist and composer; Scottish resident; his compositions are written in neo-Romantic style.

Three Marionettes (Pantalone; Columbina; Arlecchino), Op. 74

London: Augener, 1960.

Full-textured, descriptive pieces in tonal idiom with piquant harmonies and strong rhythms.

Level: LI–I

Serbische Weisen, Op. 3 (1916)

Vienna: Universal Edition, 1919.

Suite of six Serbian folk songs in tasteful settings.

Level: I

Galaverni, Italo, Italy

La festa del Babbo, sei pezzettini facili (Augurio mattutino; Fiori e doni; Raccontino; Scampagnata; Pranzo di gala; Si danza)

Milan: Carisch, n.d.

Level: LI–I

I piccoli concertisti, quattro pezzi di media difficoltà

Milan: Carisch, n.d.

Level: LI–I

Galimberti, Giuseppe (1851–1909), Italy

Italian composer of operettas and instrumental pieces of light character.

[8] Schizzi campestri (Al mattino; La valletta; Il molino; Nella chiesa; Sul lago; Godimento di perca; Canto del Boseginolo; La calma della sera)

Milan: Carisch & Jänichen, 1905.

Easy pedagogical pieces; good balance between parts.

Level: UE–LI

Galluzzi, Giuseppe (1861–1936), Italy

Italian teacher and composer of instructional pieces for piano.

A rotta di collo, galop

Milan: Carisch, n.d.

Il primo concerto del giovane pianista, [32] Pezzettini melodici

Milan: Carisch, n.d. 6 vols.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Ricreazioni, [24] piccoli pezzi melodici

2 vols. Milan: Ricordi, 1918; 1925.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Gandini, Alessandro (1807–1871), Italy

Italian court conductor and opera composer.

Six sonatines (C, D, G, F, A, D)

New Edition, Paris: Gallet, 1931.

Level: UE–LI/E

Gänsbacher, Johann Baptist (1778–1844), Austria

Austrian conductor. His compositions are written in Classical style with early Romantic elements: chromaticism and unusual modulations.

Divertimento (G), Op. 20

Vienna: Artaria, ca. 1818.

Divertissement (E), Op. 29

Vienna: Artaria, 1821.

This four-movement work is similar to Op. 20 in three movements: both are long, rambling, amiable pieces and light in character. Although some of the melodic ideas and their development are unexceptional, they are handled competently.

Level: I

Six variations sur l’air 1st denn Liebe ein Verbrechen (A), Op. 9

Bonn: Simrock; Leipzig: Kühnel, 1809.

Unpretentious, expressive, sure-handed writing.

Level: I

Ganschals, Carl

Big Notes; Cheer Up; Comic Song; Hussar’s Galop; In Double Time; March; Rustic Dance

In Podolsky, Leo, ed. Duet playing.

Level: E

Ganz, Wilhelm (1833–1914), Germany

Composer, conductor, pianist, and educator. Son of the violinist Adolph Ganz. Professor of singing at the Guildhall School of Music.

La vivacite

London: Ashdown & Parry, 1870.

Level: UI

Gárdonyi, Zoltán (1906–1986), Hungary

Hungarian musicologist and composer.

[15] Hungarian Folk Songs

Budapest: Zenemiűkadó Vállalat, n.d.

Garrow, Louise, United States

Composer of piano music for children.

Caribbean Moonlight

Melville, NY: Belwin, 1971.

Rhythmic tune with calypso flavor featuring syncopation.

Level: LI

Easy for Two (Playing Games; Moonlight Serenade; Cherry Pie; Little Lost Lamb; Swing Time; Boogie Blues; Away We Go; Princess Red Wing; Thanksgiving Is Here; Santa’s Reindeer)

New York: Schroeder & Gunther, 1955.

Simple tunes, active in both parts; printed in large notes.

Level: E

March of the Animals

Melville, NY: Belwin, n.d.

Level: LE

Sailor’s Polka

New York: Schroeder & Gunther, 1961.

Lively, bright, well-balanced teaching piece.

Level: E–UE

Wee Wooden Shoes

New York: Schroeder & Gunther, 1957.

Level: UE

Garścia, Janina (1920–2004), Poland

Graj ze mnimage na cztery rimagece (Let’s Play a Piano Duet) (Vol. 1: Echo; The Drum; Lullaby; Tarantella; Kitten and Mouse. Vol. 2: A Country Melody; Kujawiak; Our Paths Shall Never Meet; Maciek; Brigands’ Dance), Op. 37

Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (Polish Music Publishers), 1968 (Vol. 1), 1971 (Vol. 2); Amsterdam: Broekmans & Van Poppel, n.d.

The delightful little pieces in this two-volume set are nicely arranged for both parts. The writing is idiomatic with some modal flavor and tone painting. The books are beautifully laid out and are provided with charming illustrations.

Level: E–LI

Garztecka, Irena (1913–1963), Poland

Polish pianist and composer.

Kolej (A Train Ride)

In Raube, ed., Drobiazgi II.

Level: LI

Taniec muszek (Dance of the Young Flies)

In Raube, ed., Drobiazgi II.

Level: LI

Gauthier, Lise V., Canada

Canadian composer and teacher. Degree from the University of Montreal. Taught harmony and acoustics and served as the director of the music department at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivieres. Composes instrumenal and choral music, including works for piano.

Party of Two

San Diego: Neil A. Kjos Music, 2003.

Titles: After School Time; Hopscotch; Homesick; Dragonfly; Snowflake; Snowman’s Ragtime; Windy Picnic; Sunflower Field. Lighthearted and whimsical.

Level: LI

Gavrilin, Valery Aleksandrovich (1939–1999), Russia

Distinguished Russian composer. Studied composition and musicology at the Leningrad Conservatory with Orest Evlakhov and F. A. Rubtsov, respectively. Later taught at the Leningrad Conservatory.


St. Petersburg: Compozitor Publishing House, 2009.

Eighteen pieces for piano, four hands. Dextrously fashioned. Deserves attention.

Level: I–A

Gaynor, Jessie Lovel (1863–1921), United States

Composer of songs and piano pieces for children.

Miniature Duets (The Merry-Go Round; A Little Duet; The Gypsies; The Waltzing Mice; Peasant Dance; A Little Waltz; Night Song; Voyage of the Rocking Chair)

Philadelphia: Presser, n.d.

Geijer, Erik Gustaf (1783–1847), Sweden

Swedish historian, philosopher, theologian, poet, and composer. His relatively small output of music shows the influence of Haydn and Mozart along with later stylistic tendencies resembling those of Schumann.

Sonata (f) (Dubbel Sonate) (1819)

Stockholm: C. Müller, 1820.

Dubbel sonata (E) (1819)


Both of these three-movement “double” sonatas are of exceptional interest for their advanced use of chromaticism and extraordinary harmonic relationships. They have both Classical and Romantic affinities in structure and style. Despite some awkward writing, they are charming representatives of the medium and should be reprinted.

Level: I

Geiser, Walther (1897–1993), Switzerland

Swiss musician.

Pastorale, Op. 20 (1947)

Published by composer.

Geist, Christian (1650–1711), Germany

German composer and organist.

Seven Mari Folk Songs and Dances, Op. 14

Moscow: State Music, n.d.

Geister, Karl

La comédie (Pantalon, Arlequin; Colombine; Pierrot; Scaramouche)

Paris: Durand, 1910.

Teaching pieces.

Level: E–UE

La fête à ma tante

Paris: Durand, 1911.

