JIMMY SEEMED TIRED tonight, kind of listless.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just got a cold or something.”

“Well, I’ve got something that’s going to cheer you right up.”

They sat down in the comfortable padded chairs again and stared at the dark screen.

“Here we go,” he said.

“Wait a minute,” Jimmy said. “I think we need to talk about this.”

“No, wait . . . I’ve got some sensational stuff here, Jim.”

“I know . . . I’m sure you have. But I’ve been thinking about this. Is it really the movie we want to make?”

“Of course it is. We talked about this for years. C’mon, for God’s sake.”

“Yeah, I know. But that’s my point. When we were talking about it, it was like one thing. You know, a concept. But now that we’re actually seeing the raw footage, is this the movie we really want to make?”

He was up out of his chair now. Feeling hot.

He knew he shouldn’t lose it. Not after what they’d been through.

But what the hell? The risk he’d taken — that they’d both taken — and now Jimmy wants to back out. That wasn’t right. No way.

“Look, Jimmy, if you get out there with me, if you experience the thing with me, then you’ll see. That’s the part of the process you’re missing. If you were there . . . if you saw the looks on their faces . . .”

Jimmy shook his head.

“No, I can’t . . . on this one I’m more of a conceptual guy. A producer.”

“Which is very handy for you. So you don’t have to dirty your hands.”

Jimmy stood up and stared at him. It was surprising how thin he was.

“I think I’ve suffered plenty so far. I don’t think I have to justify my position.”

That got to him. He sat back down.

“Look, we’re so close to home now, and this is great stuff . Take a look at it, will you? I know you’re going to like it.”

Jimmy smiled then, and it was like the room had been lit up. “Okay,” he said. “I will. It’s okay. I just get a little hinky sometimes about the project.”

“Yeah, sure. I know. But we’re doing this together, Jimmy. That’s the important part.”

“I know,” Jimmy said softly. “Roll the tape. Let’s see just what you got.”