Criticism of the Pro-Naturalistic Doctrines

27 Is There a Law of Evolution? Laws and Trends

The doctrines of historicism which I have called ‘pro-naturalistic’ have much in common with its anti-naturalistic doctrines. They are, for example, influenced by holistic thinking, and they spring from a misunderstanding of the methods of the natural sciences. Since they represent a misguided effort to copy these methods, they may be described as ‘scientistic’ (in Professor Hayek’s sense1). They are just as characteristic of historicism as are its anti-naturalistic doctrines, and perhaps even more important. The belief, more especially, that it is the task of the social sciences to lay bare the law of evolution of society in order to foretell its future (a view expounded in sections 14 to 17, above) might be perhaps described as the central historicist doctrine. For it is this view of a society moving through a series of periods that gives rise, on the one hand, to the contrast between a changing social and an unchanging physical world, and thereby to anti-naturalism. On the other hand, it is the same view that gives rise to the pro-naturalistic—and scientistic—belief in so-called ‘natural laws of succession’; a belief which, in the days of Comte and Mill, could claim to be supported by the long-term predictions of astronomy, and more recently, by Darwinism. Indeed, the recent vogue of historicism might be regarded as merely part of the vogue of evolutionism—a philosophy that owes its influence largely to the somewhat sensational clash between a brilliant scientific hypothesis concerning the history of the various species of animals and plants on earth, and an older metaphysical theory which, incidentally, happened to be part of an established religious belief.2

What we call the evolutionary hypothesis is an explanation of a host of biological and palaeontological observations—for instance, of certain similarities between various species and genera—by the assumption of the common ancestry of related forms.3 This hypothesis is not a universal law, even though certain universal laws of nature, such as laws of heredity, segregation, and mutation, enter with it into the explanation. It has, rather, the character of a particular (singular or specific) historical statement. (It is of the same status as the historical statement: ‘Charles Darwin and Francis Galton had a common grandfather’.) The fact that the evolutionary hypothesis is not a universal law of nature4 but a particular (or, more precisely, singular) historical statement about the ancestry of a number of terrestrial plants and animals is somewhat obscured by the fact that the term ‘hypothesis’ is so often used to characterize the status of universal laws of nature. But we should not forget that we quite frequently use this term in a different sense. For example, it would undoubtedly be correct to describe a tentative medical diagnosis as a hypothesis, even though such a hypothesis is of a singular and historical character rather than of the character of a universal law. In other words, the fact that all laws of nature are hypotheses must not distract our attention from the fact that not all hypotheses are laws, and that more especially historical hypotheses are, as a rule, not universal but singular statements about one individual event, or a number of such events.

But can there be a law of evolution? Can there be a scientific law in the sense intended by T. H. Huxley when he wrote: ‘…he must be a half-hearted philosopher who … doubts that science will sooner or later … become possessed of the law of evolution of organic forms—of the unvarying order of that great chain of causes and effects of which all organic forms, ancient and modern, are the links … ‘?5

I believe that the answer to this question must be ‘No’, and that the search for the law of the ‘unvarying order’ in evolution cannot possibly fall within the scope of scientific method, whether in biology or in sociology. My reasons are very simple. The evolution of life on earth, or of human society, is a unique historical process. Such a process, we may assume, proceeds in accordance with all kinds of causal laws, for example, the laws of mechanics, of chemistry, of heredity and segregation, of natural selection, etc. Its description, however, is not a law, but only a singular historical statement. Universal laws make assertions concerning some unvarying order, as Huxley puts it, i.e. concerning all processes of a certain kind; and although there is no reason why the observation of one single instance should not incite us to formulate a universal law, nor why, if we are lucky, we should not even hit upon the truth, it is clear that any law, formulated in this or in any other way, must be tested by new instances before it can be taken seriously by science. But we cannot hope to test a universal hypothesis nor to find a natural law acceptable to science if we are for ever confined to the observation of one unique process. Nor can the observation of one unique process help us to foresee its future development. The most careful observation of one developing caterpillar will not help us to predict its transformation into a butterfly. As applied to the history of human society—and it is with this that we are mainly concerned here—our argument has been formulated by H. A. L. Fisher in these words: ‘Men … have discerned in history a plot, a rhythm, a predetermined pattern … I can see only one emergency following upon another … only one great fact with respect to which, since it is unique, there can be no generalizations. ….’6

How can this objection be countered? There are, in the main, two positions which may be taken up by those who believe in a law of evolution. They may (a) deny our contention that the evolutionary process is unique; or (b) assert that in an evolutionary process, even if it is unique, we may discern a trend or tendency or direction, and diat we may formulate a hypothesis which states this trend, and test this hypothesis by future experience. The two positions (a) and (b) are not exclusive of each other.

Position (a) goes back to an idea of great antiquity—the idea that the life-cycle of birth, childhood, youth, maturity, old age, and death applies not only to individual animals and plants, but also to societies, races, and perhaps even to ‘the whole world’. This ancient doctrine was used by Plato in his interpretation of the decline and fall of the Greek city states and of the Persian Empire.7 Similar use of it has been made by Machiavelli, Vico, Spengler, and recently by Professor Toynbee in his imposing Study of History. From the point of view of this doctrine, history is repetitive, and the laws of the life-cycle of civilizations, for instance, can be studied in the same way as we study the life-cycle of a certain animal species.8 It is a consequence of this doctrine, although one which its originators hardly intended, that our objection, based on the uniqueness of the evolutionary or historical process, loses its force. Now I do not intend to deny (nor, I feel certain, did Professor Fisher in the passage quoted) that history may sometimes repeat itself in certain respects, nor that the parallel between certain types of historical events, such as the rise of tyrannies in ancient Greece and in modern times, can be significant for the student of the sociology of political power.9 But it is clear that all these instances of repetition involve circumstances which are vastly dissimilar, and which may exert an important influence upon further developments. We have therefore no valid reason to expect of any apparent repetition of a historical development that it will continue to run parallel to its prototype. Admittedly, once we believe in a law of repetitive life-cycles—a belief arrived at by analogical speculations, or perhaps inherited from Plato—we are sure to discover historical confirmation of it nearly everywhere. But this is merely one of the many instances of metaphysical theories seemingly confirmed by facts—facts which, if examined more closely, turn out to be selected in the light of the very theories they are supposed to test.10

Turning to position (b), the belief that we may discern, and extrapolate, the trend or direction of an evolutionary movement, it may first be mentioned that this belief has influenced and has been used to support some of the cyclical hypotheses which represent position (a). Professor Toynbee, for example, expresses in support of position (a) the following views characteristic of (b): ‘Civilizations are not static conditions of society but dynamic movements of an evolutionary kind. They not only cannot stand still, but they cannot reverse their direction without breaking down their own law of motion … ‘.11 Here we have nearly all the elements usually found in statements of position (b): the idea of social dynamics (as opposed to social statics); of evolutionary movements of societies (under the influence of social forces); and of directions (and courses, and velocities) of such movements which, it is said, cannot be reversed without breaking the laws of motion. The terms in italics have all been taken over from physics into sociology, and their adoption has led to a series of misunderstandings which are of an astonishing crudity, but very characteristic of the scientistic misuse of the examples of physics and astronomy. Admittedly, these misunderstandings have done little harm outside the historicist workshop. In economics, for example, the use of the term ‘dynamics’ (cp. the now fashionable term ‘macro-dynamics’) is unobjectionable, as must be admitted even by those who dislike the term. But even this use derives from Comte’s attempt to apply to sociology the physicist’s distinction between statics and dynamics; and there can be no doubt of the gross misunderstanding that underlies this attempt. For the kind of society which the sociologist calls ‘static’ is precisely analogous to those physical systems which the physicist would call ‘dynamic’ (although ‘stationary’). A typical example is the solar system; it is the prototype of a dynamic system in the physicist’s sense; but since it is repetitive (or ‘stationary’), since it does not grow or develop, since it does not show any structural changes (apart from such changes as do not fall within the realm of celestial dynamics and which may therefore be neglected here), it corresponds, undoubtedly, to those social systems which the sociologist would call ‘static’. The point is of considerable importance in connection with the claims of historicism, in so far as the success of the long-term predictions of astronomy depends entirely on this repetitive, and in the sociologist’s sense static, character of the solar system—on the fact that we may here neglect any symptoms of a historical development. It is therefore certainly a mistake to suppose that these dynamical long-term predictions of a stationary system establish the possibility of large-scale historical prophecies of non-stationary social systems.

