• Olive oil
• 1 small onion (around 80–100g), peeled and roughly chopped
• 3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
• 1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
• 1 tbsp tomato purée
• Salt and pepper
• Small bunch of fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped, plus extra for serving
• 1 aubergine (around 300g)
• 1 mozzarella ball (220g undrained weight)
• Finely grated Parmesan (as much as you want!)
• 20g fresh or dried breadcrumbs (optional)
This is a really delicious and impressive-looking veggie centrepiece. Sure, it has ‘acidic’ cheese but now you know that cheese doesn’t actually leach calcium from your bones that shouldn’t be a problem.
Preheat your oven to 180°C fan/200°C conventional/gas mark 6.
In a small saucepan, heat a little olive oil over a medium heat, then add the onion and fry for at least 5 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another 5 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes and the tomato purée. Allow to cook down for around 5 minutes, then season to taste with salt, pepper and a little basil. For a smooth sauce, blend to an even consistency. Or, if you prefer, you can leave it chunky.
Slice the aubergine almost all the way through but not quite so it’s still all in one piece. Slice the mozzarella into thin slices. Pour the tomato sauce into the bottom of a large casserole dish
Place a piece of basil and a slice of mozzarella in between each aubergine segment. Put the aubergine on top of the tomato sauce. Sprinkle with a little Parmesan and the breadcrumbs (if using), and drizzle with olive oil. Cover with foil and place in the oven for 1 hour.
Remove the foil and add a generous amount of Parmesan. Put the dish back into the oven without the foil for another 10–15 minutes.
When ready, sprinkle a few more basil leaves on top and serve.