
Chapter Six


Gunner quickly wrapped his hand around her mouth to cut off her scream.

Winona stopped screaming immediately.

She sat so still he frowned. Gunner slowly removed his hand “Sorry honey, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Winona shrugged and moved away. She turned her head to look out over the backyard again. Sipping her now cold coffee, she spoke softly, “You need to let me go.”

“I can’t do that,” he told her just as softly. “You are my child, girl. I know it and I think you do too.”

“Dana doesn’t want me here, and I don’t stay where I’m not wanted.” She took another sip. “Been there, did that and never doing it again.” She went to put her cup down on the lower step and winced when she used her left hand to do it.

Gunner saw her wince and grabbed her hand to push her shirt sleeve back, exposing the gauze she had wrapped around her burn. “What the fuck is this?” he demanded harshly.

Winona pulled her arm free and said, “It’s called a burn.”

“No shit.” He growled. “How did you burn yourself?”

Winona turned her head away again, and ignored his question.

“How did you burn yourself?” he repeated.

“The kitchen is hot, you asshole. How do you think I burned myself?” she responded.

“I’d almost believe that it she hadn’t left bruises on your wrist.” Gunner snarled. “This has gone far enough.”

Winona shot her gaze over to him and snarled, “Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it? Punish the daughter you’ve known all her life? Over the one, you barely know. That will go over well won’t it? I’ve already told you I don’t want to be here. You need to let me go.”

Gunner leaned forward and got right in her face. “And I’ve already told you no. You’re my daughter too and Dana is nothing but a spoiled little bitch. She’s proved that much already. She’s been ruling this clubhouse all her life because I didn’t step up and set boundaries, well twenty four years be damned and now, I’m setting boundaries.”

“To what purpose?” she finally asked. “You said it yourself it’s too late to change things now.”

“Maybe so but, I’ll be damned if I let her hurt you and she needs to know that.” Gunner growled.

Winona smiled slightly. “She won’t hurt me again. She caught me off guard this morning but she won’t again.” Shrugging she admitted, “I’ll try not to hurt her but I will defend myself.”

Gunner nodded. “I’ll have a word with her and if she comes after you again, you do what you need to do.”

Winona nodded. “I will.”

Gunner got to his feet, “Come on, that breakfast smelled good.” He held out his hand.

Winona reached out and took it.

Pulling her to her feet, he turned and led her back into the kitchen then through to the dining room.

Dana was sitting on the left of where her father would be sitting and Boone was sitting on the right.

Winona gasped at the hatred in the other girl’s eyes and pulled her hand away. Heading over to the serving table, she began filling her plate. Then she walked over to a separate table and sat down.

Gunner filled his own plate, went over to his chair and sat down. Then he reached over and grabbed Dana’s hand. Squeezing it very tightly, he waited for her to gasp before he leaned over and whispered in her ear, “If you hurt her again little girl, whatever you do to her I’ll do to you, is that clear?”

“Daddy,” Dana gasped as she tried to pull her hand away. “You’re hurting me.”

“Leave Winona alone, do you understand me girl?” Gunner growled.

“Yesss,” she hissed. “I understand.”

Gunner let her hand go and she winced as she rubbed the soreness out of her fingers. She stared at her father like he had betrayed her.

“You’re on dish duty this morning Dana and no backtalk,” Gunner told his daughter.

“What are you talking a-about?” She sputtered in outrage. “I don’t do dishes.”

“You will today,” Gunner assured her. “While making breakfast this morning Winona burned her wrist and can’t get it wet.”

Dana froze at the mention of the burn. “So? What am I supposed to do about that? I can’t help if she’s clumsy.”

“Don’t push your luck girl. You got your orders now carry them out. An accident like this won’t happen again either, will it?” Gunner stared down his daughter.

“I have to go to work today. I have a perm at eleven,” Dana protested. “I don’t have time to do the dishes.”

Gunner snorted. “You got plenty of time to do the dishes and get to work on time. I’ll have Breaker and Junior escort you this morning. I wouldn’t want you to get lost on the way there or the way back.”

Dana just stared at her father. “You wouldn’t.”

“I just did little girl and it will continue until you straighten your little ass out. You brought this down on yourself, no one else did.” Shrugging his broad shoulders he added, “Now live with it.”

Dana got up and stomped down the hall to her bedroom.

They all heard the door slam and then everyone in the room heard her scream. It was odd, but no one said a word.

Boone leaned back in his chair and asked, “How bad is the burn?” he growled.

Gunner shrugged. “No clue she already had it cleaned and covered when I saw it and she wouldn’t have shown it to me willing.” He took a sip of his coffee and moaned at the flavor. “I don’t know what she did to this but for the first time in a long time, I can actually drink it.”

“If I remember right, she said she put Mexican Vanilla in it,” Boone told him.