Very similar misunderstandings are involved in the application to society of the other terms from physics listed above. Often this application is quite harmless. No harm is done, for example, if we describe changes in social organization, in the methods of production, etc., as movements. But we ought to be clear that we are simply using a metaphor, and a rather misleading one at that. For if we speak in physics of the movement of a body or a system of bodies, then we do not intend to imply that the body or system in question undergoes any internal or structural change, but only that it changes its position relative to some (arbitrarily chosen) system of co-ordinates. As opposed to this, the sociologist means by a ‘movement of society’ some structural or internal change. He will, accordingly, assume that a movement of society is to be explained by forces while the physicist assumes that only changes of movement, but not movement as such, have to be so explained.12 The ideas of the speed of a social movement, or of its track, or course, or direction, are similarly harmless as long as they are used merely in order to convey some intuitive impression; but if used with anything like scientific pretensions, they simply become scientistic jargon, or to be more precise, holistic jargon. Admittedly, any kind of change of a measurable social factor—for example, population growth— may be graphically represented as a track, just like the path of a moving body. But it is clear that such a diagram does not depict what people mean by the movement of society—considering that a stationary population may undergo a radical social upheaval. We may, of course, combine any number of such diagrams into one single multi-dimensional representation. But such a combined diagram cannot be said to represent the path of the movement of society; it does not tell us more than do the single ones together; it does not represent any movement of ‘the whole society’, but only changes of selected aspects. The idea of the movement of society itself—the idea that society, like a physical body, can move as a whole along a certain path and in a certain direction—is merely a holistic confusion.13

The hope, more especially, that we may some day find the ‘laws of motion of society’, just as Newton found the laws of motion of physical bodies, is nothing but the result of these misunderstandings. Since there is no motion of society in any sense similar or analogous to the motion of physical bodies, there can be no such laws.

But, it will be said, the existence of trends or tendencies in social change can hardly be questioned: every statistician can calculate such trends. Are these trends not comparable with Newton’s law of inertia? The answer is: trends exist, or more precisely, the assumption of trends is often a useful statistical device. But trends are not laws. A statement asserting the existence of a trend is existential, not universal. (A universal law, on the other hand, does not assert existence; on the contrary: as was shown at the end of section 20, it asserts the impossibility of something or other.14) And a statement asserting the existence of a trend at a certain time and place would be a singular historical statement, not a universal law. The practical significance of this logical situation is considerable: while we may base scientific predictions on laws, we cannot (as every cautious statistician knows) base them merely on the existence of trends. A trend (we may again take population growth as an example) which has persisted for hundreds or even thousands of years may change within a decade, or even more rapidly than that.

It is important to point out that laws and trends are radically different things.15 There is little doubt that the habit of confusing trends with laws, together with the intuitive observation of trends (such as technical progress), inspired the central doctrines of evolutionism and historicism—the doctrines of the inexorable laws of biological evolution and of the irreversible laws of motion of society. And the same confusions and intuitions also inspired Comte’s doctrine of laws of succession—a doctrine which is still very influential.

The distinction, famous since Comte and Mill, between laws of coexistence, alleged to correspond to statics, and laws of succession, alleged to correspond to dynamics, can admittedly be interpreted in a reasonable way; i.e. as a distinction between laws that do not involve the concept of time, and laws into whose formulation time enters (for instance, laws that speak of velocities).16 But this is not quite what Comte and his followers had in mind. When speaking of laws of succession, Comte thought of laws determining the succession of a ‘dynamic’ series of phenomena in the order in which we observe them. Now it is important to realize that ‘dynamic’ laws of succession, as Comte conceived them, do not exist. They certainly do not exist within dynamics. (I mean dynamics.) The closest approach to them in the field of natural science—and what he probably had in mind—are natural periodicities like the seasons, the phases of the moon, the recurrence of eclipses, or perhaps the swings of a pendulum. But these periodicities, which in physics would be described as dynamical (though stationary), would be, in Comte’s sense of these terms, ‘static’ rather than ‘dynamic’; and in any case they can hardly be called laws (since they depend upon the special conditions prevailing in the solar system; see the next section). I will call them ‘quasi-laws of succession’.

The crucial point is this: although we may assume that any actual succession of phenomena proceeds according to the laws of nature, it is important to realize that practically no sequence of, say, three or more causally connected concrete events proceeds according to any single law of nature. If the wind shakes a tree and Newton’s apple falls to the ground, nobody will deny that these events can be described in terms of causal laws. But there is no single law, such as that of gravity, nor even a single definite set of laws, to describe the actual or concrete succession of causally connected events; apart from gravity, we should have to consider the laws explaining wind pressure; the jerking movements of the branch; the tension in the apple’s stalk; the bruise suffered by the apple on impact; all of which is succeeded by chemical processes resulting from the bruise, etc. The idea that any concrete sequence or succession of events (apart from such examples as the movement of a pendulum or a solar system) can be described or explained by any one law, or by any one definite set of laws, is simply mistaken. There are neither laws of succession, nor laws of evolution.

Yet Comte and Mill did envisage their historical laws of succession as laws determining a sequence of historical events in the order of their actual occurrence. This may be seen from the manner in which Mill speaks of a method that

consists in attempting, by a study and analysis of the general facts of history to discover… the law of progress; which law, once ascertained, must… enable us to predict future events, just as after a few terms of an infinite series in algebra we are able to detect the principle of regularity in their formation, and to predict the rest of the series to any number of terms we please.17

Mill himself is critical of this method; but his criticism (see the beginning of section 28) fully admits the possibility of finding laws of succession analogous to those of a mathematical sequence, even though he expressed doubts whether ‘the order of succession … which history presents to us’ may be sufficiently ‘rigidly uniform’ to be compared with a mathematical sequence.18

Now we have seen that there are no laws that determine the succession of such a ‘dynamic’ series of events.19 On the other hand, there may be trends which are of this ‘dynamic’ character; for example, population increase. It may therefore be suspected that Mill had such trends in mind when he spoke of ‘laws of succession’. And this suspicion is confirmed by Mill himself when he describes his historical law of progress as a tendency. Discussing this ‘law’, he expresses his ‘belief.… that the general tendency is, and will continue to be saving occasional and temporary exceptions, one of improvement—a tendency towards a happier and better state. This … is … a theorem of the science’ (viz. of the social science). That Mill should seriously discuss the question whether ‘the phenomena of human society’ revolve ‘in an orbit’ or whether they move, progressively, in ‘a trajectory’20 is in keeping with this fundamental confusion between laws and trends, as well as with the holistic idea that society can ‘move’ as a whole—say, like a planet.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, I wish to make it clear that I believe that both Comte and Mill have made great contributions to the philosophy and methodology of science: I am thinking, especially, of Comte’s emphasis on laws and scientific prediction, of his criticism of an essentialist theory of causality; and of his and Mill’s doctrine of the unity of scientific method. Yet their doctrine of historical laws of succession is, I believe, little better than a collection of misapplied metaphors.21

28 The Method of Reduction. Causal Explanation. Prediction and Prophecy

My criticism of the doctrine of historical laws of succession is in one important respect still inconclusive. I have tried to show that the ‘directions’ or ‘tendencies’ which historicists discern in the succession of events called history are not laws but, if anything, trends. And I have pointed out why a trend, as opposed to a law, must not in general be used as a basis for scientific predictions.