Teaching piece.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Gemmingen, Eberhard Friedrich, Freiherr von (1726–1791), Germany

Belonged to the family of the Lords of Gemmington. Composer, poet, and politician.

Trois sonates (E, C, F), Op. 1

Offenbach: André, 1786.

Short three-movement works in lightweight, watery, Classical style by a dilettante nobleman.

Level: LI–I

Gentil, M. L.

Six courtes pièces pour les jeunes enfants (Prélude; Clair matin; Petite ronde; Petite valse; Choral; Petit berger)

Paris: Lemoine, 1936.

Charming suite of descriptive teaching pieces.

Level: LI/E

Genzmer, Harald (1909–2007), Germany

German composer and teacher. He wrote in a neo-Classical style influenced by Hindemith. Among his works are concertos, orchestral pieces, chamber music, and piano compositions.

Sonata (D)

Leipzig: Litolff, 1943.

Attractive, melodious, ingratiating, compact work in linear setting. The work begins with a fast-paced bright allegro; moves into a quiet, flowing middle movement; and ends with a lively finale, in which the staccato theme, treated fugally at first, moves to a brilliant climax and subsides quietly with the theme in inversion at the end. Effective and graceful for both performers.

Level: I–UI

Spielbuch, 2 vols.

Mainz: Schott, 1942–43.

Effective sets of pieces in the same polished idiom as the Sonata.

Level: Vol. 1: I/E-5; Vol. 2: I/UE–LI

Spielmusiken, for violins, recorders, and four hands

Publisher and date missing.

George, Jon, United States

American composer of music for children.

Cowboy Song

Evanston, IL: Summy-Birchard, 1970.

Short, melodious time.

Level: UE/E

Kaleidoscope Duets, five books

New York: Alfred Music, 1973–74.

Tuneful, well-balanced duets for two equal performers; the idiom is conservative and refined; carefully balanced for both performers.

Level: LE–LI

Play Time Two; eight elementary piano solos and five duets

Evanston, IL: Summy-Birchard, 1971.

The five winsome duets in this collection are easy for the student and a bit more difficult for the teacher.

Level: UE–LI/E

Two at One Piano, Books 1, 2, 3

Evanston, IL: Summy-Birchard; Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1969–76.

These three volumes include pieces in folk song style—some plaintive, some rollicking—and in a variety of other styles; excellent ensemble fare for young pianists.

Level: E–LI

German, Edward (1862–1936), England

English composer, violinist, and theater conductor; cultivated a light, tuneful, and theatrically effective style.

Four Pianoforte Duets (Humoresque; Reverie; Valse fantastique; Caprice)

London: Ashdown, 1925.


London: Ashdown, n.d.

Light salon music.

Level: LI

Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839–1916), Germany

German pianist, composer, and conductor. He wrote instrumental and vocal works in eclectic style.

Tanzstücke (Alfa mazurka; All’ongarese; Walzer; All’ongarese), Op. 30

Mainz: Schott, 1873.

Level: I–UI

Tongedichte (Angelus; Auf der Piazzetta; Ballade; Weihe der Nacht; Tanz), Op. 67

Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann, 1901.

Collection of descriptive and mood pieces in Romantic style.

Level: I–LA

Gershwin, George (1898–1937), United States

Composer and pianist. Works represent both popular and Classical genres.

Cuban Overture

Warner Bros. Music Corporation / Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1933.

Inspired by Gershwin’s travels to Cuba, this colorful and exhilarating work is full of rhythmic flair. Originally composed for orchestra, this arrangement for one piano, four hands was later created by the composer.

Level: A

Gevaert, François-Auguste (1828–1908), Belgium

Belgian historian, theorist, teacher, and composer.

Gran fantasia pares piano a cuatro manes sobre mativos españoles (Grand Fantasy for Piano Four Hands on Spanish Motives)

Madrid: Salazar, n.d.

Medley of Spanish folk and dance tunes in salon idiom.

Level: I

Geyer, Johann Egidius (ca. 1760–1808), Germany

German lawyer and musical dilettante.

Six petites pièces, pour ceux qui sont encore des écoliers

Brunswick: publisher missing, 1800; New Edition, Andante (F) and Andante grazioso (G) in Kreutz, ed., Vermischte Handstücke.

Short, melodious works in Classical style; principal interest is in primo part.

Level: UE–LI

Walzer, Livre 2

Leipzig: C. F. Lehmann, ca. 1799.

Ghiel, T. F. de

Sonata concertante (D), for two violins, two French horns, double bass, and piano four hands

Mainz: Schott, n.d.

A trifling work, this curiosity was composed for and dedicated by a first lieutenant to his commanding officer, Baron de Zweyer, general and chief commandant of Frankfurt. It is doubtful whether the five added instruments contributed materially to the total effect of this thin, derivative, and unvaried work, or whether they are merely an adventitious ornament. In any case, if the Sonata concertante pleased the Baron, and incidentally earned the composer a promotion, it really did not matter.

Level: I

Ghys, Henri (1839–1908), France

French pianist and composer. Teacher of Maurice Ravel.

6 Polonaises, Op. 27

Montrouge: Alphonse Leduc, 1883.

Six polonaises in the following keys: B major; E minor; C major; C minor; A Major; E Major.

Level: A

Giasson, Paul E., United States

American musician and composer.

The Carriage Trade

New York: General Music, 1964.

Level: LI–I

The Cuckoo Bird

New York: General Music, 1963.

This work and the one listed above are amiable, rhythmic, melodious pieces in the popular style of a soft-shoe dance.

Level: LI–I

Dance of the Christmas Goose

New York: Harold Flammer, 1965.

Lively, witty piece with rhythmical drive.

Level: LI–I

Little Ballerina

New York: Harold Flammer, 1964.

Spirited waltz.

Level: UE–LI

Three Play-Full Piano Duets

New York: General Music, 1969.

Entertaining, bright, cleverly written pieces of moderate length, evocative of light popular music.

Level: I–UI

The Puppet Parade

New York: Harold Flammer, 1964.

Dashing, rhythmical march tune spiced up with occasional blue notes.

Level: LI

A Sleigh Bell Serenade

New York: General Music, n.d.

Waltz for a Rainy Afternoon

New York: Harold Flammer, 1965.

Slow, wistful waltz time in popular-music style.

Level: LI

Giavina, Riccardo (b. 1937), Italy

Italian pianist and composer. Professor of piano and the director of the F. A. Bonporti Conservatory. Catalogue includes works for piano, organ, choir, and instrumental chamber ensembles.

Introduzione, Toccata e Finale

Ancona: Berben Edizioni Musicali, 1988.

Begins with a quirky, moderately paced introduction followed by a sizzling toccata that features rapidly alternating sixteenth notes and concludes with a fugue.

Level: LA

Gieck, Janet (b. 1976), Canada

Canadian composer, pianist, and teacher. Received degrees in sacred music and composition from Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, Alberta. Her music has been featured on CBC radio.

Vancouver via Rail

Red Leaf Pianoworks, 2005.

Evokes the sounds of the railway by way of a rhythmic accompaniment and the sounds of the train’s whistle. Whole-tone scales and clusters abound.

Level: I

Gieseking, Walter (1895–1956), Germany

German pianist; outstanding interpreter of Chopin and French Impressionist composers as well as the German Classicists. His compositions include songs, chamber music, and piano works.

Spiel um ein Kinderlied

Berlin: Johannes Oertel, 1948.

