- This story took place in the tiny fictional town of Wilson’s Cove, Oklahoma. How did you envision the area? What stands out in your mind about the setting? In what way did the setting add to the mood and tone of the book?
- Who were the main characters? Did you like them and feel sympathy for them? Discuss their issues. How would you have helped each one resolve their problems?
- Describe some of the secondary characters. Which ones seemed the most real to you? Can you identify with any of them? Why?
- Two ladies in Wilson’s Cove seemed to know everything about everybody. Seth thought their talk harmed no one. Do you agree with his assessment? What does Scripture say about gossip? Is it gossip to pass on information about births and deaths? What exactly qualifies as gossip, in your opinion?
- Kathryn held the remorse over her miscarriage inside for many years. Why? Discuss why suppressing emotions is a bad thing. Have you ever had a problem you felt you could not talk about? What happened? How did you deal with the feelings?
- Kathryn had no confidence in her abilities in anything other than medicine. How did this relate to her own perceived failure to save her miscarried child? Do you think her work as a physician had anything to do with trying to “make up” for the loss?
- Seth suffered great guilt and consternation over his divorce. Discuss the reasons for his divorce. Was there anything else he should have done to save the marriage?
- Is divorce ever justified? Under what conditions? What are the scriptural mandates for divorce? Is remarriage ever appropriate after a divorce?
- Kathryn had spent her life making plans that never satisfied her. Discuss some of those and why she could not find contentment. Jeremiah 29:11 talks about God’s plans. Do you believe He has a plan for everyone’s life? If so, what is His plan for your life?
- Kathryn believed the miscarriage was God’s punishment for the sin she committed with Seth. What do you think? Does God punish His people this way? Explain.
- As a physician Kathryn was taught that a fetus is tissue, not a life. Do you agree? Discuss the current controversy surrounding the unborn.
- Seth struggled with being too indulgent with his daughter. Can you understand why? Do you think there is a tendency of noncustodial parents to play “fairy godmother” when their children visit? How can this be damaging to the relationship and to the child?
- Most children of divorce long for their parents to reunite. Do you know stepfamilies that have blended successfully? What do you think is the key to their success?