But to this criticism, Mill and Comte—alone in this respectamong historicists, I believe—could still have offered a rejoinder. Mill might perhaps have admitted a certain amount of confusion between laws and trends. But he could have reminded us that he himself had criticized those who mistook a ‘uniformity of historical succession’ for a true law of nature; that he had been careful to emphasize that such a uniformity could ‘only be an empirical law’22 (the term is somewhat misleading); and that it should not be considered secure before it had been reduced, ‘by the consilience of deduction a priori with historical evidence’, to the status of a true law of nature. And he could have reminded us that he had even laid down the ‘imperative rule never to introduce any generalization from history into the social science unless sufficient grounds can be pointed out for it’,23—that is, by deducing it from some true natural laws which can be established independently. (The laws he had in mind were those of ‘human nature’, i.e. psychology.) To this procedure of reducing historical or other generalizations to some set of laws of higher generality, Mill gave the name ‘inverse deductive method’, and he advocated it as the only correct historical and sociological method.

I am ready to admit that there is some force in this rejoinder. For should we succeed in reducing a trend to a set of laws, then we should be justified in using this trend, like a law, as a basis of predictions. Such a reduction, or inverse deduction, would go a long way towards bridging the gulf between laws and trends. The force of this rejoinder is further brought out by the fact that l’s method of ‘inverse deduction’ is a fair (although scrappy) description of a procedure which is used not only in the social sciences but in all sciences, and to an extent far beyond Mill’s own estimate.

In spite of these admissions I believe that my criticism remains correct, and that the fundamental historicist confusion of laws with trends is indefensible. But in order to show this, a careful analysis is needed of the method of reduction or inverse deduction.

Science, we may say, is confronted with problems, at any moment of its development. It cannot start with observations, or with the ‘collection of data’, as some students of method believe. Before we can collect data, our interest in data of a certain kind must be aroused: the problem always comes first. The problem in its turn may be suggested by practical needs, or by scientific or pre-scientific beliefs which, for some reason or other, appear to be in need of revision.

Now a scientific problem, as a rule, arises from the need for an explanation. Following Mill, we shall distinguish between two main cases: the explanation of an individual or singular specific event, and the explanation of some regularity or law. Mill puts it as follows:

An individual fact is said to be explained by pointing out its cause, that is, by stating the law or laws … of which its production is an instance. Thus a conflagration is explained when it is proved to have arisen from a spark falling into a heap of combustibles; and in a similar manner, a law … is said to be explained when another law or laws are pointed out, of which that law itself is but a case and from which it could be deduced.24

The case of the explanation of a law is a case of ‘inverse deduction’, and therefore important in our context.

Mill’s explanation of an explanation, or better of a causal explanation, is in the main quite acceptable. But for certain purposes it is not precise enough; and this lack of precision plays an important part in the issue we are here concerned with. I shall therefore re-state the matter, and point out where the differences between Mill’s view and my own lie.

I suggest that to give a causal explanation of a certain specific event means deducing a statement describing this event from two kinds of premises: from some universal laws, and from some singular or specific statements which we may call the specific initial conditions. For example, we can say that we have given a causal explanation of the breaking of a certain thread if we find that this thread could carry a weight of only one pound, and that a weight of two pounds was put on it. If we analyse this causal explanation, then we find that two different constituents are involved. (1) Some hypotheses of the character of universal laws of nature; in this case, perhaps: ‘For every thread of a given structure s (determined by its material, thickness, etc.) there is a characteristic weight w such that the thread will break if any weight exceeding w is suspended on it’; and ‘For every thread of the structure s1 the characteristic weight w equals one pound’. (2) Some specific (singular) statements—the initial conditions —pertaining to the particular event in question; in this case, we may have two statements: ‘This is a thread of structure s1, and ‘The weight put on this thread was a weight of two pounds’. Thus we have two different constituents, two different kinds of statements which together yield a complete causal explanation: (1) Universal statements of the character of natural laws; and (2) specific statements pertaining to the special case in question, called the ‘initial conditions’. Now from the universal laws (1) we can deduce, with the help of the initial conditions (2), the following specific statement (3): ‘This thread will break’. This conclusion (3) we may also call a specific prognosis. The initial conditions (or more precisely, the situation described by them) are usually spoken of as the cause of the event in question, and the prognosis (or rather, the event described by the prognosis) as the effect; for example, we say that the putting of a weight of two pounds on a thread capable of carrying only one pound was the cause, and the breaking the effect.25

Such a causal explanation will, of course, be scientifically acceptable only if the universal laws are well tested and corroborated, and if we have also some independent evidence in favour of the cause, i.e. of the initial conditions.

Before proceeding to analyse the causal explanation of regularities or laws, it may be remarked that several things emerge from our analysis of the explanation of singular events. One is that we can never speak of cause and effect in an absolute way, but must say that an event is a cause of another event—its effect—in relation to some universal law. However, these universal laws are very often so trivial (as in our example) that as a rule we take them for granted instead of making conscious use of them. A second point is that the use of a theory for predicting some specific event is just another aspect of its use for explaining such an event. And since we test a theory by comparing the events predicted with those actually observed, our analysis also shows how theories can be tested. Whether we use a theory for the purpose of explanation, of prediction, or of testing, depends upon our interest; it depends upon the question which statements we consider as given or unproblematic, and which statements we consider to stand in need of further criticism, and of testing. (See section 29.)

The causal explanation of a regularity, described by a universal law, is somewhat different from that of a singular event. At first sight, one might think that the case is analogous and that the law in question has to be deduced from (1) some more general laws, and (2) certain special conditions which correspond to the initial conditions but which are not singular, and refer to a certain kind of situation. This, however, is not the case here, for the special conditions (2) must be explicitly stated in the formulation of the law which we wish to explain; for otherwise this law would simply contradict (1). (For example, if with the help of Newton’s theory we wish to explain the law that all planets move in ellipses, then we have to put first explicitly in the formulation of this law the conditions under which we can assert its validity, perhaps in the form: If a number of planets, sufficiently spaced to make their mutual attraction very small, move round a very much heavier sun, then each moves approximately in an ellipse with the sun in the one focus.) In other words, the formulation of the universal law which we try to explain has to incorporate all the conditions of its validity, since otherwise we cannot assert it universally (or as Mill says, unconditionally). Accordingly, the causal explanation of a regularity consists in the deduction of a law (containing the conditions under which the regularity asserted holds) from a set of more general laws which have been tested and confirmed independently.

If we now compare our account of causal explanation with Mill’s we see that there is no great difference as far as the reduction of laws to more general laws is concerned, that is to say, in the causal explanation of regularities. But in Mill’s discussion of the causal explanation of singular events, there is no clear distinction between (1) universal laws, and (2) specific initial conditions. This is, largely, due to Mill’s lack of clarity in his use of the term ‘cause’ by which he means sometimes singular events, and sometimes universal laws. We shall now show how this affects the explanation or reduction of trends.