Charming set of variations on “Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman,” ingeniously worked out in effective, mildly contemporary style.

Level: I–UI

Gigout, Eugène (1844–1925), France

French organist and composer; studied with Saint-Saëns. He wrote organ music, sacred choruses, and piano pieces.


Paris: Hamelle, n.d.

Fantaisie scolastique

Paris: Hamelle, n.d.

Pièce symphonique

Paris: Hamelle, ca. 1900.

Gilbert, Anthony (b. 1934), England

English; has written an opera, music for small orchestra, and works for various instrumental combinations. He wrote in serial idiom; often makes use of electronic devices.

Sonata No. 2, Op. 8 (1966–67)

London: Schott, 1969.

Avant-garde; pointillistic, complex work in four movements, Strophe I, Strophe II, Jamboree I, and Jamboree II. The score calls for fist and forearm dusters, string plucking inside the piano, and cloth and metal string mutes. Conventional notation is supplemented by indications for harmonics, unusual pedalings, and other special effects. Extremely difficult.

Level: A

Gilbert, Gladys V., England

English composer.

Picture Tales

London: Stainer & Bell, 1921.

Short, easy teaching pieces in simple harmonic style.

Level: UE

Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap (1868–1928), United States

American composer; pupil of MacDowell; made use of Creole, Negro, and American Indian melodies. His works include ballet music, choral and orchestral works, songs, and piano compositions; his style is vigorous and spontaneous.

Three American Dances (Uncle Remus; Delphine; Br’er Rabbit)

Boston: Boston Music, 1919.

Inspired by the Uncle Remus stories. The three pieces in this set vary in mood but they all flow along gracefully in catchy, syncopated, ragtime rhythms, strikingly reminiscent of Scott Joplin’s rags. These works are very much in the tradition of the four-hand Creole dances by the nineteenth-century American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk. They are infused with folk feeling, extensive modal flavor, and an irrepressible beat.

Level: I–UI

Gilchrist, William Wallace (1846–1916), United States

American organist; composed choral music, songs, symphonies, and piano works.

Une petite suite (Alla marcia; Mélodie; Styrienne; Fughetta)

Boston: A. P. Schmidt, 1885.

Salon-style suite concluding with well-constructed and spirited little fugue.

Level: I–UI

Gildon, John

A Favorite Duet (B), Op. 14

London: J. Balls, ca. 1818.

A Grand Duett, Op. 12

London: J. Balls, ca. 1818.

Both duets, Op. 14 in two movements and Op. 12 in three, are cast in a naive, uneventful Classical idiom with charming melodies but weak thematic development.

Gillock, William (1917–1993), United States

Celebrated American composer of educational music. Studied piano and composer at Central Missouri Methodist College in Fayette, Missouri, with N. Louise Wright.

Boogie Prelude

Florence, KY: Willis Music, 1981.

A high energy, rhythmic duet that exemplifies the boogie style. Arranged for the medium by the composer.

Level: I

Fiesta Mariachi

Florence, KY: Willis Music, 1990.

In ABA form, this festive duet begins and ends with a vivacious dance in image that surrounds a dashing Habanera in the middle.

Level: UI–LA

Jazz Prelude

Florence, KY: Willis Music, 1981.

Arranged for one piano, four hands by the composer, this duet is full of flair and rhythmic energy. Some of the more complex rhythms may prove difficult for a student to take off the page, but once they are in the ear, the piece is quite playable for intermediate-level students.

Level: I–UI

Playing in the Park

Florence, KY: Willis Music, 1988.

This whimsical duet has several sections labeled with descriptions such as “Chasing butterflies” and “Feeding the ducks.” It provides a good study in voicing for the secondo and parallel motion passagework in the primo.

Level: I

Gilse, Jan van (1881–1944), Netherlands

Dutch composer and conductor; wrote symphonic works, choral pieces, songs, chamber music, and piano pieces.

Variaties over een St. Nicolaasliedje (Variations on a St. Nicholas Song)

Middelburg: Noske, 1910; Amsterdam: Alsbach, n.d.; New Edition, Donemus, n.d.

Ginneken, Jaap van (1913–1973), Netherlands

Dutch sound technician and composer; has written symphonies, string quartets, piano concertos, and piano pieces.

Scène à deux

Amsterdam: Donemus, 1944.

Giordani, Tommaso (ca. 1733–1806), Italy

Italian composer; worked in London and Dublin. He composed or wrote sections of more than fifty operas; also wrote songs and instrumental works.

A Duetto for Two Performers on One Pianoforte or Harpsichord (C)

London: John Preston, ca. 1785.

Four Favorite Duettinos for Two Performers. . . . (C, G, D, B)

London: John Preston, ca. 1785.

New Edition, Duettino No. 3 (D)

In Townsend, ed., Piano Duets of the Classical Period.

A First Sett of Three Duetts for Two Performers on One Piano Forte or Harpsichord (C, D, B)

London: S. Babb, ca. 1780.

Also published as Trois sonates . . . , Op. 9

Berlin: Hummel, 1783.

A Second Sett of Three Duetts for Two Performers on One Piano Forte or Harpsichord (G, E, F)

London: S. Babb, ca. 1780.

These six pleasant two-movement sonatas, appearing in two sets of three duets each, are set in a Classical idiom. They are reminiscent of J. C. Bach’s Duettini in conception, style, and texture, with an abundance of Alberti bass accompaniments, antiphonal thematic development, and extensive use of sixths and tenths between the parts. The first movements are in sonata-allegro form, followed by shorter and lighter movements consisting of dance forms and themes with variations.

Level: I

Trois sonates à quatre main [sic] sur un clavecin ou forte piano (B, C, F)

Paris: Sieber, n.d.

Girnatis, Walter (1894–1981), Poland/Germany

Polish-born German composer of symphonies, concertos, cantatas, church music, radio operas, and piano pieces.

Kleine Suite, from Musik zu einem Handpuppenspiel (Listiges Vorspiel; Romanze; Kleiner Tanz; Burleske)

In Spielbuch, zeitgenössische Originalkompositionen.

Bright, cheerful work in traditional harmonic setting, with angular rhythms and contrasts in mood.

Level: I

Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich (1865–1936), Russia

Russian composer, settled in Paris; wrote symphonies, concertos, ballets, songs, and piano pieces in Romantic style, uninfluenced by Russian nationalist elements.


See: Badinage under Bacon, Ernst.

Glière, Reinhold (1874–1956), Russia

Russian composer; pupil of Arensky, Tanayev, and Ippolitov-Ivanov. He wrote prolifically in late Romantic style, often with Russian folk influences. His music is well crafted and has strong dramatic quality.

[24] Easy Pieces, Op. 38

Moscow: Jurgenson, 1909; New Edition, Moscow: State Music, n.d.

Book 1: Prelude; Waltz; Impromptu; Menuet; Popular Song; Mazurka. Book 2: Albumleaf; Moment Musicale; Elegy; Melody; Lullaby; Scherzo. Book 3: Regret; Restlessness; Lyrical Moment; Fairy Tale; Orientale; Sketch. Book 4: Reverie; Arabesque; Intermezzo; Song; Sad Thoughts; Tarantella. Engaging series of short, sensitive pieces, masterfully set for four hands; should be reprinted.

