Text copyright © 2013 by Heather Rose and Danielle Wood

Illustrations copyright © 2015 by Stevie Lewis

Henry Holt and Company, LLC, Publishers since 1866

Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

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First published in Australia in 2013 by Allen & Unwin

Published in the United States of America in 2015 by Henry Holt and Company

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The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

Banks, Angelica.

Finding Serendipity / Angelica Banks; illustrations by Stevie Lewis. — First American edition.

pages       cm

“First published … in Australia in 2013 by Allen & Unwin”—Copyright page.

Summary: “When Tuesday McGillycuddy and her beloved dog Baxterr discover that Tuesday’s mother—the famous author Serendipity Smith—has gone missing, they set out on a magical adventure. In their quest to find Serendipity, they discover the mysterious and unpredictable place that stories come from”—Provided by publisher.

ISBN 978-1-62779-154-0 (hardcover)—ISBN 978-1-62779-440-4 (e-book)

[1.  Adventure and adventurers—Fiction.   2.  Authors—Fiction.   3.  Authorship—Fiction.   4.  Books and reading—Fiction.   5.  Magic—Fiction.]   I.  Lewis, Stevie, illustrator.   II.  Title.

PZ7.1.B365Fi 2015       [Fic]—dc23      2014037083

eISBN 9781627794404

First American hardcover edition 2015

eBook edition February 2015