That it is logically possible to reduce or explain trends cannot be doubted. Let us assume, for example, that we find that all planets progressively approach the sun. The solar system would then be a dynamic system in Comte’s sense; it would have a development or a history, with a definite trend. The trend could easily be explained in Newtonian physics by the assumption (for which we might find independent evidence) that inter-planetary space is filled with some resisting matter—for example, a certain gas. This assumption would be a new specific initial condition which we would have to add to the usual initial conditions stating the positions and momenta of the planets at a certain time. As long as the new initial condition persists, we should have a systematic change or trend. Now if we further assume the change to be large, then it must have a very marked systematic influence on the biology and history of the various species on earth, including human history. This shows how we could, in principle, explain certain evolutionary and historical trends— even ‘general trends’, i.e. trends that persist throughout the development under consideration. It is obvious that these trends would be analogous to the quasi-laws of succession (seasonal periodicities, etc.) mentioned in the preceding section, with the difference that they would be ‘dynamic’. They would, therefore, correspond, even more closely than these ‘static’ quasi-laws, to Comte’s and Mill’s vague idea of evolutionary or historical laws of succession. Now if we have reason to assume the persistence of the relevant initial conditions then, clearly, we can assume that these trends or ‘dynamic quasi-laws’ will persist, so that they may be used, like laws, as a basis for predictions.

There is little doubt that such explained trends (as we may call them), or trends which are on the verge of being explained, play a considerable role in modern evolutionary theory. Apart from a number of such trends pertaining to the evolution of certain biological forms such as shells and rhinoceroses, it appears that a general trend towards an increasing number and an increasing variety of biological forms spreading into an increasing range of environmental conditions is becoming explicable in terms of biological laws (together with initial conditions which make certain assumptions regarding the terrestrial environment of organisms and which, together with the laws, imply, for example, the working of the important mechanism called ‘natural selection’).26

All this may appear to tell against us, and indeed to support Mill and historicism. But this is not the case. Explained trends do exist, but their persistence depends on the persistence of certain specific initial conditions (which in turn may sometimes be trends).

Now Mill and his fellow historicists overlook the dependence of trends on initial conditions. They operate with trends as if they were unconditional, like laws. Their confusion of laws with trends27 makes them believe in trends which are unconditional (and therefore general); or, as we may say, in ‘absolute trends’;28 for example, in a general historical tendency towards progress—’a tendency towards a better and happier state’. And if they at all consider a ‘reduction’ of their tendencies to laws, they believe that these tendencies can be immediately derived from universal laws alone, such as the laws of psychology (or perhaps of dialectical materialism, etc.).

This, we may say, is the central mistake of historicism. Its ‘laws of developmentturn out to be absolute trends; trends which, like laws, do not depend on initial conditions, and which carry us irresistibly in a certain direction into the future. They are the basis of unconditional prophecies, as opposed to conditional scientific predictions.

But what about those who see that trends depend on conditions, and who try to find these conditions and to formulate them explicitly? My answer is that I have no quarrel with them. On the contrary: that trends occur cannot be doubted. Therefore we have the difficult task of explaining them as well as we can, i.e. of determining as precisely as possible the conditions under which they persist. (See section 32.)29

The point is that these conditions are so easily overlooked. There is, for example, a trend towards an ‘accumulation of means of production’ (as Marx puts it). But we should hardly expect it to persist in a population which is rapidly decreasing; and such a decrease may in turn depend on extra-economic conditions, for example, on chance inventions, or conceivably on the direct physiological (perhaps biochemical) impact of an industrial environment. There are, indeed, countless possible conditions; and in order to be able to examine these possibilities in our search for the true conditions of a trend, we have all the time to try to imagine conditions under which the trend in question would disappear. But this is just what the historicist cannot do. He firmly believes in his favourite trend, and conditions under which it would disappear are to him unthinkable. The poverty of historicism, we might say, is a poverty of imagination. The historicist continuously upbraids those who cannot imagine a change in their little worlds; yet it seems that the historicist is himself deficient in imagination, for he cannot imagine a change in the conditions of change.

29 The Unity of Method

I suggested in the foregoing section that the deductive methods there analysed are widely used and important—more so than Mill, for example, ever thought. This suggestion will now be further elaborated, in order to throw some light on the dispute between naturalism and anti-naturalism. In this section I am going to propose a doctrine of the unity of method; that is to say, the view that all theoretical or generalizing sciences make use of the same method, whether they are natural sciences or social sciences. (I postpone the discussion of the historical sciences until section 31.) At the same time, some of these doctrines of historicism which I have not yet sufficiently examined will be touched upon, such as the problems of Generalization; of Essentialism; of the role played by Intuitive Understanding; of the Inexactitude of Prediction; of Complexity; and of the application of Quantitative Methods.

I do not intend to assert that there are no differences whatever between the methods of the theoretical sciences of nature and of society; such differences clearly exist, even between the various natural sciences themselves, as well as between the various social sciences. (Compare, for example, the analysis of competitive markets and of Romance languages.) But I agree with Comte and Mill—and with many others, such as C. Menger—that the methods in the two fields are fundamentally the same (though the methods I have in mind may differ from those they had in mind). The methods always consist in offering deductive causal explanations, and in testing them (by way of predictions). This has sometimes been called the hypothetical-deductive method,30 or more often the method of hypothesis, for it does not achieve absolute certainty for any of the scientific statements which it tests; rather, these statements always retain the character of tentative hypotheses, even though their character of tentativeness may cease to be obvious after they have passed a great number of severe tests.

Because of their tentative or provisional character, hypotheses were considered, by most students of method, as provisional in the sense that they have ultimately to be replaced by proved theories (or at least by theories which can be proved to be ‘highly probable’, in the sense of some calculus of probabilities). I believe that this view is mistaken and that it leads to a host of entirely unnecessary difficulties. But this problem31 is of comparatively little moment here. What is important is to realize that in science we are always concerned with explanations, predictions, and tests, and that the method of testing hypotheses is always the same (see the foregoing section). From the hypothesis to be tested—for example, a universal law—together with some other statements which for this purpose are not considered as problematic—for example, some initial conditions—we deduce some prognosis. We then confront this prognosis, whenever possible, with the results of experimental or other observations. Agreement with them is taken as corroboration of the hypothesis, though not as final proof; clear disagreement is considered as refutation or falsification.

According to this analysis, there is no great difference between explanation, prediction and testing. The difference is not one of logical structure, but rather one of emphasis; it depends on what we consider to be our problem and what we do not so consider. If it is not our problem to find a prognosis, while we take it to be our problem to find the initial conditions or some of the universal laws (or both) from which we may deduce a given ‘prognosis’, then we are looking for an explanation (and the given ‘prognosis’ becomes our ‘explicandum’). If we consider the laws and initial conditions as given (rather than as to be found) and use them merely for deducing the prognosis, in order to get thereby some new information, then we are trying to make a prediction. (This is a case in which we apply our scientific results.) And if we consider one of the premises, i.e. either a universal law or an initial condition, as problematic, and the prognosis as something to be compared with the results of experience, then we speak of a test of the problematic premise.

The result of tests is the selection of hypotheses which have stood up to tests, or the elimination of those hypotheses which have not stood up to them, and which are therefore rejected. It is important to realize the consequences of this view. They are these: all tests can be interpreted as attempts to weed out false theories—to find the weak points of a theory in order to reject it if it is falsified by the test. This view is sometimes considered paradoxical; our aim, it is said, is to establish theories, not to eliminate false ones. But just because it is our aim to establish theories as well as we can, we must test them as severely as we can; that is, we must try to find fault with them, we must try to falsify them. Only if we cannot falsify them in spite of our best efforts can we say that they have stood up to severe tests. This is the reason why the discovery of instances which confirm a theory means very little if we have not tried, and failed, to discover refutations. For if we are uncritical we shall always find what we want: we shall look for, and find, confirmations, and we shall look away from, and not see, whatever might be dangerous to our pet theories. In this way it is only too easy to obtain what appears to be overwhelming evidence in favour of a theory which, if approached critically, would have been refuted. In order to make the method of selection by elimination work, and to ensure that only the fittest theories survive, their struggle for life must be made severe for them.