Level: LI

[12] Pieces (Prelude; Waltz; Sketch; Lament; Etude; Shepherd Song; Arabesque; Dreaming; Mazurka; Fughetta; Scherzo; Orientale), Op. 48

Moscow: Jurgenson, 1911; Op. 48/5, 11 (Etude and Scherzo) in Balogh, ed., Eighteen Original Piano Duets; Op. 48/4 (Lament) in Zeitlin and Goldberger, eds., Russian Music for the Young Pianist, vol. 5. New York: MCA, 1969.

A second set of exceptionally fine pieces, similar in style and character to Op. 38.

Level: LI

Glinka, Mikhail (1804–1857), Russia

Considered to be the first Russian nationalist composer, Glinka wrote in a clear, post-Classical musical idiom, making frequent use of native thematic material. His four-hand works are only a fraction of his total output. They consist mainly of short, lively pieces in popular dance forms (Trots de Cavalerie, Polka, and Galop). They show stylistic consistency and capable writing for the two parts.

Capriccio sur des thèmes russes (1934)

Moscow: Jurgenson, 1904.

Long, repetitious, and episodic.

Level: I–LA

Impromptu en galop (B) on the barcarolle from Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore (1832)

Level: I

Polka (B) (1852)

Moscow: Jurgenson, 1904.

Level: I–UI

Trot de cavalerie (C) (1829–30)

Moscow: Jurgenson, 1878.

Level: I

Trot de cavalerie (G) (1829–30)

Moscow: Jurgenson, 1878.

Level: I

M. Glinka Polnoye Sobranie-Sochinenii (Glinka’s Complete Works), vol. 5

Moscow: State Music, 1957.

Contains Glinka’s complete four-hand works.

Glover, David Carr (1925–1988), United States

American musical pedagogue and composer of piano teaching materials.

Blow That Bugle

Melville, NY: Belwin, 1971.

Short piece, based on bugle call, in jazz idiom with syncopation.

Level: LE

Clap It Boogie

New York: Schroeder & Gunther, 1951.

Instructional work in boogie style.

Level: UE–LI


Melville, NY: Belwin, 1969.

Light, bouncy teaching piece.

Level: UE

Donkey with a Sombrero

Melville, NY: Belwin, 1969.

Latin rhythms are featured in this bright little piece.

Level: UE

Hayride Boogie

New York: Charles Hansen, 1961.

Piano Duets, Level I, II, IV

Melville, NY: Belwin, 1971.

Arrangements and original pieces in easy, flowing, predictable style.

Level: UE

Turkey Trot

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1970; also published in Contest Winners for Two, Book 1.

Alternating patterns between the hands. Lively.

Level: E


Melville, NY: Belwin, 1971.

Simple melody and accompaniment; evenly balanced parts.

Level: LE

Gnesin, Mikhail Fabianovich (1883–1957), Russia

Russian composer; studied with Rimsky-Korsakov and Liadov. He wrote many works with Jewish associations, including operas, orchestral suites, and chamber music. Gnesin also composed songs, folk song arrangements, and piano works. His style is lyrical and Romantic, with Hebrew and other folk influences.

Detiam, malen’kaia siuita (For children, little suite) (Spring Dance; Oriental Dance I; Oriental Dance II; Song of the Knight of Old; Lullaby; Ballet Waltz), Op. 27

Moscow: State Music, 1919.

Delightful suite of pieces with Russian flavor; shows excellent craftsmanship and sensitivity for the four-hand medium.

Level: LI–UI

Malenkie p’esy (Little Pieces) (Swan Lake; Waltz; Red Ridinghood; Dance), Op. 29

Moscow: State Music, 1940.

Short, colorful, tone pictures from Andersen’s fairy tales.

Level: I–UI

Pesni i tantsi adygeiskikh Cherkesov (Songs and Dances of the Adygei Circassians) (Meramuk; Zezhuako; Kazhra; Song of the Flood; Song of the Adygei Youth), Op. 53

Moscow: State Music, 1941.

Exotic, atmospheric settings of Circassian folk melodies.

Level: I

Piat’ pesen narodov SSSR (Five Folk Songs of the USSR) (Sar kaiak; Siudov, siudov; Kolektivse vania eri; Biulbiul em; Melody of the Crimean Tartars), Op. 54

Moscow: State Music, 1939.

Effective folk song settings, some with vivid oriental coloring.

Level: I

Variations on an “Orah,” Op. 35

Jerusalem: Jibne Ed., n.d.

Gnesina, Yelena Fabianova (1874–1967), Russia

Soviet pianist and teacher; wrote pedagogical music.

[2] P’esy (Pieces) (Patty Cake; March)

Moscow: State Music, 1929; also in Finkelshtein, Z., ed. Izbrannye detskie p’esy dlia fortepiano. Moscow: State Music, 1963.

Level: UE–LI

Gobbaerts (Streabbog), Louis (1835–1886), Belgium

Belgian concert pianist, teacher, and prolific composer of over 1,200 works for piano. Studied at the Brussels Conservatory. Published most of his work under the pseudonym Streabbog, which is Gobbaerts spelled backward.

Tramway Galop

Brussels: Schott Freres.

A brilliant, fast work featuring glissandi and fast arpeggios.

Level: UI–LA

Godard, Benjamin (1849–1895), France

French violinist and composer of operas, stage music, orchestral music, choral and chamber works, and piano pieces written in light salon style.

Contes de la veillée, six morceaux (Conte pastorale; Conte amusant; Conte triste; Conte burlesque; Conte surnaturel; Conte de chevalerie), Op. 67

Paris: Durand, 1882.

Character pieces, artfully set.

Level: I

Carnaval, six morceaux (Columbine, polketta; Marguerite, valse; Pierrot, galop; Española, habañera; Fleurette, mazurka; Scaramouche, galop)

Berlin/Leipzig: Simrock, 1893.

Pastorale Melancolique, Op. 137, No. 1

Paris: Armand Colin, 1893.

A gloomy, somewhat static duet in D minor. Slow and features dotted and double-dotted rhythms.

Level: I

Quatre morceaux caractéristiques et très faciles, Op. 115

Leipzig: Forberg, n.d.; London: Ashdown, n.d.

Level: I

Godowsky, Leopold (1870–1938), Poland

Polish-born American pianist and composer. He wrote concert studies and piano pieces, and transcribed many famous orchestral works into virtuoso piano compositions and performed them.


New Edition, Sachania, Millan, ed. New York: Carl Fischer, 1918, 2004.

Includes valuable introductory remarks and performance notes for each work. Deserves attention.

First Suite: In church; At night; Lullaby; Rustic dance. Second Suite: Arietta; Sarabande; Cradle song; Baratelle (valsette). Third Suite: Prelude (The organ point); Chorale; Hymn; Epilogue (Retrospect for l.h. alone). Ancient Dances: First minuet (C); Second minuet (G); Rigaudon; Gavotte; Bourrée; Siciliana; Irish jig. Modern Dances: Polka; Tyrolean (Ländler), Valse élégiaque; Tarantella (Italy); Csárdás (Hungary); Mazurka (Chopinesque); Polonaise. Miscellaneous Pieces: Serenade; The miller’s song; Meditation; Pastorale (Angelus); The exercise; Processional march; Scherzo; Arabian chant (Orientale); Albumblatt (Intermezzo); Funeral march; Plaintive melody; Ballade; Nocturne; Barcarolle; Humoresque; Toccatina; Impromptu (In days of yore); The scholar (fughetta); The hunter’s call (Woodland mood); Military march. Modern Dances was reprinted by Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (Polish Music Publishers).