Both men watched as Winona got to her feet and carried her empty plate over to the table. She looked over at Gunner and asked, “I need to go to town and pick up a few things. Would that be possible?”

Gunner nodded. “Boone can go with you as an escort.”

Winona nodded then began clearing dirty dishes.

Gunner spoke up and said, “Dana will get the dishes. You’ve done enough already this morning.”

Winona paused then looked at the older man. “So that’s what the scream was all about huh?”

“Hell bells girl, you wouldn’t have told me if I hadn’t guessed would you?” Gunner growled.

Winona shrugged. “Cooks burn themselves all the time. It comes with the territory now doesn’t it?”

“Not with bruises and bits of pink nail polish in it, they don’t,” Gunner stated. “She really dug her nails into your skin, you barely covered the burn sweetheart, and I’m not blind now, am I?”

Winona shrugged. “Any idea what you’d like for dessert tonight?” she asked wanting to change the subject.

“Your strawberry cake was pretty good the other day, how about strawberry shortcake tonight?”

Winona nodded. “I’ll have to pick up some gloves then.”

“Why?” Gunner tilted his head at her.

“I’m allergic to strawberries. I break out in hives if I handle them too much.”

Gunner hesitated for a moment. Until just then he’d forgotten. He wasn’t the girl’s only parent and he’d forgotten all about their mother. DeeDee was allergic to strawberries as well. He and Dana shared the love of the fruit while Winona took after her mother. He smiled sadly at her. “So was your mom.”

“My mom?” Winona echoed his statement.

“Her name was DeeDee.” Gunner began.

Boone nudged him and he turned his head to find Dana standing there looking stunned.

Winona chose to turn around and walk away at that point. She didn’t want any more trouble with Dana at the moment.

Boone got up and walked off after her leaving Gunner and his other daughter staring at each other.

“Why, after all this time, did you tell her about my mother but you’ve never once mentioned her to me. You never even told me her first name but you told her.” Dana snarled, her hands were clenching at her sides. “I’ve been here for twenty-four years and she’s been here two days? And you wonder why I hate her?” She then turned on her heels and went to the kitchen where they all heard a loud crash.



Winona sat back in her seat and looked straight ahead while Boone drove them into town. Half way there she commented, “You guys might need more dishes. Just saying.”

Boone barked out a laugh and shook his head. “We might at that indeed.”

When he pulled into the parking lot of the super Walmart, he turned to look at her. Reaching out he gently grasped her wrist and pushed her sleeve back. He stared at the bruised skin and red nail marks edging the gauze wrap she put on to cover the burn Dana had given her this morning. “How bad is the burn?”

Winona shrugged. “I’ve had worse.”

“Why did she do it?” he wanted to know.

“Let’s just say she wanted to point out that I don’t belong here and she does and let it go at that. I told Gunner I would defend myself from now on though.”

“You know something?” Boone pointed out. “He hasn’t mentioned DeeDee’s name since the day she left here. I mean Dana knew she had a mother, everyone does, but he never spoke her name until today. I’ve been with him for fifteen years now and I’ve never heard it. Actually come to think of it, not very many of us have.”

“What do you mean?” Winona turned to look at him.

Boone thought for a moment then frowned.

Winona watched as his thoughts turned against him but he never did say what they were. Shaking her head, she figured whatever they were, they weren’t good thoughts. Instead, she opened her car door and got out. He could come or wait for her. His thoughts weren’t any of her business anyway. She was in there for almost forty minutes before she saw him again, and then she was almost ready to check out.

When she saw his face, he looked like a thundercloud ready to rain hell down on everyone. She knew enough to keep her mouth shut while he paid for the groceries and then she remained silent the whole way home.

When they got back to the compound, Boone walked away leaving her alone to bring the food inside.

Winona shook her head and began hauling a couple of the bags in her arms. Before she got turned around, two of the brothers came out and took everything inside for her. She heard the murmur of voices from down the hall and when she got to the kitchen, she saw the mess Dana had left things in. She just shook her head and pushed her sleeves up. She then put the things away that needed the fridge or freezer then got to work. It took her two hours to put the kitchen to rights and after that, she began to put the rest of the dry goods groceries away.

Next, she began supper. People came and went all day long but Winona ignored them as she cooked and cleaned. At some point, Gunner and Boone showed up and they both just stood there and watched her.



Gunner had seen the kitchen after Dana got done in there and he’d been disappointed to say the least. Looking at it now, he could tell the difference and he was waiting for Winona to complain about it but as time went on and she didn’t say anything... he knew she wouldn’t.

It was only when she reached for something on an upper shelf and her shirt rode up her back he froze as he stared at her skin. Boone growled low in his throat at the sight.