This, in outline, is the method of all sciences which are backed by experience. But what about the method by which we obtain our theories or hypotheses? What about inductive generalizations, and the way in which we proceed from observation to theory? To this question (and to the doctrines discussed in section 1, so far as they have not been dealt with in section 26) I shall give two answers, (a) I do not believe that we ever make inductive generalizations in the sense that we start with observations and try to derive our theories from them. I believe that the prejudice that we proceed in this way is a kind of optical illusion, and that at no stage of scientific development do we begin without something in the nature of a theory, such as a hypothesis, or a prejudice, or a problem—often a technological one—which in some way guides our observations, and helps us to select from the innumerable objects of observation those which may be of interest.32 But if this is so, then the method of elimination— which is nothing but that of trial and error discussed in section 24—can always be applied. However, I do not think that it is necessary for our present discussion to insist upon this point. For we can say (b) that it is irrelevant from the point of view of science whether we have obtained our theories by jumping to unwarranted conclusions or merely by stumbling over them (that is, by ‘intuition’), or else by some inductive procedure. The question, ‘How did you first find your theory?’ relates, as it were, to an entirely private matter, as opposed to the question, ‘How did you test your theory?’ which alone is scientifically relevant. And the method of testing described here is fertile; it leads to new observations, and to a mutual give and take between theory and observation.

Now all this, I believe, is not only true for the natural but also for the social sciences. And in the social sciences it is even more obvious than in the natural sciences that we cannot see and observe our objects before we have thought about them. For most of the objects of social science, if not all of them, are abstract objects; they are theoretical constructions. (Even ‘the war’ or ‘the army’ are abstract concepts, strange as this may sound to some. What is concrete is the many who are killed; or the men and women in uniform, etc.) These objects, these theoretical constructions used to interpret our experience, are the result of constructing certain models (especially of institutions), in order to explain certain experiences—a familiar theoretical method in the natural sciences (where we construct our models of atoms, molecules, solids, liquids, etc.). It is part of the method of explanation by way of reduction, or deduction from hypotheses. Very often we are unaware of the fact that we are operating with hypotheses or theories, and we therefore mistake our theoretical models for concrete things. This is a kind of mistake which is only too common.33 The fact that models are often used in this way explains—and by so doing destroys—the doctrines of methodological essentialism (cp. section 10). It explains them, for the model is abstract or theoretical in character, and so we are liable to feel that we see it, either within or behind the changing observable events, as a kind of permanent ghost or essence. And it destroys them because the task of social theory is to construct and to analyse our sociological models carefully in descriptive or nominalist terms, that is to say, in terms of individuals, of their attitudes, expectations, relations, etc.—a postulate which may be called ‘methodological individualism’.

The unity of the methods of the natural and social sciences may be illustrated and defended by an analysis of two passages from Professor Hayek’s Scientism and the Study of Society.34

In the first of these passages, Professor Hayek writes:

The physicist who wishes to understand the problems of the social sciences with the help of an analogy from his own field would have to imagine a world in which he knew by direct observation the inside of the atoms and had neither the possibility of making experiments with lumps of matter nor the opportunity to observe more than the interactions of a comparatively few atoms during a limited period. From his knowledge of the different kinds of atoms he could build up models of all the various ways in which they could combine into larger units and make these models more and more closely reproduce all the features of the few instances in which he was able to observe more complex phenomena. But the laws of the macrocosm which he could derive from his knowledge of the microcosm would always remain ‘deductive’; they would, because of his limited knowledge of the data of the complex situation, scarcely ever enable him to predict the precise outcome of a particular situation; and he could never verify them by controlled experiment—although they might be disproved by the observation of events which according to his theory are impossible.

I admit that the first sentence of this passage points to certain differences between social and physical science. But the rest of the passage, I believe, speaks for a complete unity of method. For if, as I do not doubt, this is a correct description of the method of social science, then it shows that it differs only from such interpretations of the method of natural science as we have already rejected. I have in mind, more especially, the ‘inductivist’ interpretation which holds that in the natural sciences we proceed systematically from observation to theory by some method of generalization, and that we can ‘verify’, or perhaps even prove, our theories by some method of induction. I have been advocating a very different view here—an interpretation of scientific method as deductive, hypothetical, selective by way of falsification, etc. And this description of the method of natural science agrees perfectly with Professor Hayek’s description of the method of social science. (I have every reason to believe that my interpretation of the methods of science was not influenced by any knowledge of the methods of the social sciences; for when I developed it first, I had only the natural sciences in mind,35 and I knew next to nothing about the social sciences.)

But even the differences alluded to in the first sentence of the quotation are not so great as may appear at first sight. It is undoubtedly true that we have a more direct knowledge of the ‘inside of the human atom’ than we have of physical atoms; but this knowledge is intuitive. In other words, we certainly use our knowledge of ourselves in order to frame hypotheses about some other people, or about all people. But these hypotheses must be tested, they must be submitted to the method of selection by elimination. (Intuition prevents some people from even imagining that anybody could possibly dislike chocolate.) The physicist, it is true, is not helped by such direct observation when he frames his hypotheses about atoms; nevertheless, he quite often uses some kind of sympathetic imagination or intuition which may easily make him feel that he is intimately acquainted with even the ‘inside of the atoms’—with even their whims and prejudices. But this intuition is his private affair. Science is interested only in the hypotheses which his intuitions may have inspired, and then only if these are rich in consequences, and if they can be properly tested. (For the other difference mentioned in Professor Hayek’s first sentence, i.e. the difficulty of conducting experiments, see section 24.)

These few remarks may also indicate the way in which the historicist doctrine expounded in section 8 should be criticized—that is to say, the doctrine that social science must use the method of intuitive understanding.

In the second passage, Professor Hayek, speaking of social phenomena, says:

… our knowledge of the principle by which these phenomena are produced will rarely if ever enable us to predict the precise result of any concrete situation. While we can explain the principle on which certain phenomena are produced and can from this knowledge exclude the possibility of certain results, e.g. of certain events occurring together, our knowledge will in a sense be only negative, i.e. it will merely enable us to preclude certain results but not enable us to narrow the range of possibilities sufficiently so that only one remains.

This passage, far from describing a situation peculiar to the social sciences, perfectly describes the character of natural laws which, indeed, can never do more than exclude certain possibilities. (‘You cannot carry water in a sieve’; see section 20, above.) More especially the statement that we shall not, as a rule, be able ‘to predict the precise result of any concrete situation’ opens up the problem of the inexactitude of prediction (see section 5, above).

I contend that precisely the same may be said of the concrete physical world. In general it is only by the use of artificial experimental isolation that we can predict physical events. (The solar system is an exceptional case—one of natural, not of arti ficial isolation; once its isolation is destroyed by the intrusion of a foreign body of sufficient size, all our forecasts are liable to break down.) We are very far from being able to predict, even in physics, the precise results of a concrete situation, such as a thunderstorm, or a fire.

A very brief remark may be added here on the problem of complexity (see section 4, above). There is no doubt that the analysis of any concrete social situation is made extremely difficult by its complexity. But the same holds for any concrete physical situation.36 The widely held prejudice that social situations are more complex than physical ones seems to arise from two sources. One of them is that we are liable to compare what should not be compared; I mean on the one hand concrete social situations and on the other hand artificially insulated experimental physical situations. (The latter might be compared, rather, with an artificially insulated social situation—such as a prison, or an experimental community.) The other source is the old belief that the description of a social situation should involve the mental and perhaps even physical states of everybody concerned (or perhaps that it should even be reducible to them). But this belief is not justified; it is much less justified even than the impossible demand that the description of a concrete chemical reaction should involve that of the atomic and sub-atomic states of all the elementary particles involved (although chemistry may indeed be reducible to physics). The belief also shows traces of the popular view that social entities such as institutions or associations are concrete natural entities such as crowds of men, rather than abstract models constructed to interpret certain selected abstract relations between individuals.