A Key to the Miniatures of Leopold Godowsky, containing a brief analysis and description of each of the forty-six pieces in the series, was at one time available from Carl Fischer. This exceptionally fine collection, comprising three suites of four pieces each, fourteen dances (ancient and modern), and twenty miscellaneous works, forms an impressive array of refined, dextrously fashioned four-hand works cast in a variety of styles, forms, and musical idioms. From the point of view of sound structure and interplay of the two parts, the series represents one of the most successful essays made by any composer into the highly restricting field of writing effectively for the primo in a five-note span, with a more difficult secondo part.

Level: I–UI/E–UE-5

Goedicke, Aleksandr Fyodorovich (1877–1957), Russia

Russian pianist, teacher, and composer of operas, orchestral and chamber music, piano pieces, and folk song arrangements.

Six pièces (Valse; Barcarolle; Marche; Berceuse; Sérénade; Gavotte), Op. 12

Moscow: State Music, 1928.

Charming, melodious, solidly crafted pieces in effective Romantic idiom; first-class teaching material.

Level: LI–I

Goethel (Göthel), Ernst

Nocturne (Kanon in der Terzdecime), Op. 5

Leipzig: Kahnt, 1905.

Musical oddity; canon at the thirteenth (upper sixth) written in such a way that both players read from the same two lines of music, the primo in the G clef and the secondo in the F clef. Appropriate signals indicate entries of the canon; works out well and effectively with a few rhythmical problems.

Level: I–UI

Goetz, Hermann (1840–1876), Germany

German composer of two operas, symphonic and choral works, chamber music, and piano compositions; his premature death cut short a promising career.

Sonata (g), Op. 17 (1865–1866)

Leipzig: Kistner, 1878; New Edition, Munich-Gräfelfing: Verlag Walter Wollenweber, 1970 (in the series Unbekannte Werke der Klassik and Romantik); Amadeus, 1976.

Lyrical, fluent, and imaginative three-movement work, regarded as one of the finest four-hand sonatas of the nineteenth century. An exemplary work for the medium in its harmonic and contrapuntal interest, clarity of texture, and sensitively balanced parts. Shows the influence of Mendelssohn rather than Schumann. Lies well under the hands.

Level: UI–A

Goldmark, Karl (1830–1915), Hungary

Viennese composer of Hungarian origin; best known for his Rustic Wedding Symphony. Other works include operas, chamber music, and piano pieces. His music, often overly sentimental, is characterized by melodic invention and artful manipulation of thematic materials.

Drei Stücke, Op. 12

Budapest: Editio Musica, 1956 (Rózsavölgyi, 1891).

Pieces of contrasting color and mood in Romantic style: Pastorale; marshlike Polonaise; assertive Finale. The texture of all three pieces suggests orchestral origin.

Level: I–UI

Tänze, Op. 22

Mainz: Schott, 1876.

Goldner, Wilhelm (1839–1907)

A minor composer in the Romantic tradition, Goldner concentrated his efforts on four-hand composition and produced a quantity of attractive, flowing pieces that demonstrate great dexterity and inventiveness. His thirteen suites, resembling sonatas in style and form, are especially remarkable for their craftsmanship and richness of sound.

Danse russe, Op. 43

St. Louis: Balmer & Weber, 1886.

Level: I

Première sonatine (C)

Lemoine, n.d.

Level: UE

Deuxième sonatine (C)

Paris: Lemoine, n.d.

Level: E

Scherzo for Piano Four Hands

Paris: Henry Lemoine, 1872.

A spirited scherzo in G minor.

Level: I

Troisième sonatine (g)

Paris: Lemoine, n.d.

Level: UE

Quatrième sonatine (F)

Paris: Lemoine, n.d.

Level: LI

Suite hébraïque sur des vieux chants du synagogue (F) (Melodie am Gesetzgebungsfest [Shavuoth]; Dankgesang am Befreiungsfest [Al horishonim]; Lied am Makkabäerfest [Channukah]; Kol Nidrei), Op. 64

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1905.

Suite mélodique (B), Op. 63

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1904.

Suite moderne No. 1 (D), Op. 38

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1875.

Level: LI–I

Suite moderne No. 2 (C), Op. 39

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1876.

Suite moderne No. 3 (G), Op. 40

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1877; Boston: Boston Music, 1917.

Suite moderne No. 6 (G), Op. 49

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1887.

Suite nuptiale (D) (Hochzeitsmusik) (Cortège; Chant de la fiancée; Ronde de la fiancée; Nocturne), Op. 65

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1906.

Suite pittoresque (c), Op. 59

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1898.

Suite romantique (a), Op. 61

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1901.

Waldscenen, suite caractéristique (E) (Unter den Bäumen; Dianens Jagdzug; Auf einsamen Wegen; Runde der Berggeister), Op. 58

Leipzig: Schuberth, 1897.

Goldstein, Michael (Mikhail) (1917–1989), Russia

Soviet music editor and composer.

Fröhlicher Tanz

In Goldstein, ed., Brother and Sister.

Vigorous, amiable work, with some tricky passage work for the primo.

Level: UE–LI

Goldston, Margaret (1932–2003), United States

Composer, teacher, clinician. Degree from Louisiana State University where she was honored as the School of Music Alumnus of the Year in 1991. Studied composition privately with Pulitzer Prize–winning composer Robert Ward.

Duets for Cat Lovers

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1990.

Late elementary duets: Kitten Kisses (A Minuet); Meow March; Purring Tune; Sophisticated Cat.

Level: UE

Duets for Dog Lovers

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1989.

Four early elementary duets: The Bow-Wow Chorus; Guard Dog; Puppy Love; The Wagging Tail.

Level: LE

Music for Sharing, Book 1

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1994.

Ten early elementary duets: Chop-Ticks; Echo March; Honky-Tonk Ride; Love-Lei; Piggyback Waltz; Popcorn, Please!; Rain Dance; Roundabout; Starlight Tango; Your Turn to Rock!

Level: LE

Music for Sharing, Book 2

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1994.

Nine elementary duets: Autumn Mist; Dream; Fanfare; Happy-Go-Lucky; Hula Dancer; Let’s Rock!; Magical March; Music Box; Tambourine.

Level: E

Neon Lights

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 1997.

Swing eighths and syncopation generate a cool groove.

Level: LI

Waltz for a Kitten

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 2000.

A tender waltz in C major. The descending melodic third motive imitates the kitten’s “meow.”

Level: UE

Gómis, José Ramón

Alma de España

Madrid: Unión Musical Española, 1956.

Jota in light salon style.

Level: I

Goolkasian, Dianne (b. 1938), United States

Composer and pedagogue.


Brighton, MA: Carousel Publishing, 1972.

Gottlieb, Jack (1930–2011), United States

Composer of songs, synagogue music, and orchestral and vocal works.

The Silent Flickers (1967)

Twelve diversions for piano four hands (Opening Titles; The Heroine’s Face Emerges Out of the Rose; The Softshoe Vamp; Cheek-to-Cheek with the Chic Sheik; The Chase; The Old Homestead; The Royal Hunt [variations: a. Fanfare; b. Horses and hounds; c. Fall of the Stag; d. The Groaning Board; e. Processional]; March of the Suffragettes; Dalliance and Intrigue at the Masked Ball; Barbershop Quartet; Speak Easy to the Pink Lady; Into the Sunset; The End?)

Evocative, amusing satire on the music and situations of the silent films. The style is tonal and mildly dissonant, with a strong jazz flavor. Frequent awkwardness in the setting of the two parts suggests an origin in some other medium, possibly orchestral.

