Juan in America
Eric Linklater. Introduced by Alexander Linklater
Unwillingly on the brink of the Slump, America at the end of the ’20s is brought to life by a series of implausible predicants as Juan stumbles from state to state, somehow evading consequences as he goes.
The Man Who Knew Everything
Tom Stacey. Introduced by Sir Peregrine Worsthorne
‘A wonderful book. I read it and re-read it.’ Sybille Bedford
‘[He captures]...that genre of wildcard journalist – at once anarchic and conventional, subversive and patriotic, seedy and stylish... in this tale worthy of Conrad or Buchan.’ Peregrine Worsthorne
The Napoleon of Notting Hill
GK Chesterton. Introduced by Anthony Lejeune
Chesterton imagines a London where democracy is dead. A minor government minister is appointed King, and the old city boroughs are suddenly declared separate Kingdoms. As the city is plunged into a strange kind of mediæval warfare, the Kingdom of Notting Hill declares its independence...
The Dark Flower
John Galsworthy. Introduced by Anthony Gardner
The dark flower of thwarted passion lies at the heart of John Galsworthy’s compelling masterpiece. The Dark Flower tells of thirty troubled years in the life and loves of Mark Lennan. It opens in 1880, with the 18-year-old Lennan reading art at Oxford…