But in fact, there are good reasons, not only for the belief that social science is less complicated than physics, but also for the belief that concrete social situations are in general less complicated than concrete physical situations. For in most social situations, if not in all, there is an element of rationality. Admittedly, human beings hardly ever act quite rationally (i.e. as they would if they could make the optimal use of all available information for the attainment of whatever ends they may have), but they act, none the less, more or less rationally; and this makes it possible to construct comparatively simple models of their actions and inter-actions, and to use these models as approximations.

The last point seems to me, indeed, to indicate a considerable difference between the natural and the social sciences—perhaps the most important difference in their methods, since the other important differences, i.e. specific difficulties in conducting experiments (see end of section 24) and in applying quantitative methods (see below), are differences of degree rather than of kind. I refer to the possibility of adopting, in the social sciences, what may be called the method of logical or rational construction, or perhaps the ‘zero method’.37 By this I mean the method of constructing a model on the assumption of complete rationality (and perhaps also on the assumption of the possession of complete information) on the part of all the individuals concerned, and of estimating the deviation of the actual behaviour of people from the model behaviour, using the latter as a kind of zero co-ordinate.38 An example of this method is the comparison between actual behaviour (under the influence of, say, traditional prejudice, etc.) and model behaviour to be expected on the basis of the ‘pure logic of choice’, as described by the equations of economics. Marschak’s interesting ‘Money Illusion’, for example, may be interpreted in this way.39 An attempt at applying the zero method to a different field may be found in R Sargant Florence’s comparison between the ‘logic of large-scale operation’ in industry and the ‘illogic of actual operation’.40

In passing I should like to mention that neither the principle of methodological individualism, nor that of the zero method of constructing rational models, implies in my opinion the adoption of a psychological method. On the contrary, I believe that these principles can be combined with the view41 that the social sciences are comparatively independent of psychological assumptions, and that psychology can be treated, not as the basis of all social sciences, but as one social science among others.

In concluding this section, I have to mention what I consider to be the other main difference between the methods of some of the theoretical sciences of nature and of society. I mean the specific difficulties connected with the application of quantitative methods, and especially methods of measurement.42 Some of these difficulties can be, and have been, overcome by the application of statistical methods, for example in demand analysis. And they have to be overcome if, for example, some of the equations of mathematical economics are to provide a basis even of merely qualitative applications; for without such measurement we should often not know whether or not some counteracting influences exceeded an effect calculated in merely qualitative terms. Thus merely qualitative considerations may well be deceptive at times; just as deceptive, to quote Professor Frisch, ‘as to say that when a man tries to row a boat forward, the boat will be driven backward because of the pressure exerted by his feet’.43 But it cannot be doubted that there are some fundamental difficulties here. In physics, for example, the parameters of our equations can, in principle, be reduced to a small number of natural constants—a reduction which has been successfully carried out in many important cases. This is not so in economics; here the parameters are themselves in the most important cases quickly changing variables.44 This clearly reduces the significance, interpretability, and testability of our measurements.

30 Theoretical and Historical Sciences

The thesis of the unity of scientific method, whose application to theoretical sciences I have just been defending, can be extended, with certain limitations, even to the field of the historical sciences. And this can be done without giving up the fundamental distinction between theoretical and historical sciences— for example, between sociology or economic theory or political theory on die one hand, and social, economic, and political history on die other—a distinction which has been so often and emphatically reaffirmed by the best historians. It is the distinction between the interest in universal laws and the interest in particular facts. I wish to defend the view, so often attacked as old-fashioned by historicists, that history is characterized by its interest in actual, singular, or specific events, rather than in laws or generalizations.

This view is perfectly compatible with the analysis of scientific method, and especially of causal explanation, given in the preceding sections. The situation is simply this: while the theoretical sciences are mainly interested in finding and testing universal laws, the historical sciences take all kinds of universal laws for granted and are mainly interested in finding and testing singular statements. For example, given a certain singular ‘explicandum’—a singular event—they may look for singular initial conditions which (together with all kinds of universal laws which may be of little interest) explain that explicandum. Or they may test a given singular hypothesis by using it, along with other singular statements, as an initial condition, and by deducing from these initial conditions (again with the help of all kinds of universal laws of little interest) some new ‘prognosis’ which may describe an event which has happened in the distant past, and which can be confronted with the empirical evidence—perhaps with documents or inscriptions, etc.

In die sense of this analysis, all causal explanation of a singular event can be said to be historical in so far as the ‘cause’ is always described by singular initial conditions. And this agrees entirely with the popular idea that to explain a thing causally is to explain how and why it happened, that is to say, to tell its ‘story’. But it is only in history that we are really interested in the causal explanation of a singular event. In the theoretical sciences, such causal explanations are mainly means to a different end—the testing of universal laws.

If these considerations are correct, then the burning interest in questions of origin shown by some evolutionists and historicists, who despise old-fashioned history and wish to reform it into a theoretical science, is somewhat misplaced. Questions of origin are ‘how and why’ questions. They are comparatively unimportant theoretically and usually have only a specific historical interest.

Against my analysis of historical explanation45 it may be argued that history does make use of universal laws contrary to the emphatic declaration of so many historians that history has no interest whatever in such laws. To this we may answer that a singular event is the cause of another singular event—which is its effect—only relative to some universal laws.46 But these laws may be so trivial, so much part of our common knowledge, that we need not mention them and rarely notice them. If we say that the cause of the death of Giordano Bruno was being burnt at the stake, we do not need to mention the universal law that all living things die when exposed to intense heat. But such a law was tacitly assumed in our causal explanation.

Among the theories which the political historian presupposes are, of course, certain theories of sociology—the sociology of power, for example. But the historian uses even these theories, as a rule, without being aware of them. He uses them in the main not as universal laws which help him to test his specific hypotheses, but as implicit in his terminology. In speaking of governments, nations, armies, he uses, usually unconsciously, the ‘models’ provided by scientific or pre-scientific sociological analysis (see the foregoing section).

The historical sciences, it may be remarked, do not stand quite apart in their attitude towards universal laws. Whenever we encounter an actual application of science to a singular or specific problem we find a similar situation. The practical chemist, for example, who wishes to analyse a certain given compound— a piece of rock, say—hardly considers any universal law. Instead, he applies, possibly without much thought, certain routine techniques which, from the logical point of view, are tests of such singular hypotheses as ‘this compound contains sulphur’. His interest is mainly a historical one—the description of one set of specific events, or of one individual physical body.

I believe that this analysis clarifies some well-known controversies between certain students of the method of history.47 One historicist group asserts that history, which does not merely enumerate facts but attempts to present them in some kind of causal connection, must be interested in the formulation of historical laws, since causality means, fundamentally, determination by law. Another group, which also includes historicists, argues that even ‘unique’ events, events which occur only once and have nothing ‘general’ about them, may be the cause of other events, and that it is this kind of causation that history is interested in. We can now see that both groups are partly right and partly wrong. Universal law and specific events are together necessary for any causal explanation, but outside the theoretical sciences, universal laws usually arouse little interest.

This leads us to the question of the uniqueness of historical events. In so far as we are concerned with the historical explanation of typical events they must necessarily be treated as typical, as belonging to kinds or classes of events. For only then is the deductive method of causal explanation applicable. History, however, is interested not only in the explanation of specific events but also in the description of a specific event as such. One of its most important tasks is undoubtedly to describe interesting happenings in their peculiarity or uniqueness; that is to say, to include aspects which it does not attempt to explain causally, such as the ‘accidental’ concurrence of causally unrelated events. These two tasks of history, the disentanglement of causal threads and the description of the ‘accidental’ manner in which these threads are interwoven, are both necessary, and they supplement each other; at one time an event may be considered as typical, i.e. from the standpoint of its causal explanation, and at another time as unique.