Level: UI–A

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829–1869), United States

One of the most dazzling and romantic figures of the American musical world of the mid-nineteenth century, Gottschalk was a brilliant virtuoso pianist with a flamboyant style and a flair for dramatic programming. Studied piano with Sir Charles Halle and Camille Stamaty and composition with Pierre Maleden. As a composer he wrote for piano solo and for orchestra, and contributed to the four-hand repertoire with numerous arrangements of solo piano works along with the following original duets. The abbreviation CCat refers to the catalog number of the composer’s works listed in The Centennial Catalogue of the Published and Unpublished Compositions of Louis Moreau Gottschalk (New York: prepared for Stereo Review by Robert Offergeld, 1970).

La Gallina, Op. 53 (1863), CCat 100

Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1865.

La jota aragonesa: Caprice espagnol, Op. 14

Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1855.

Originally written as part of a Grande Symphonie entitled El sitio de Zaragoza (The Siege of Saragossa) for ten pianos. The jota is a traditional dance usually accompanied by guitar from the Aragon region of northern Spain.

Ojos criollos, Op. 37 (1859), CCat 184

New York: William Hall, 1859.

Radieuse (Grande valse de concert) (ca. 1859), CCat 217

Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1865.

First published under the pseudonym Seven Octaves.

Réponds-moi, Op. 50 (1859), CCat 225

New York: William Hall, 1864.

Ses yeux (Her Eyes), polka de concert, Op. 66

Mineola, NY: Dover Publications

A light and graceful polka. As is the case in most of Gottschalk’s duets, the primo is considerably more challenging than the secondo.

Level: I/UI–LA

Lawrence, Vera Brodsky, ed. The Piano Works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk (New York: Arno Press and New York Times, 1969), contains reprints of the above works. The three Cuban dances, “La Gallina,” “Ojos criollos,” and “Réponds-moi,” are strongly spiced with Creole flavor and syncopated rhythms and reflect the composer’s fascination with Caribbean folk music and dance. They also represent a genre of piano duet concert music in which the moderately difficult secondo supplied the foundation for the brilliant, often technically demanding, primo. This novel form was ideally suited to Gottschalk’s frequent concert tours of the Western hemisphere in the mid-nineteenth century. It added a touch of variety to his solo programs; with a local pianist supplying the basic rhythmic and harmonic support in the relatively unspectacular secondo part, the composer would continue to dazzle his audiences, this time with glittering displays of pyrotechnics in the upper register of the instrument.

Level: I–UI/A

Goud, Stella (b. 1960), Canada

Canadian composer and musician.

Off-Balance Duets (A Bit O’Boogie; Lonely Lullaby; A Mischevious March; Misty Morning; Toe Tap; A Wobbly March)

Toronto: Frederick Harris Music, 1994.

Gould, Morton (1913–1996), United States

Composer, arranger, conductor, and pianist. Studied at the Institute of Musical Art and with Abby Whiteside and Vincent Jones. Composed works for Broadway, film, television, and other genres.

Pavanne: Second Movement from American Symphonette No. 2

New York: Mills Music, 1944; also published in Blue Ribbon Series: Favorite Piano Duets Level Four, Volume 1.

A buoyant, leisurely work in F major.

Level: I

Gounod, Charles (1818–1893), France

French composer of the successful opera Faust; also wrote symphonic and liturgical music, songs, and piano pieces.



Short, melodious piece in flowing Romantic style.

Level: LI

L’angélus, melody

London: Augener, n.d.

Menuet (g)

London: Augener, 1858.

Gouvy, Théodore (1819–1898), France

French choral and symphonic composer; studied in Berlin. He wrote chamber music and many piano pieces. Studied in Paris and Berlin. Composers such as Brahms, Reinecke, and Joachim held his music in high regard.

Scherzo et Aubade, Op. 77

Leipzig: J. Rieter-Biedermann, 1885.

The Scherzo is a virtuosic showpiece with rapid sixteenth note passagework and figuration in the primo.

Level: A

Six Pieces, Op. 59

Montrouge: Alphonse Leduc, 1860.

Six duets: Prelude; Caprice; Marche; Danse Mauresque; Theme varie; Polonaise. Salon pieces; effective writing.

Level: LA

Sonata (d), Op. 36

Paris: Richault (Costallat), 1862.

Sonata (c), Op. 49

Paris: Richault (Costallat), 1868.

Sonata (F), Op. 51

Paris: Richault (Costallat), 1868.

The three sonatas, Op. 36, 49, and 51, are well-written, melodious works in dry instructional style.

Level: I–UI

Variations sur un thème original (D), Op. 52

Vienna: Doblinger, 1869.

Bright, attractive; somewhat demanding technically, especially in primo.

Level: I

Variations sur une chanson française (c), Op. 57

Paris: Costallat, 1873.

Grädener, Hermann (1844–1929), Germany

Chamber works, piano pieces, operas, and orchestral compositions are included in the output of this German conductor-composer.

Trois impromptus (e, f, D), Op. 2

Hamburg: Fritz Schuberth, 1868.

Bustling, engaging works, dextrously set for the medium.

Level: I

Graeff, Johann Georg (1762–1829)

German flautist and composer.

Three Duets (C, F, D), Op. 12

London: Longman, Clementi, ca. 1799.

A Favorite Duet (G), Op. 14

London: Clement, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, n.d.

Graesvold, Hans Magne (b. 1936), Norway

Norwegian composer. Studied composition and flute at the Oslo Conservatory of Music and the University of Oslo.


Oslo: MIC (Music Information Centre) Norsk, 1991.

A three-movement work: I. Andante-Allegro-Andante; II. Largo; III. Allegro energico. The final movement is a fast-paced fugue.

Level: LA

Graf (Graaf), Christian Ernst (1723–1804), Germany

German-born composer, resident of The Hague.

Dix petites pièces aisées, Op. 30

The Hague: Publisher missing, n.d.

Il Sonates, Op. 29

The Hague: Publisher missing, n.d.; Berlin: Hummel, 1797.

Graham, Robert (1912–1992), United States

Born in El Dorado, Kansas, Graham held degrees from the Eastman School of Music and the University of Redlands in California. He composed both secular and religious works.

Fiddle Tune

Philadelphia: Elkan-Vogel, 1961.

Level: E

Maverick Trail

Philadelphia: Elkan-Vogel, 1961.

Level: E

Shepherd’s Suite

Philadelphia: Elkan-Vogel, 1967.

The composer exploits the limited resources of elementary four-hand pianism with taste and imagination in these smartly crafted works.

Level: LI

Grainger, Percy Aldridge (1882–1961), Australia

Australian-born pianist; U.S. citizen; studied with Busoni. He collected and edited English folk music and wrote choral and orchestral works, chamber music, and piano pieces.

Country Gardens: British Folk-Music Settings

Mainz: Schott, 1919, 1937.

Arrangement/setting of English Morris Dance Tune collected by Cecil J. Sharp.

Level: I

Let’s Dance Gay in Green Meadow; ’Neath the Mould Shall Never Dancer’s Tread Go Faeroe Island dance folk song, collected by Hjalmar Thuren, set for one piano twosome (1946).

London: Faber Music, 1967.

Diverting curiosity; one of the composer’s last manuscripts. Parts are of equal difficulty and move with great rapidity.

