Yeager, Jeanine, United States

Composer, pianist, and teacher. Degrees from Capital University and Ohio State University. Served as an accompanist for the contemporary dance department at the College Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati.

Times to Remember

San Diego: Neil A. Kjos Music, 1989.

Titles: Barefoot Days; Bygones; Journey Home; Remember When. Contemplative and tender gestures are reflected in Bygones and Remember When, while Barefoot Days exhibits more lighthearted and carefree flair. Arpeggiated triplets triads are features in Journey Home, above which is played a soaring melody.

Level: I

Two Contrasts

San Diego: Neil A. Kjos Music, 1990.

Titles: Prelude; Rhapsody. An evocative “new age”–influenced soundscape, Prelude calls for the use of much rubato, with frequent, explicit changes in tempi. The Prelude secondo part can be successfully performed as a solo. “Rhapsody,” a bold and dramatic counterpart and the most formidable of the set, calls for significant interplay between the two parts. Hemiola effects and meter changes abound.

Level: I–UI

Yevlakhov, Orest Aleksandrovich (1912–1973), Poland

Soviet teacher and composer; has written music in all forms and articles on music education.

Detskii tanets (Children’s Dance)

In Agafonnikov, N., ed., Sbornik fortepiannikh.

Level: EU-LI

You, Seung Ha (b. 1986), South Korea


Manuscript, Seung Ha You, 2012.

Approximate performance duration: three and a half minutes.

Level: UI

Young, Irene Harrington (1919–2012)

A Merry Dance

Boston: Boston Music, n.d.

Level: UE

Young, Percy Marshall (1912–2004), England

5 Folk Song Duets (Barbara Allen; The Ash Grove; Wi’ a Hundred Pipers; A Lullaby; Christmas Piece)

London: Forsyth, 1938.

Melodious settings of English folk songs.

Level: UE–LI

Young, Stuart

Boats on the Lake

London: Curwen, n.d.

Level: UE

The Cuckoo Clock

London: Curwen, n.d.

Level: UE

The Gay Companions

London: Curwen, 1948.

Instructional piece.

Level: UE

Wee Two at Play

London: Curwen, n.d.

Level: E

Yudina, Yelena Alekseyevna

To the Children of Dagestan; collection of piano pieces on Dagestan folk songs, for two and four hands

Makhach-kala, Dagestan (USSR): Dagestan State Music Publishers, 1927.

Yuyama, Akira (b. 1932), Japan


Tokyo: Kawai Gakufu, 1969.

The Flower Laughed

Tokyo: Kawai Gakufu, 1969.

The School of Killifishes

Tokyo: Kawai Gakufu, 1969.