“In this remarkable novel, John Dwyer brings the character of Stonewall Jackson to life. The colorful and paradoxical man who was both an ardent opponent of Southern slavery and a loyal defender of Southern liberty, who was both a gentle teacher of the Scriptures and a fierce master of artillery, and who was both a forthright gentleman and a wily field commander vividly comes to the fore.

“Dwyer has a knack for dialogue, for action, and for presenting the paradoxes of both that great age of conflict and that great man who so dominated it. He has simultaneously painted with broad brush strokes and with an eye for intricate detail.

“This is a sumptuous, sprawling, and scintillating historical novel that you'll want to curl up with for many hours.”

—George Grant
Author of The Blood of the Moon and
Grand Illusions

“In his novel Stonewall, John J. Dwyer makes one of the great heroes of American history accessible to modern readers.”

The Daily Oklahoman

“Stonewall put me to thinking about what it takes to lead a moral life…The world is a dangerous place for souls, and as we make our way in it, we could do worse than take advice from a Christian soldier.”

—H. W. Crocker III
Conservative Book Club

“In John Dwyer's Stonewall, you'll find a riveting story of war, an absorbing history, and a tender love story. But, above all, Stonewall is the story of a man who could truly lead...because he was a man of character.”

—Penna Dexter
Point of View Radio Talk Show

“I have rarely read a more compelling biographical novel. Dwyer's writing keeps the reader coming back for more.”

—Howard G. Hendricks