February 13
I wake up in Chace’s arms, so it’s officially the best morning ever. He’s wrapped around me like koala clinging to a tree, so I’m roasting hot. But it’s nice. I haven’t been able to shake my chill since I received Jake’s text. So far I haven’t told a soul. Chace knows something is off, but Riley, surprisingly, hasn’t said anything or noticed I’ve been acting weird.
Gently, I move Chace’s arm, and he rolls onto his back. I hold my breath. He sighs, still sound asleep. I don’t want to wake him. He was unsettled last night, tossing and turning. I couldn’t sleep either. Jake’s text message has been on my mind all night.
Making the wrong decision will be fatal. Meeting a murderer in a secluded place is insanity, but ignoring a murder’s threats could be worse.
I can’t win.
Maybe if I tell Detective Lina, we can set up the meeting to look like I am alone, and the police can catch him.
Except there are so many risks and no guarantees.
I take one last look at Chace and slink out of bed and his room. Since it’s 5:30 a.m., no one else is up. That suits me, because I need a coffee and some time to think.
I brew a fresh pot and sit down at the table with my phone and mug. My hand shakes as I open the text I received a few minutes after the first one yesterday.
Can’t wait until Valentine’s Day. Meet me at Limbo tonight. 10 PM. Alone.
Limbo is an old club everyone on campus used to go to, which closed down late last year. The building is still empty, but there’s a lease sign outside, so I don’t think it will be empty for much longer.
If I meet Jake tonight, I should formulate my own plan. I’m no criminal mastermind, but I’m not stupid either. I could think of something to outsmart him. He’s getting more and more desperate, and he’s out there, alone, with no support, and his mind isn’t clear. Obviously. So I probably could do this. I could maybe do this.
But I’m not like him. How could I win playing him at his own game?
I have to tell Detective Lina. The police orchestrate these kind of traps all the time. They’ll know what to do. If I go alone, I’m only putting more people in danger and risking Jake escaping.
This has to stop, and I’m the only person who can stop it.
Chace’s voice makes me leap out of my skin. He stands in the kitchen doorway, his bare chest on show. It’s very distracting. Eyes up, Lylah!
He frowns, ignoring my ogling of him. “What’re you doing up so early?” He rubs his eyes.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Really? You’re going to pretend you’re not okay because of a bad night’s sleep? Let me in, Lylah. Please.” The concern lacing his voice compels me to spill my secret. I hate how hurt he sounds. We should be deliriously happy to be starting a new relationship. Chace means everything to me, and I don’t want secrets between us. I’m anxious enough about all that’s happening, I can’t start lying to the people I care about.
I take a deep breath. “Yesterday, I received a text,” I tell him. “From Jake.”
His eyes widen further than I’ve ever seen them. “What the hell, Lylah?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? What does it say?”
I know he’s mad I didn’t immediately tell him, but I stand by my decision. I needed a little time before dragging anyone else into it.
I drop my phone into his open palm. “I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want to stress you out even more after yesterday.”
His forehead creases as he frowns. “You realize there is no way I’m letting you meet him, don’t you?”
I roll my eyes, more at myself than him. I’m not about to let him tell me what I can and can’t do, but right now, I kind of like his protective instinct.
“It’s all I thought about all night,” I say.
He tilts his head, places my phone on the table, and without breaking eye contact, sits down. Although he’s concerned, his posture is rigid and standoffish. “You considered going, didn’t you?”
“Of course, I did. Still am considering it. Chace, I could end this tonight.”
Chace’s eyebrows wrinkle, and his eyes light up with fear. He feels even more distant from me. “You could die!”
“Yeah, I get that. So I’m not going, okay? At least not alone. I’ll call Detective Lina and see how she wants to handle this.”
