Friends With Benefits

Tansy wasn’t used to being so bold in her personal life, but it seemed Sam appreciated the approach. He carried her as if she weighed as much as a TeenySaur.

Instead of moving straight to the bed, Sam held her and watched her with those gorgeous, dark eyes. He did everything with intensity.

While the moonlight was dim, she could almost feel his gaze caressing her.

It had taken her far too long to realize the man was only wearing his boxer briefs. She’d been so wrapped up in her worries.

Then he’d stood. The dim light played over him, making him looking like a warrior from ancient times ready to take on the world.

A conquering hero returning to his woman.

The very idea sent ridiculous chills through her. She wanted him to be her man. Wanted to be his woman.


Which was silly. Jumping way ahead of the evidence. Better to live in the moment and experience the present because the present was good.

Very, very good.

“You’re a stunningly beautiful woman, Tansy Cheveyo.”

Instead of heading to the bed, Sam walked to the window and put her on her feet. “I want to undress you in the moonlight and savor every inch. I want to watch you shiver and shimmer. I want to find out what makes you gasp, what makes you moan, and what makes you scream.”

Tansy’s body started to liquify at his words.

The lodge wasn’t warm, but heat radiated off Sam’s mostly naked body and Tansy wanted to touch it all. With her fingers, her mouth.

Sam unzipped the hoodie she wore, the sound like thunder in the still night. She shrugged it off her shoulders and then followed his lead as he lifted her arms to shuck her t-shirt.

His smile glinted in the moonlight and then he was on his knees before her, sliding her leggings down slowly, kissing her skin as he exposed it.

He left them pooled at her feet and repeated the procedure with her panties, leaving her quivering, hands on his shoulders to keep from slipping to the ground.

With a gentle tap, he had her lift one foot and then the other, leaving her bare except for her bra.

“Keep your hands there, Tans. Let’s see if we can make your bones melt.”

They were almost there already.

And then his mouth was on her core, and Tansy let out a strangled cry. He chuckled against the most intimate part of her and tilted her hips to give him better access.

Tansy didn’t know if she’d ever felt anything like this. His tongue played her with finesse and tenderness.

She could do nothing but react to the sensations he created. He added those magic fingers into the mix and her muscles quivered.

She’d never responded this strongly during sex. Never had anyone pay this much attention to her body and the way it reacted to the most subtle of touches.

All of her awareness contracted to Sam and the sensations. The universe could have exploded and she wouldn’t have noticed.

She wasn’t even sure what Sam did with that tongue, but suddenly the world shifted and all of her cells detonated into wave after wave of sensations.

Her eyes fluttered close to help her feel.

So much to feel.

Every part of her felt invincible and ethereal at the same instant. Weightless. Powerful.

“Holy hell, Tansy, you are incredible. Hang on, I’ve got you.”

And then she was in his arms, body completely lax with the aftershocks of an orgasm she doubted she would ever forget.

Sam knelt on the bed and placed her gently on the mattress and then covered her with his body.

She hummed with pleasure at all the skin to skin contact.

Tansy wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. “I feel like I’m floating. I’ve never felt this good.”

Sam smirked at her. “You feel good from this side, too. Taste good too.”

As her skin flushed, he deepened the kiss and Tansy’s body started building again.

Sam reached behind her and unhooked her bra, slid it off her without ever breaking the kiss.

Tansy smiled into the kiss and then started roaming all those muscles with her fingers. “Someone is overdressed.”

With a push of her index finger, she had Sam rolling over and leaving her on top. With all that glorious skin to explore. “My turn.”

Sam’s smile widened as he ran his hands over her shoulders and then cupped her face to kiss her again.

Tansy ground her hips into his, and Sam groaned. With a smirk of her own, she slowly shifted down his body, kissing and licking as she moved.

When she reached his heart, it pounded under her touch and she had to linger there. This warrior heart beat for her and she wanted to be worthy.

When she reached the band of his underwear and slid her fingertips beneath, Sam swore heartily and gripped the sheets in his fists. “Tansy, you’re playing with fire.”

That made her laugh softly, and she kissed him through the material before sliding it down his legs. As she imitated his earlier moves and kissed her way back up, the swearing increased until she was laughing as she kissed.

In a move she didn’t see coming, Tansy found herself on her back with Sam looming above her before he crashed his mouth onto hers in a kiss that had her spiraling.

“You can play later, but if I don’t get inside you in the next few seconds, you’re going to see a grown man cry.”

Tansy laughed even as she moaned when his hands took her breasts and he kissed her again.

She hadn’t known sex could be fun. A whirlwind of silly and serious and sexy. All because she was in bed with Sam.

“Don’t move.”

She missed his heat immediately and was about to sit up to find out what he was doing when she heard the rip of a condom. Good plan.

He was back in a moment, heat pouring into her from his body and the kiss.

“Now, Sam. Now.”

He slipped into her slowly and she wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him closer, deeper.

With a growl, he used one hand to lift her hip and drove even deeper until they were both panting with need.

For a long moment, neither moved, and she stared into his eyes. The moonlight was enough for her to see the satisfaction, the intensity, and the emotion.


She wasn’t sure if his feelings echoed her own. Hers were so intense, she was shocked the word Love wasn’t reverberating off the walls.

Her Sam.


Sam had always enjoyed sex. He was pretty sure that was a requisite for most men.

But this?

Sex with Tansy?

