
Let’s kick things off on the right foot to avoid any awkward confusion later on: this isn’t a diet book, and it’s not a clean-eating bible, transformation plan or miracle cure. It’s about celebrating food in all its glory, because food is something wonderful and delicious and incredible, and all too often it’s a source of fear and anxiety for people.

We live in a world of misinformation, with sensationalist headlines and misleading influencer posts on Instagram on a daily basis. It’s no wonder really that pseudoscience and nutrition myths have been allowed to thrive. We like simple solutions, and we’re much more comfortable with black and white, good and bad foods; eat this but don’t eat that. It’s the reason that we, as a general rule, don’t follow government guidelines very well. The five-a-day message has been out there for ages now, and yet as a population we aren’t meeting that. Telling us to eat more of something is far less effective than telling us to cut foods out, and that’s where wellness thrives.

Food packaging will proudly display everything it’s ‘free from’ (soy, gluten, sugar, eggs, joy…) because what you don’t eat is now more of a status symbol than what you do. If you look at any famous wellness blogger (or at least their ‘food philosophy’), you’ll find a list of foods that are deemed unacceptable, whether it’s all animal products, gluten, legumes or grains. There’s always something. Most commonly of all: processed foods, gluten and refined sugar. Hopefully, by the end of this book, you’ll agree with me that it’s just bollocks.

All of us fall for misinformation sometimes, but that’s ok. It’s okay to make mistakes, to admit to being in the wrong, to change and improve based on evidence. That’s good scientific practice and I think we all need to be a little more sceptical and a little more scientific. I freely admit I made mistakes: I fell for pretty much every nugget of pseudoscience handed to me by wellness bloggers, including (but not limited to) cutting out endless food groups from my diet, believing I needed ‘superfood’ powders to be healthy, thinking refined sugar is toxic, not eating gluten, juicing for health, feeling the need to ‘detox’ my body and even doing week-long raw vegan ‘cleanses’. I attached a moral compass to food. I’m not perfect, but I’ve learnt from these mistakes; I’ve taken on board new evidence and improved my understanding of nutrition and health. I’ve definitely made some enemies of those who were not fans of me calling them out on their fearmongering, but I believe if you haven’t pissed off a few people along the way and caused a little controversy, then you haven’t really achieved something new and exciting. To me, it’s a sign I’m doing something right. I’m now going to help you do the same using the tools at my disposal – scientific evidence, beautiful and delicious food and a dash of sarcasm.

Each chapter in this book is going to give you a brief overview of a common nutritional myth that has plagued both the wellness industry and mainstream media – everything from gluten and raw food to detoxing and superfoods. I’m going to tackle each one with the real science behind the myth, separating fact from fiction, and show you how to put this information into practice in the form of delicious, no-BS, fad-free recipes.

In reality, the basics of good nutrition are extremely simple: eat a varied, balanced diet, with a little bit of what you fancy. Basically, everything in moderation. It sounds boring and that’s why it’s not popular – it doesn’t sell books, doesn’t get TV ratings and doesn’t inspire miracle cures or miracle foods. There is no quick or easy solution; it’s not down to individual foods or nutrients, it’s down to eating a variety of foods in the long term and not over-indulging in anything – even kale!

Ultimately, a healthy diet should not come at the expense of a healthy relationship with food –there’s little point eating the healthiest diet in the world only to end up a one-hundred-year-old miserable person. Because good health comes down to more than just eating well; it’s having an overall healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, a good sleep pattern, the ability to cope with stress, genetics, good mental health, happiness and a balanced diet. Lack of sleep and high stress levels are often underplayed, when they can have a huge effect on wellbeing. Mental health is overlooked most of all, and socioeconomic factors barely even get a mention.

We too quickly forget that the populations who live the longest thrive on vastly varying diets, eat slowly and mindfully, and eat socially. They are proof that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to happiness and longevity. And this is why I will not tell you that there is one single way to eat, one single way to be healthy and won’t give you a list of food rules to follow or foods to avoid. What I can give you is permission to eat foods that make you happy, and to not give a shit about what others think. Eat that cake, but also eat those vegetables, too.

The focus here is on celebrating foods that have had a bit of a rough time in terms of PR lately – foods like bread, cheese, eggs, and cakes made with caster sugar. I’m a firm believer that health is about more than just the nutrients found in food, and that when we celebrate and enjoy food, not see it as something to be feared, it enriches our lives and means we’re far less likely to overeat and feel guilt and shame.

Are you ready? Let’s dive in …