These considerations may be applied to the question of novelty, discussed in section 3. The distinction made there between ‘novelty of arrangement’ and ‘intrinsic newness’ corresponds to the present distinction between the standpoint of causal explanation and that of the appreciation of the unique. So far as newness can be rationally analysed and predicted, it can never be ‘intrinsic’. This dispels the historicist doctrine that social science should be applicable to the problem of predicting the emergence of intrinsically new events—a claim which may be said to rest ultimately on an insufficient analysis of prediction and of causal explanation.

31 Situational Logic in History. Historical Interpretation

But is this all? Is there nothing whatever in the historicist demand for a reform of history—for a sociology which plays the role of a theoretical history, or a theory of historical development? (See sections 12 and 16.) Is there nothing whatever in the historicist idea of’periods’; of the ‘spirit’ or ‘style’ of an age; of irresistible historical tendencies; of movements which captivate the minds of individuals and which surge on like a flood, driving, rather than being driven by, individual men? Nobody who has read, for example, the speculations of Tolstoy in War and Peace—historicist, no doubt, but stating his motives with candour—on the movement of the men of the West towards the East and the counter movement of the Russians towards the West,48 can deny that historicism answers a real need. We have to satisfy this need by offering something better before we can seriously hope to get rid of historicism.

Tolstoy’s historicism is a reaction against a method of writing history which implicitly accepts the truth of the principle of leadership; a method which attributes much—too much, if Tolstoy is right, as he undoubtedly is—to the great man, the leader. Tolstoy tries to show, successfully I think, the small influence of the actions and decisions of Napoleon, Alexander, Kutuzov, and the other great leaders of 1812, in the face of what may be called the logic of events. Tolstoy points out, rightly, the neglected but very great importance of the decisions and actions of the countless unknown individuals who fought the battles, who burned Moscow, and who invented die partisan method of fighting. But he believes that he can see some kind of historical determination in these events—fate, historical laws, or a plan. In his version of historicism, he combines both methodological individualism and collectivism; that is to say, he represents a highly typical combination—typical of his time, and, I am afraid, of our own—of democratic-individualist and collectivist-nationalistic elements.

This example may remind us that there are some sound elements in historicism; it is a reaction against the naive method of interpreting political history merely as the story of great tyrants and great generals. Historicists rightly feel that there may be something better than this method. It is this feeling which makes their idea of ‘spirits’—of an age, of a nation, of an army— so seductive.

Now I have not the slightest sympathy with these ‘spirits’— neither with their idealistic prototype nor with their dialectical and materialistic incarnations—and I am in full sympathy with those who treat them with contempt. And yet I feel that they indicate, at least, the existence of a lacuna, of a place which it is the task of sociology to fill with something more sensible, such as an analysis of problems arising within a tradition. There is room for a more detailed analysis of the logic of situations. The best historians have often made use, more or less unconsciously, of this conception: Tolstoy, for example, when he describes how it was not decision but ‘necessity’ which made the Russian army yield Moscow without a fight and withdraw to places where it could find food. Beyond this logic of the situation, or perhaps as a part of it, we need something like an analysis of social movements. We need studies, based on methodological individualism, of the social institutions through which ideas may spread and captivate individuals, of the way in which new traditions may be created, and of the way in which traditions work and break down. In other words, our individualistic and institution-alist models of such collective entities as nations, or governments, or markets, will have to be supplemented by models of political situations as well as of social movements such as scientific and industrial progress. (A sketch of such an analysis of progress will be found in the next section.) These models may then be used by historians, partly like the other models, and partly for the purpose of explanation, along with die other universal laws diey use. But even this would not be enough; it would still not satisfy all those real needs which historicism attempts to satisfy.

If we consider the historical sciences in the light of our comparison between them and the theoretical sciences, then we can see that their lack of interest in universal laws puts them in a difficult position. For in theoretical science laws act, among other things, as centres of interest to which observations are related, or as points of view from which observations are made. In history the universal laws, which for the most part are trivial and used unconsciously, cannot possibly fulfil this function. It must be taken over by something else. For undoubtedly there can be no history without a point of view; like the natural sciences, history must be selective unless it is to be choked by a flood of poor and unrelated material. The attempt to follow causal chains into the remote past would not help in the least, for every concrete effect with which we might start has a great number of different partial causes; that is to say, initial conditions are very complex, and most of them have little interest for us.

The only way out of this difficulty is, I believe, consciously to introduce a preconceived selective point of view into one’s history; that is, to write that history which interests us. This does not mean that we may twist the facts until they fit into a framework of preconceived ideas, or that we may neglect the facts that do not fit.49 On the contrary, all available evidence which has a bearing on our point of view should be considered carefully and objectively (in the sense of ‘scientific objectivity’, to be discussed in the next section). But it means that we need not worry about all those facts and aspects which have no bearing upon our point of view and which therefore do not interest us.

Such selective approaches fulfil functions in the study of history which are in some ways analogous to those of theories in science. It is therefore understandable that they have often been taken for theories. And indeed, those rare ideas inherent in these approaches which can be formulated in the form of testable hypotheses, whether singular or universal, may well be treated as scientific hypotheses. But as a rule, these historical ‘approaches’ or ‘points of view’ cannot be tested. They cannot be refuted, and apparent confirmations are therefore of no value, even if they are as numerous as the stars in the sky. We shall call such a selective point of view or focus of historical interest, if it cannot be formulated as a testable hypothesis, a historical interpretation.

Historicism mistakes these interpretations for theories. This is one of its cardinal errors. It is possible, for example, to interpret ‘history’ as the history of class struggle, or of the struggle of races for supremacy, or as the history of religious ideas, or as the history of the struggle between the ‘open’ and the ‘closed’ society, or as the history of scientific and industrial progress. All these are more or less interesting points of view, and as such perfectly unobjectionable. But historicists do not present them as such; they do not see that there is necessarily a plurality of interpretations which are fundamentally on the same level of both suggestiveness and arbitrariness (even though some of them may be distinguished by their fertility—a point of some importance). Instead, they present them as doctrines or theories, asserting that ‘all history is the history of class struggle’, etc. And if they actually find that their point of view is fertile, and that many facts can be ordered and interpreted in its light, then they mistake this for a confirmation, or even for a proof, of their doctrine.

On the other hand, the classical historians who rightly oppose this procedure are liable to fall into a different error. Aiming at objectivity, they feel bound to avoid any selective point of view; but since this is impossible, they usually adopt points of view without being aware of them. This must defeat their efforts to be objective, for one cannot possibly be critical of one’s own point of view, and conscious of its limitations, without being aware of it.

The way out of this dilemma, of course, is to be clear about the necessity of adopting a point of view; to state this point of view plainly, and always to remain conscious that it is one among many, and that even if it should amount to a theory, it may not be testable.

32 The Institutional Theory of Progress

In order to make our considerations less abstract, I shall try in this section to sketch, in very brief outline, a theory of scientific and industrial progress. I shall try to exemplify, in this way, the ideas developed in the last four sections; more especially the idea of situational logic, and of a methodical individualism which keeps clear of psychology. I choose the example of scientific and industrial progress because undoubtedly it was this phenomenon which inspired modern nineteenth-century historicism, and because I have previously discussed some of Mill’s views on this subject.

