1. Should I Keep Doing Crunches?

If your goal is to flatten your tummy, you should definitely not be doing crunches. The movement of the crunch itself actually bulks the core up rather than flatten it out. The purpose of the crunch is to strengthen the core, and while that is important, there are much more effective ways to work the abdominal muscles that actually burn more calories and work more muscles.

2. Most Core Strengthening Exercises Hurt My Back – What Should I Do?

Many people have this exact same problem and will give up trying to work on their core because of the discomfort they feel in their back. Thankfully, the most effective core strengthening exercises do not require you to be lying on your back at all. You never need to do another uncomfortable sit up or crunch again and you can still get the flat, toned tummy you are after!

3. How Frequently Should I Work My Core In Order To Get Great Results?

Actual core strengthening exercises only need to be done 2 to 3 times each week. But, in order to get a really great stomach, you need to be exercising 5 to 6 times each week. A flat tummy doesn’t just come from lots of core strength, you need to burn calories through cardiovascular exercise as well as strengthen the muscles surrounding the core, especially the back. If done correctly, yoga can provide everything you need in order to flatten your tummy – but you have to put in the effort!

4. Should Men and Women Work The Core Differently?

It makes sense that if men and women want different results that they should work out differently. The majority of women, when asked what their target goal is, say that they want a flat tummy with some definition. Men on the hand want the look of a very muscular stomach with lots of bulk. This is why men can benefit more from certain core strengthening exercises that resemble crunches and sit-ups – these exercises will give them the bulk that they want.

Women on the other hand, need to focus their attention on exercises that strengthen the core, but that also lengthen it as well. While all of the exercises in this book are beneficial for everyone, the result is more focused on the flat, toned tummy that women are after.

5. What Are A Few More Exercises That Are Great For Flattening My Tummy?

Walking Planks

Alternate between Plank Pose and Dolphin Plank, moving quickly from your hands to your forearms. Aim to do 2 sets of 12.

Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees and place your hands on your lower back. Shift the weight back so that you lift the hips and spine off the mat, using your hands as support. Extend your legs straight up towards the sky so that they are directly over the body. Engage the core to find steadiness and strength. Aim to hold this pose for 1 to 2 minutes, working up to 5 minutes.

Elephant’s Trunk (Eka Hasta Bhujasana)

Sit down on your mat. Bring the thigh of one leg as high as possible on the back of your arm so that the sole of the foot faces in the same direction that you are facing. Bring both hands down to the mat, spreading the fingers and pressing down firmly. Hook the toes of the lifted foot under the opposite leg, which is extended straight out in front of you. Using a lot of core strength, begin to lift your hips and legs off of the mat so that only your hands are touching the ground.

Hold this pose for as long as you can before switching sides.

Crow Pose

Squat at the top of your mat and bring your hands down in front of you shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows. Bring your legs outside of your arms, resting your knees on the back of your upper arms. Lift your hips and shift your weight forward, lifting one foot and then the other off of the mat. Keep your gaze focused just in front of you – Hold for as long as you can, and remember it’s called yoga practice for a reason!

One Legged Chaturanga

Come into Plank Pose and lift one leg into the air. Lower down just as you would in Chaturanga Dandasana, but keep the raised leg in the air the whole time. Press yourself back up to Plank and switch legs. Aim to do at least 5 repetitions on each side.