Level: A

Grammann, Carl (1844–1897), Germany

German operatic composer; also wrote symphonies, chamber music, and piano works in conservative idiom.

Walzer, Op. 25

Berlin: Ries & Erler, 1875.

Suite of waltzes in salon style.

Level: I

Granados, Enrique (1867–1916), Spain

Spanish composer, pianist, and conductor. He wrote operas, orchestral works, and piano pieces in the Spanish nationalist idiom.

Dos marchas militares

Barcelona: Sociedad Anónima Casa Dotesio, n.d.

Two pleasant marches of moderate length, with vivid Spanish color.

Level: I

Grandpre, Victor

Light Calvary (Galop), Op. 23

Florence, KY: Willis Music, 1906; published in Four-Hand Recreations.

Level: I

Granier, H.

Suite villageoise (Entrée villageoise; Mélancolie; Valse ballet; Saltarelle)

Paris: Lemoine, 1908.

Level: I

Gratia, Louis-Émile, France

Le chant du coucou

Paris: Consortium Musical, n.d.

Level: E

Graves, John (1916–1997), England

English composer; studied at Royal College of Music.

Four Springtime Pieces

London: Novello, 1954.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Graves, Richard Harding (b. 1926), England

English composer, musician, and teacher.

Saucy Jig

London: Augener, 1955.

Bright, lively, happy teaching piece.

Level: UE–LI

Slavonic Dance

London: Augener, 1960.

Bustling, rhythmical.

Level: UE–LI

Gray, Donald

Over the Hills

London: Boosey & Hawkes, n.d.

Level: E

Graziani, Louis

Piccoli pianisti

Florence: A. Forlivesi, n.d.

Graziani-Walter, Carlo (1851–1927), Italy

Italo-Belgian composer of very popular instructional piano music.

Danza orientale, Op. 166

Milan: Carisch, n.d.

Diavoletti, galop, Op. 167

Milan: Carisch, n.d.

Marcia festiva

Milan: Carisch, n.d.

Raccolta di cirque suonatine sulk calque note (Preghiera del mattino; L’addio; La partenza; Sul lago; Il ritorno), Op. 102

Milan: Lucca, n.d.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Greer, Jesse (1896–1970), United States

Broadway songwriter and composer.


New York: Belwin, n.d.

Greim, Helen A., United States

Dutch Dance

New York: Carl Fischer, 1934.

Short, attractive teaching piece.

Level: UE


New York: Carl Fischer, 1936.

Bright, melodious teaching piece.

Level: E


New York: Carl Fischer, 1936.

Instructional work with strong rhythmical drive.

Level: E


New York: Carl Fischer, 1934.

Easy arpeggios are featured in this tuneful piece.

Level: UE–LI

Gretchaninoff, Alexander (1864–1956), Russia

Russian composer; pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov; U.S. resident. He wrote operas, liturgical music, symphonies, songs and piano works; cultivated a German post-Romantic style.

Album: Leichte Stucke (Fairy Tale, Op. 98, No. 1; The Tinsoldiers Marching, Op. 98, No. 3; On the Meadow, Op. 119, No. 4; In the Woodland Glade, Op. 98, No. 6; A Tiresome Lesson, Op. 98, No. 8; Sad Story, Op. 119, No. 7; The Little Would-Be Man, Op. 98, No. 15; My Dear Mammy, Op. 119, No. 1; After the Ball, Op. 98, No. 13; Little Waltz, Op. 119, No. 6; At Work, Op. 109, No. 2; Early Morn, Op. 115, No. 1)

Mainz: Schott, 1932.

Level: I

On the Green Meadow (On the Green Meadow; Mother’s Song; Ballad; Lost in the Woods; On a Walk; Spring Morning; Fairy Tale; In the Village; In the Mountains; Serenade), Op. 99

New York: MCA, 1945; Schott Ed. (Auf grüner Wiese), 1926, 1954; Moscow: State Music, 1952.

Exceptionally well written and attractive suite of well-balanced pieces; frequently reprinted in anthologies.

Level: UE–LI

Griebling, Stephen, United States

Self-taught American composer with a degree in chemistry. His compositions have been performed by the Akron Symphony, the Springfield Symphony, and members of the Cleveland Orchestra.

Tropical Tango

Florence, KY: Willis Music, 2003.

A slow, saucy tango in D minor with contrasting section in D major. The sharp tango rhythm is juxtaposed with lazy triplets. Contrasts in articulation generate flair. The rhythmic energy slows in the D major section providing opportunities for the expressive use of rubato.

Level: I

Grieg, Edvard (1843–1907), Norway

Norwegian composer of Scottish ancestry. In addition to his famous piano concerto, Peer Gynt Suite, and Holberg Suite, he wrote choral works, songs, Norwegian folk-music arrangements, and many piano pieces, much of which is of strong nationalist character.

Norwegian Dances (d, G, A, D), Op. 35 (1881)

Peters, Schott, Bèrben (Op. 35/2 only); Schirmer (Op. 35/3 only).

Charming dances, full of Norwegian folk flavor; familiar in their orchestral transcription, but most effective in original duet form.

Level: UI–A

Two Elegiac Melodies, Op. 34

The Last Spring, Op. 34, No. 2, appears in Grieg’s Best Duets.

These pieces were arranged for solo piano as well as for string orchestra by the composer. Tranquil and elegant.

[2] Waltz Caprices, Op. 37 (1883)


Graceful, lyrical, light-textured waltzes; technically demanding in part; well worth investigating.

Level: UI/UI–A

Fantasy (D), Op. 11

Augener; Peters.

Arr. from En Fantasi (1860), concert overture for orchestra.

[2] Symphonic Pieces (A, c), Op. 14


Arr. from two movements of unpublished symphony (1863).

Level: UI

Opp. 11 and 14 are transcriptions frequently found in anthologies.

Griffis, Elliot (1893–1968), United States

Composer of orchestral and chamber works. Studied at Yale University and the New England Conservatory of Music.

Tunes for Two, Three and Four Hands; a book of duets for a beginner and an experienced player

Flushing, NY: D. L. Schroeder, 1943.

A motley collection of pieces consisting of folk song arrangements, little etudes, and original melodies; well worth looking into.

Level: UE–LI/E

Griffiths, David

The Little Cuckoo

London: Curwen, n.d.

Level: UE

Grill, Joyce (b. 1936), United States

Composer, teacher, and conductor. Graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Studied composition at the Fountainebleau School of Fine Arts where she studied piano with Robert and Jean Casadesus and theory and composition with Nadia Boulanger. Served on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse.

Four Hand Fun

Van Nuys, CA: Belwin-Mills / Warner Bros., 2005.

A collection of four duets: Out of Tune March; Shimmering Waters; Ukrainian Three-Step; V-Hawk’s Gallop. See especially the meditative Shimmering Waters and the rambunctious V-Hawk’s Gallop.

Level: LI

High Five

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 2014.

Playful duet in G major and image time.

Level: I


Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 2011.

A study in staccato touch with exaggerated gestures to illustrate a hopscotch game adding to the visual effect of this duet.

Level: LI

Latin Rhythms

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 2013.

Packed with rhythmic vitality and festive Latin flair.

Level: UI

Rock On, Plymouth!

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 2007.

Rock and roll style. Builds in texture throughout. Primo and secondo share the role of melody and accompaniment. Ends with a tremolo.

Level: LI

Spanish Nights

Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Music, 2009.

Includes optional percussion parts for claves and maracas. In the keys of C major and F minor.

