Appendix D
How to Take Your Own Pulse and Blood Pressure

How to Take Your Own Pulse

Taking your own pulse is a simple procedure. The only equipment you will need is a watch with a second hand or a digital watch that displays seconds. Simply turn the inside of either wrist toward you and place the tips of the first three fingers of your other hand lightly on your upturned wrist so that they rest between the thumb side of your wrist and the tendons in the middle of your wrist. Your 4th finger should be resting on the inside crease of your wrist that is closest to your hand. Press down lightly and one of your fingers should feel a distinct pulse underneath it. If you do not feel it the first time, shift your fingers slightly to the side or to the middle of the wrist and keep trying until you can feel it. Everybody has a pulse, so if you are reading this book, you have one. When you are taking someone else’s pulse, follow the same procedure, but be sure to place your fingers on the thumb side of their wrist. Do not use your thumb to take a pulse because your thumb’s own pulse will interfere.

If, for some reason, you cannot take your pulse at the wrist, use the side of the neck instead. Press 2 to 3 fingers on either side of your Adam’s apple. Feel for the pulse for 3-4 seconds. If you cannot feel it, shift your fingers slightly and try again until you do.

Once you find your pulse, start counting the beats. Begin when the seconds marker on your watch starts a new minute and continue for a full minute. The number of pulse beats in a full minute is your pulse rate. Many health professionals take the pulse for only 15 seconds and multiply by 4, but this is not as accurate. After you have determined your pulse rate, write it down to keep as a reference.

How to Take Your Own Blood Pressure

Taking your own blood pressure is also very simple. The only piece of equipment you will need is a sphygmomanometer with a digital readout. Place the cuff just above your elbow. Then either press the automatic inflation button or, if you have the bulb model, repeatedly press the bulb until the unit indicates you have sufficient pressure in the cuff for it to take your blood pressure. (Some of the bulb models require you to close a valve before beginning. If you have one of these models, be sure to close the valve before starting the procedure). After sufficient pressure has been reached, the sphyg will automatically deflate (most models), recording your blood pressure and pulse rate as it goes. It will keep this reading for several minutes allowing you to write it down before you turn it off. If the model you have does not release the pressure automatically, turn the valve near the bulb slowly to the left to deflate it. My suggestion is to get a model that does everything automatically.

Buying a sphygmomanometer

These are readily available on the Internet, at most medical supply houses, home health care centers, and at some drug stores and department stores. If you are buying it from a store, have the sales person show you how to use it and be comfortable with its use before you leave the store. To find one on the Internet, search using the word “sphygmomanometer”. Be careful to select a unit that has a digital readout (not one with a gauge or mercury indicator). Get one that also gives a pulse readout as well. Some units have an automatic inflator and will pump up the cuff with a press of button. Others require you to inflate the cuff by repeatedly pressing an attached rubber bulb. Either one is fine. However, if you have arthritis, your hands cramp easily, or you lack normal hand strength, you will be happier with the self-inflating models. Although some models provide a paper printout of your blood pressure and pulse, you do not really need this feature. These models are more expensive and have more to go wrong. Generally, they are not worth the extra money. Most units come with at least a 1 year warranty so check the warranty before you purchase it.