Summoning all her strength, she stepped into the light before him. Her heart pounded as if it would explode right out of her chest. “Why are you haunting me?” she demanded in her bravest ghost hunter voice.

“Haunting?” He gave a bitter laugh though he still did not look at her. “Is that what I am doing? I believed you to be the spirit, sent to torment me.” Vacant eyes traveled up her body and then widened. “Samantha!” He jumped to his feet and snared her wrist. “Dear God, where have you been?”

“Let me go,” she cried, twisting in his grasp.

“But Samantha, it’s me.” He pulled her close.

“Help!” She yelled, though no one would hear.

“I’ll not harm you, I swear.” His arms encircled her. “How could I hurt the woman I love?”

“No,” she cried fighting with renewed strength. “I don’t know you.”

“You do, Samantha, remember. Remember me,” he commanded. He captured her face, forcing her to look at him. His voice dropped to a pleading whisper. “It’s just the doorway working its evil. You know me. You must.”

Sam went still. She dared to meet his gaze. He was sinfully gorgeous, like some dark fallen angel. Golden firelight flickered across his features. It was madness. She was alone in a far off mansion with a stranger, and yet…

Sanity fought for a toehold. “I’m not who you think I am,” she rasped barely able to speak.

He caressed her cheek. “I know everything about you.”