Level: I

Grimaldi, François

Joujoux, six petits morceaux, Op. 109

Leipzig: Kistner, n.d.

Level: LI

Petits bijoux, six morceaux (Valse lente; Sérénade de Pierrot; Mazurka sans gêne; Galop pour rire; Promenade sérieuse; Marche des cadets), Op. 120

Boston: A. P. Schmidt, 1893.

Short instructional pieces for teacher and pupil.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Petits cadeaux, morceaux (Valse gaffe; Mazurka amusante; En avant! marche), Op. 53

Boston: A. P. Schmidt, 1893.

Teaching pieces.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Grimm, Julius Otto (1827–1903), Germany

German pianist and composer; friend of Brahms. He wrote piano music and orchestral works.

Zwei Scherzi (b, g), Op. 4

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1853.

Brisk, energetic character pieces in salon style.

Level: I

Grinfeld, G., Russia

Soviet musician.

Estonian Folk Dance (c)

In Goldstein, ed., Brother and Sister.

Graceful arrangement of Soviet ethnic melody.

Level: UE

Grobe, Charles (1817–1879), United States

Composer and author of “New Method for the Piano.”

Evenings at Home

Philadelphia: George Willig, 1844–45.

Fifty pieces including No. 27 “Galop” in D major.

Level: I

Grondahl, Agathe Backer (1847–1907), Norway

Norwegian concert pianist and composers whose compositions consist largely of works for piano as well as songs. Studied with Theodor Kullak in Berlin, Hans von Bulow in Florence, and Franz List in Weimar.


Gaathaug, Morten, rev. and ed. Oslo: MIC (Music Information Centre) Norsk, 2000.

A jovial, good-humored work in E major. Approximate performance duration: ten minutes.

Level: LA

Groot, Cor de (1914–1993), Netherlands

Dutch pianist and composer.


Amsterdam: Donemus, 1961.

Suite ‘9’ (1974)

Amsterdam: Donemus, 1974.

Grove, Roger (d. 1978), United States

Couples Only

Chicago: Summy-Birchard, 1976.

Attractive, lively teaching piece for early beginners.

Level: UE


New York: Carl Fischer, 1973.

Sparkling little work with rhythmic excitement and melodic vigor.

Level: E

Together Time

Buffalo: Montgomery Music, 1969.

Effective setting of simple melody with accompaniment.

Level: E

Groven, Eivind (1901–1977), Norway

Norwegian composer and folk song scholar; his compositions have been influenced by Norwegian folk music.

Lengsel og dåd (Dreams and Deeds), ballad


Gruber, Josef (1855–1933), Austria

Austrian born organist and composer. Student of Anton Bruckner.

A. B. C. [50] Melodických cvičení pro čtyři ruce (Fifty Melodious Exercises for Four Hands)

Prague: Artia, ca. 1958.

Grund, Friedrich Wilhelm (1791–1874), Germany

German cellist, conductor, and composer. His works include operas, sacred compositions, and orchestral and chamber music.

Grande polonaise (C), Op. 14

Leipzig: Peters, 1820.

Strong, assertive work in Classical style; capably written for the medium.

Level: I

Sonata (D), Op. 10

Hamburg: Böhme, 1818.

Grutzmacher, Friedrich (1832–1903), Germany

German cellist and composer.

3 Grande Marches, Op. 39

Level: LA

Guastavino, Carlos (1912–2000), Argentina

Distinguished Argentine composer with over 500 works to his credit. Romantic yet conservative style; influenced by Argentine folk music.

Romance del Plata

Buenos Aires: Melos Ediciones Musicales, 1987.

Sonatina in three movements: I. Allegretto cantabile; II. Andante Cantabile Sereno; III. Rondo. Lush, romantic harmonic language and expressive style. The rondo conveys a more distinctly Latin character.

Level: LA

Gump, Richard (pseud. of Dr. Fritz Guckenheimer) (1906–1989), United States

Fantasia, 1955

Commissioned by Milton and Peggy Salkind.

Gurlitt, Cornelius (1820–1901), Germany

German pianist, organist and composer of attractive, useful educational piano music.

Der Anfänger, [22] leichte, melodische Uebungsstücke, Op. 211

Mainz: Schott, n.d.

Resourceful set of instructional pieces arranged in progressive order of difficulty.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Butte Blätter, [12] kleine Tonstücke, Op. 163

London: Augener, 1888.

Level: UE–LI

[12] Feuillets d’album (Albumblätter), Op. 147

Mainz: Schott, n.d.

Instructional pieces skillfully set in salon style.

Level: UE–LI

Grateful Tasks (Erholungsstunden) (on five notes), Op. 102

London: Au genes; Mainz: Schott, ca. 1880.

Collection of twenty-six inviting teaching pieces in all major and minor keys, arranged in progressive order of difficulty.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Der Kindergarten, Op. 179

Mainz: Schott, 1911; London: Augener, n.d.

Thirty-four descriptive pieces in tasteful salon style.

Level: UE–LI

Kleine Blumenstücke, [20] leichte melodische Tonstücke, Op. 178

Leipzig: A. P. Schmidt, 1891.

Collection of pleasant teaching pieces.

Level: UE–LI

Melodische Stücke, Op. 81

Leipzig: Forberg, 1876.

Level: UE–LI/E-5

Präludien und Chorale zur Häuslichen Erbauung, Op. 28

Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1866.

Rhythmische Studien, Op. 75

Hamburg: Cranz, n.d.

Twelve instructional pieces adroitly laid out for four hands in various keys and meters, in progressive order of difficulty.

Level: UE–LI

Eighteen Short Pieces, Op. 136

London: Augener, 1891.

Level: E-5/UE–LI

Six Sonatinas (C, F, d, E, c, A), Op. 124

London: Augener, 1883, 1891, 1908.

Instructional works in progressive order of difficulty.

Level: UE–LI

Drei Sonatinen (F, a, C), Op. 57

Hamburg: Cranz, 1873, 1903.

Drei Sonatinen (A, C, b), Op. 69

Hamburg: Cranz, 1875, 1903.

Drei Sonatinen (F, a, F), Op. 149

Mainz: Schott, 1891.

Heiterer Gurlitt (collection of selected works)

Frickert, Walter, ed. Leipzig: VEB Peters, 1965.

Contains: Op. 81/3, 8; Op. 136/4, 5, 6; Op. 147/14, 15; Op. 178/7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; Op. 179/2; Op. 211/1.

Gutchë, Gene (pseud. of Romeo E. Gutsche) (1907–2000), Germany

German-born American composer; works include symphonic and choral music, concertos, chamber works, and piano compositions; uses serial and microtonal techniques. Studied piano with Ferruccio Busoni. Earned degrees in business and economics.

Gemini, concerto for piano four hands and orchestra, Op. 41 (1965)


Commissioned by the University of Minnesota and first performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Leopold Sipe, conductor, and Victoria Markowski and Frank Cedrone, pianists. Gemini is a large-scale symphonic work inspired by the Gemini astronauts’ space walk in 1965. It is divided into three movements: 1. 9 . . . 8 . . . 7 . . . 6 . . . 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . zero; 2. Walk into Space; 3. Earthbound. The composer uses free treatment of serial technique and has scored the concerto for full orchestra with amplified effects. Contemporary critics cite the work’s similarity to compositions by Bartók, Stravinsky, and Ives.

Level: A

Gutsche, Romeo E. (1907–2000), Germany

See: Gutchë, Gene.