Winona twirled around and finally noticed they were there. She grabbed at the tail of her shirt and pulled it down quickly but she knew what they’d seen. “Can I help you?” she asked nervously as she twisted the hem of her shirt.

She wouldn’t look at either of them and that pissed Gunner off. He stomped his way over to her and grasped her chin in his hand, lifting it up to his own. “What the fuck happened to you girl and don’t bother lying to me I know what I saw.”

Winona pried his fingers off her chin. “If you saw then you know what happened, but it happened a long time ago. It’s my past and I won’t go back there, not for you or anyone else here. It’s over and done with now and no one will ever do that to me again, understand?” When he didn’t say anything she looked him straight in the eyes and asked again, “Do you understand?”

Gunner growled then let out a deep breath, but nodded.

“So let me get done with supper and everyone can eat.” She nodded. “It’s been a long day and I’m tired.”

Gunner stepped away from her and she went back to work. He motioned for Boone to stay with her.

Gunner pushed the swinging door open and walked directly to the bar. Pouring himself a good stiff drink, he downed it in one shot. The whiskey burned down his throat and before it hit his belly, he was pouring another.

Dana sat at a table and watched her father. Clicking her nails she looked toward the kitchen and wondered what got his boxers twisted in a bunch this time. Her eyes narrowed as she stared in the direction of the kitchen. Then she looked down at her fingers and growled. She’d done her last dish this morning and that reminded her she still owed the bitch for that one.

Her eyes swung over to her father and she saw him sipping his drink. Dana got to her feet and wandered over to him. “Dad, are you okay?” she asked him softly.

Gunner snorted. “No, I don’t think so girl.”

Dana stomped her foot. “Dad, you need to let her go. She doesn’t want to be here and you don’t need her here. You’ve already got me here and I fit in with this lifestyle. She doesn’t belong and she never will.”

Gunner sat his drink down and turned his head slowly to glare at his daughter. “Dana you’re my kid and I love you, but I suggest you get the hell out of my sight for the rest of tonight. I’m pissed as hell and not willing to put up with your petty bullshit tonight.”

Dana gasped and took a step back.

Gunner held up his hand, “And before you start badmouthing anyone, I suggest you think long and hard about keeping your mouth shut. I’m not in the mood.” He shook his head then told her, “And don’t leave the compound.”

Without saying anything, Dana turned on her heels and went down the hall to her bedroom.

Gunner braced himself for the door to slam but for once, she restrained herself. He looked down at the liquor in his glass. Downing it he went down the hall and into an office where he closed the door and leaning against, it he glared at the man sitting at the desk. “Did you find anything yet?” he growled.

Rigger turned to him and shook his head. “No I haven’t. I found a children’s service file but there’s nothing in it. No birth certificate, no adoption records, no nothing. Whoever took the baby privately put her with the family. Now the trail picks up with the Brewers the family that raised her supposedly but it’s all police records and jail sentences. Nothing about a kid anywhere. Whoever this girl is there is no legal records on her at all until she turned twenty one and bought her own bakery.”

“How the fuck can that be?” Gunner wondered out loud.

“I’ll keep digging but right now, there’s nothing out there,” Rigger assured him.

“Got another project for you to look into.” Gunner filled him in on what he wanted him to look for, then left the office twenty minutes later and went back to the dining room for supper.

When he got there everyone else was eating. When he went over to the serving table he saw meatloaf, buttered biscuits, gravy, salad and mashed potatoes. Loading down a plate, he went over to his place and sat down. Looking over to where Winona usually sat he found her and Boone sitting together. Neither one was talking but Boone was eating and she was sipping coffee.

He picked up his plate and walked over to join them. Without a word, he began eating his supper. When they were almost done, Winona got up and left for a few minutes when she came back she set down two plates loaded with strawberry shortcake.

The freshly baked powder biscuits topped with smashed strawberries and whipped cream made both men groan with anticipation. When they were done they, both pushed their plates away and leaned back.

“Oh my god girl, you can cook me dinner and desserts anytime,” Gunner told her.

Winona snickered. “I have twelve days left of my vacay, after that you’re on your own. I have to go back to work after that.”

Gunner narrowed his eyes at her statement. “We’ll see baby girl, we’ll see.”

Winona looked over at him then got up and walked through the kitchen door.

Boone turned to his president and asked, “Did Rigger find anything yet?”

“Fuck no, not even her birth certificate or adoption papers,” Gunner admitted.

“What exactly are we dealing with here?” Boone wanted to know.

“I don’t know but I’ll bet Blacky does.” Gunner nodded. “I’ll just bet he knows more than he lets on about, but we need more information before we can corner him about it.”

“Maybe we should put a tracker on his bike and see where he gets off to so much,” Boone suggested.

Gunner grunted as he agreed, “Good idea. I am dammed tired of all this fucking mystery shit. I need to know it all and I damn well will.”