My sincere thanks are due to a number of people who helped, in different ways, with the making of this book. Dominick Anfuso, Rachel Klayman, and Philip Rappaport expressed spirited enthusiasm for the book early on in its development. Jack Block, Daniel Druckman, Thomas Fagan, Lewis Goldberg, John Hunsley, Howard Knoff, Scott Lilienfeld, Scott Meier, Wesley Morgan, Reuben Robbins, Brad Seligman, and James Wood shared their extraordinary expertise, answering questions and offering comments. Nancy Gottesman extended endless patience and unfailing good humor. Myriam Bucatinsky and Anna Christensen supplied crucial insight. Joan Konner provided an inspiring example, and Andie Tucher proved both an admirable teacher and a capable adviser. Ali Price made having my picture taken almost fun.
For their generous interest and encouragment, I thank fellow writers and editors Michael Agger, Solange Belcher, Hilary Black, Lexy Bloom, Susan Burton, Katie Darnton, Amelia Hansen, Nadya Labi, Hara Marano, Kat McGowan, Lois Morris, Jodie Morse, Joey O’Loughlin, Matthew Price, Paul Raeburn, Amanda Schaffer, Chuck Staresinic, and Anastasia Toufexis.
For their supportive and sustaining friendship, I thank Jenny Brown, Alison Burns, Camille Chatterjee, Rachel Doft, Ariela Dubler, David Engstrom, Robert Frumkin, Jesse Furman, Drew Hansen, Jessica Kaufman, Anne Martin, Meg Martin, Andy Moffit, Gina Raimondo, Luis Roth, Alyson Schenck, Michael Seeber, and Jon ten Oever.
My warmest and most grateful thanks go to Julie Cooper, Marguerite Lamb, Pamela Paul, Alissa Quart, Steve Schreiber, Rebecca Segall, and Debbie Siegel.
My agent, Andrew Blauner, has been a kind and thoughtful friend as well as a loyal and skillful ally. My editor, Martin Beiser, joined this project when it was well underway, but soon made himself indispensable with his sharp eye and steady guidance. His assistant, Stephen Karam, has been a model of cheerful efficiency.
My family has been a source of unstinting love and support during the writing of this book. For their lively welcome, I thank Loretta and Tom Witt, Chris and Satya Witt, Susee Witt, Margaret Cooper, and Dinka Majanovic. For her humor and high spirits (and some great music), I thank Sally Paul. And for—well, just about everything, I thank my wonderful parents, Nancy Murphy Paul and John Timothy Paul.
My deepest appreciation is reserved for the emotional and intellectual sustenance given me by my husband, John Fabian Witt. He has all of my heart, and a part of every word in this book.