Despite the rise of the ‘clean eating’ movement that shuns processed foods and anything that isn’t a ‘whole food’, we have also seen a rise in ‘superfood’ powders, which are definitely processed and not whole foods. Yet somehow we’re led to believe that we need these for optimum health. These superfood powders include things like baobab, maca, spirulina, wheatgrass, and acai: you don’t need them though, and here’s why.

Baobab: If you’re after vitamin C, there are so many easy ways to get vitamin C into your diet simply by eating certain fruits and vegetables like oranges, berries or peppers.

Maca: If you’re after energy then coffee is your best friend. Coffee is not ‘unhealthy’, in fact it can actually reduce your risk of dying (as well as helping you not to kill people around you first thing in the morning). A lack of energy could also be a sign that you need more fuel (i.e. food) or that you’re deficient in certain micronutrients such as B12 or iron. Maca won’t treat the underlying issue there.

Spirulina: If plant sources of protein are what you’re after, then I can recommend a whole host of alternatives that give you way more protein per serving and don’t taste like pond water. Although they aren’t always complete proteins, by combining them properly you can ensure every dish will have a complete set of essential amino acids.

Wheatgrass: If you’re after more greens, then you’re better off eating any green vegetable instead. I guarantee they’ll taste better.

Acai: Supplementing with antioxidants may not be the best idea, but getting them from fruits and vegetables means you’ll get a whole host of other benefits without the potentially risky high levels of vitamins.

So you see, you simply don’t need them, as the following recipes will show.