All the times I thought about how things would be between me and Chace after we got together, none of the scenarios were like this. And I don’t even mean losing Sonny and Isaac and the crap with Jake. Our relationship is tense, and I’m scared we’re not strong enough to get through this without unintentionally hurting each other. I’m holding on to him by a thread. I can feel my old ways creeping back in. I want to put walls up and hide, so I need this to work.
There is so much loss and pain in our house; we need to foster the good so it doesn’t turn sour.
“Chace,” I whisper.
He’s sitting close to me, but there may as well be an eight-foot wall between us. How did we get so far from where we were last night?
“What if they want to set a trap?” he asks.
“I think they will. It’s our best chance. Jake has proved he’s excellent at hide-and-seek, so we need to take advantage of him reaching out.”
“They’ll want you to walk into that building on your own.”
“Yeah, but they would be there too,” I say.
“Not close enough. Don’t agree to that.”
Okay, being bossy just stopped being cute.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” I tell Chace.
“I think I just did.”
Closing my eyes, I grit my teeth so I don’t say anything I’ll regret. Arguing with Chace is new, and I don’t like it.
“Lylah, I’m trying to protect you here.”
When I open my eyes, I wish I hadn’t. Chace looks at me, eyes glossy with tears.
“I can’t lose you,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You won’t.” I reach out and squeeze his hand.
He dips his head in a curt nod. His jaw is still tight and shoulders bunched. Seriously, why can’t I be a mind reader?
Chace watches me as I let go of him and dial Detective Lina. I work to keep myself composed as I tell her everything I just told Chace.
“I’m on my way, Lylah. Do not reply to his message,” the detective says.
I don’t intend to.
I hang up and give Chace a smile. “She’s coming. God, this could all be over soon. I want to be able to leave the house alone. I want to feel safe when I go to sleep.”
Chace’s posture softens. He reaches out and covers my hand with his. “Let’s hope they can finish this.”
“You don’t sound confident.”
“It’s hard to be confident after…everything.”
“Are you okay, Chace?”
He sighs like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. “I don’t know how to say it or if I even want to.”
I place my hand on his tense shoulder, feeling the muscles bunch up with stress. I’d give anything to make him feel better about this whole thing. “You can talk to me.”
Licking his lips, he shifts in his seat.
My heart starts to race. “Chace, you’re kind of scaring me here.”
One side of his mouth curls up. He reaches up and squeezes my hand that still rests on his shoulder. “Sorry. Sonny and Isaac… I have other friends here, but not like them. I can’t get my head around the fact that they’re gone, and they’re not coming back. Isaac and I made a pact shortly after Sonny died to protect you, Charlotte, and Sienna. I’m the last guy, and that responsibility feels overwhelming. I hate being helpless and weak, and I hate Jake for that as much as I hate him for murdering our friends. I miss my friends.”
He takes my hand, removing it from his shoulder but not letting go.
“Hey, protecting us isn’t your job. If something happens to any of us, it won’t be your fault. Just like it’s not your fault that Sonny and Isaac are dead. You can’t put that on yourself, Chace. No wonder you look like you’re going to have a mental breakdown.”
His eyebrows knit together. “I do?”
“Yeah, kind of. Don’t get me wrong, you still look cute, but—”
“Wait,” he interrupts. “Cute? Puppies are cute, babe.”
With a laugh, I shake my head. “Sorry. Handsome, then. Is that better?”
He turns up his nose and wrinkles it. “My grandmother calls me handsome. You can go with smokin’ hot.”
“Oh, I bet I can,” I tease. “Anyway, my point is, focus on helping the police do their job. Like, no sneaking out, and support them if they think using me as bait will catch him.”
“That’s a big ask, Lylah. Shoving you under the nose of a murderer is too dangerous.”
“Maybe, but you know it’s the best chance of catching him…even if you won’t admit it.”
He pulls me into his arm and buries his face in my neck. He knows I’m right.
“I can’t lose you,” he whispers.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
And I’m not. Jake won’t hurt me. I’m tired of being scared and feeling weak. I’m ready to face him.
I’m ready to fight.