It was bigger than anything he’d experienced before.


More fulfilling.

And he hadn’t started to move yet.

Beneath him, Tansy stared into his eyes. Despite the dim light, he knew he was seeing her entire heart in her gaze.

He’d wanted all of her and he was sure that’s what he was getting.


Tansy let out a whimper and shifted her hips.

The friction electrified his already amped up system.

He moved and Tansy whimpered again and arched into him.

And again and again.

Sam tried to keep his movements slow and smooth. He really did. But Tansy reacted to everything, and he was soon lost to her.

Their bodies slammed together and it wasn’t enough.

He was greedy, needed more.

He reached down and found her clit. At the first touch, she cried out. He played until he felt her tightening around him.

She let loose with a soft cry that made him wild.

He pounded into her, dragging out her orgasm until his own overtook him. His own bellow took him by surprise.

Sam collapsed onto her and barely remembered to keep his weight on his forearms so he wouldn’t squash her.

When he was able to move, he shifted his weight and rolled, taking her with him. He needed to deal with the condom, but he didn’t have the strength just yet.

Tansy snuggled into his side with another of those purrs he was beginning to crave.

Finally, he shoved to a sitting position and reached down to kiss her on the nose. “Be right back.”

He cleaned up and washed his hands, studying his face in the mirror. Happy. Maybe a little smug. When a woman reacted like Tansy, he figured she was probably feeling a little smug too.

He hoped she didn’t have regrets. He didn’t have a single one.

Sam opened the bathroom door, and a mechanical whir greeted him.

Was Tansy in danger? What was it?

He could see her outline in the bed, but he couldn’t identify the threat. He was naked and weaponless, and something was in the room with them.

“Tansy? You okay?”

She stretched before she answered, obviously not aware of the threat. If it was a threat.

“Grab the gun from my nightstand. Get dressed. ”

“What? What’s wrong?”


The whir continued, and then Tansy laughed softly. Sam relaxed, but not all the way.

“It’s okay, Sam. It’s just Ben and Jerry.”

Ben and Jerry? “Ice cream is usually more silent and less mechanical.”

A full laugh burst out of her and he saw her sit up as something moved from the hallway into the doorway.

“Watch your feet. Ben and Jerry are my CleanySaurs.”


Tansy moved to the side of the bed. “I’ve been using the TeenySaur design and making it less dinosaur and more cleaning oriented. They’re larger and I’ve got them scheduled to different tasks at different times of day. There are various prototypes all over the lodge.”

The woman never stopped thinking and creating.

She turned on a lamp by the bedside as a cylinder on wheels rolled in. On the bottom, a spinning wheel acted like those robot vacuums. The difference in this one was the height and the arms extending out.

“This one is Ben. He focuses on dust. He’ll do the floors and walls, any surfaces he encounters, like nightstands.”

As Ben moved along the wall, one arm extended up to swipe at the wall, another moved along the baseboard.

Another noise and then another robot moved in while Ben continued to move.

“This is Jerry. He does the bathrooms.”

Jerry was a taller, thinner cylinder with claws on some of the extensions. And Jerry was moving directly at him with one of those claws at a very uncomfortable height.

Sam moved out of the way, and Jerry continued into the bathroom. It turned on the tap and wet a cloth it held. Another arm squirted cleaning liquid into the sink.

Sam watched the robots move and turned back to find Tansy grinning at him. “You put me in this room and didn’t warn me of the ice cream cleaners?”

Another laugh. Tansy stood and gathered up her clothes. “I told you I forget everything when you kiss me.”

And that had Sam forgetting about CleanySaurs and remembering he had a sexy woman in his bed. “Are they cleaning your room next?”

Tansy shook her head. “Nope. I scheduled these a few days ago. They do mine during the day when I’m gone. I’m trying out a few schedules to find optimum cleaning and charging times.”

Sam grabbed his gun and phone from the nightstand. Tansy turned off the lamp and Sam had to take one more look at the CleanySaurs before he followed her to her bedroom next door.

She’d slipped on a robe and was putting her clothes in a hamper when he moved in behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

He leaned down to kiss her neck, and she immediately tilted her head to give him better access.


She wrapped her arms over his. “What?”

“You wrapped up all this sexy skin. Makes me want to unwrap it.”

“I’m not used to walking around naked.”

That made him growl. “I’m glad you don’t make a habit out of it when I’m not here, but feel free to get comfortable doing it anytime I am.”

She laughed and turned to loop her hands around his neck. “You, too.”

Hell, he’d do anything naked it if put that sexy gleam in her eye.

Tansy had left a bedside lamp on low, and her bed was still made. Her phone sat on the nightstand and he remembered about the emails from Asshole.

But they could wait.

Everything could wait.

Sam leaned down to kiss her and then walked her backward to the bed. “Now, let’s see about that unwrapping.”

He tugged on the robe’s belt and loosened the knot, then glanced down at the glimpse of skin available for viewing.

With one finger, he traced along the edge of the robe, starting at her neck and moving down to where the fabric rested on her breast.

Tansy’s breathing changed, and he continued teasing her with the barest touch of a finger.

Then her hands got in on the action, tracing along the edges of his muscles. He flinched in response and she smiled at him up through her lashes. “I believe it’s my turn to play.”

Then she dropped to her knees in front of him and grinned. “Hang on and let’s see if we can make your bones melt this time.”