Comte and Mill, it will be remembered, held that progress was an unconditional or absolute trend, which is reducible to the laws of human nature. ‘A law of succession,’ writes Comte, ‘even when indicated with all possible authority by the method of historical observation, ought not to be finally admitted before it has been rationally reduced to the positive theory of human nature … ‘50 He believes that the law of progress is deducible from a tendency in human individuals which impels them to perfect their nature more and more. In all this, Mill follows him completely, trying to reduce his law of progress to what he calls the ‘progressiveness of the human mind’51 whose first ‘impelling force … is the desire of increased material comforts’. According to both Comte and Mill the unconditional or absolute character of this trend or quasi-law enables us to deduce from it the first steps or phases of history, without requiring any initial historical conditions or observations or data.52 In principle, the whole course of history should be thus deducible; the only difficulty being, as Mill puts it, that ‘so long a series …, each successive term being composed of an even greater number and variety of parts, could not possibly be computed by human faculties’.53

The weakness of this ‘reduction’ of Mill’s seems obvious. Even if we should grant Mill’s premises and deductions, it still would not follow that the social or historical effect will be significant. Progress might be rendered negligible, say, by losses due to an unmanageable natural environment. Besides, the premises are based on only one side of ‘human nature’ without considering other sides such as forgetfulness or indolence. Thus where we observe the precise opposite of the progress described by Mill, there we can equally well ‘reduce’ these observations to ‘human nature’. (Is it not, indeed, one of the most popular devices of so-called historical theories to explain the decline and fall of empires by such traits as idleness and a propensity to over-eat?) In fact we can conceive of very few events which could not be plausibly explained by an appeal to certain propensities of ‘human nature’. But a method that can explain everything that might happen explains nothing.

If we wish to replace this surprisingly naive theory by a more tenable one, we have to take two steps. First, we have to attempt to find conditions of progress, and to this end we must apply the principle set out in section 28: we must try to imagine conditions under which progress would be arrested. This immediately leads to the realization that a psychological propensity alone cannot be sufficient to explain progress, since conditions may be found on which it may depend. Thus we must, next, replace the theory of psychological propensities by something better; I suggest, by an institutional (and technological) analysis of the conditions of progress.

How could we arrest scientific and industrial progress? By closing down, or by controlling, laboratories for research, by suppressing or controlling scientific periodicals and other means of discussion, by suppressing scientific congresses and conferences, by suppressing Universities and other schools, by suppressing books, the printing press, writing, and, in the end, speaking. All these things which indeed might be suppressed (or controlled) are social institutions. Language is a social institution without which scientific progress is unthinkable, since without it there can be neither science nor a growing and progressive tradition. Writing is a social institution, and so are the organizations for printing and publishing and all the other institutional instruments of scientific method. Scientific method itself has social aspects. Science, and more especially scientific progress, are the results not of isolated efforts but of the free competition of thought. For science needs ever more competition between hypotheses and ever more rigorous tests. And the competing hypotheses need personal representation, as it were: they need advocates, they need a jury, and even a public. This personal representation must be institutionally organized if we wish to ensure that it works. And these institutions have to be paid for, and protected by law. Ultimately, progress depends very largely on political factors; on political institutions that safeguard the freedom of thought: on democracy.

It is of some interest that what is usually called ‘scientific objectivity’ is based, to some extent, on social institutions. The naive view that scientific objectivity rests on the mental or psychological attitude of the individual scientist, on his training, care, and scientific detachment, generates as a reaction the sceptical view that scientists can never be objective. On this view their lack of objectivity may be negligible in the natural sciences where their passions are not excited, but for the social sciences where social prejudices, class bias, and personal interests are involved, it may be fatal. This doctrine, developed in detail by the so-called ‘sociology of knowledge’ (see sections 6 and 26), entirely overlooks the social or institutional character of scientific knowledge, because it is based on the naiVe view that objectivity depends on the psychology of the individual scientist. It overlooks the fact that neither the dryness nor the remoteness of a topic of natural science prevent partiality and self-interest from interfering with the individual scientist’s beliefs, and that if we had to depend on his detachment, science, even natural science, would be quite impossible. What the ‘sociology of knowledge’ overlooks is just the sociology of knowledge—the social or public character of science. It overlooks the fact that it is the public character of science and of its institutions which imposes a mental discipline upon the individual scientist, and which preserves the objectivity of science and its tradition of critically discussing new ideas.54

In this connection, I may perhaps touch upon another of the doctrines presented in section 6 (Objectivity and Valuation). There it was argued that, since scientific research in social problems must itself influence social life, it is impossible for the social scientist who is aware of this influence to retain the proper scientific attitude of disinterested objectivity. But there is nothing peculiar to social science in this situation. A physicist or a physical engineer is in the same position. Without being a social scientist he can realize that the invention of a new aircraft or rocket may have a tremendous influence on society.

I have just sketched some of the institutional conditions on whose realization scientific and industrial progress depends. Now it is important to realize that most of these conditions cannot be called necessary, and that all of them taken together are not sufficient.

The conditions are not necessary, since without these institutions (language perhaps excepted) scientific progress would not be strictly impossible. ‘Progress’, after all, has been made from the spoken to the written word, and even further (although this early development was perhaps not, properly speaking, scientific progress).

On the other hand, and this is more important, we must realize that with the best institutional organization in the world, scientific progress may one day stop. There may, for example, be an epidemic of mysticism. This is certainly possible, for since some intellectuals do react to scientific progress (or to the demands of an open society) by withdrawing into mysticism, everyone might react in this way. Such a possibility may perhaps be counteracted by devising a further set of social institutions, such as educational institutions, to discourage uniformity of outlook and encourage diversity. Also, the idea of progress and its enthusiastic propagation may have some effect. But all this cannot make progress certain. For we cannot exclude the logical possibility, say, of a bacterium or virus that spreads a wish for Nirvana.

We thus find that even the best institutions can never be foolproof. As I have said before, ‘Institutions are like fortresses. They must be well designed and properly manned’. But we can never make sure that the right man will be attracted by scientific research. Nor can we make sure that there will be men of imagination who have the knack of inventing new hypotheses. And ultimately, much depends on sheer luck, in these matters. For truth is not manifest, and it is a mistake to believe—as did Comte and Mill—that once the ‘obstacles’ (the allusion is to the Church) are removed, truth will be visible to all who genuinely want to see it.

I believe that the result of this analysis can be generalized. The human or personal factor will remain the irrational element in most, or all, institutional social theories. The opposite doctrine which teaches the reduction of social theories to psychology, in the same way as we try to reduce chemistry to physics, is, I believe, based on a misunderstanding. It arises from the false belief that this ‘methodological psychologism’ is a necessary corollary of a methodological individualism—of the quite unassailable doctrine that we must try to understand all collective phenomena as due to the actions, interactions, aims, hopes, and thoughts of individual men, and as due to traditions created and preserved by individual men. But we can be individualists without accepting psychologism. The ‘zero method’ of constructing rational models is not a psychological but rather a logical method.

In fact, psychology cannot be the basis of social science. First, because it is itself just one of the social sciences: ‘human nature’ varies considerably with the social institutions, and its study therefore presupposes an understanding of these institutions. Secondly, because the social sciences are largely concerned with the unintended consequences, or repercussions, of human actions. And ‘unintended’ in this context does not perhaps mean ‘not consciously intended’; rather it characterizes repercussions which may violate all interests of the social agent, whether conscious or unconscious: although some people may claim diat a liking for mountains and solitude may be explained psychologically, the fact that, if too many people like the mountains, they cannot enjoy solitude there, is not a psychological fact; but this kind of problem is at the very root of social theory.

With this, we reach a result which contrasts startlingly with the still fashionable method of Comte and Mill. Instead of reducing sociological considerations to the apparently firm basis of the psychology of human nature, we might say that the human factor is the ultimately uncertain and wayward element in social life and in all social institutions. Indeed this is the element which ultimately cannot be completely controlled by institutions (as Spinoza first saw55); for every attempt at controlling it completely must lead to tyranny; which means, to the omnipotence of the human factor—the whims of a few men, or even of one.

But is it not possible to control the human factor by science— the opposite of whim? No doubt, biology and psychology can solve, or will soon be able to solve, the ‘problem of transforming man’. Yet those who attempt to do this are bound to destroy the objectivity of science, and so science itself, since these are both based upon free competition of thought; that is, upon freedom. If the growth of reason is to continue, and human rationality to survive, then the diversity of individuals and their opinions, aims, and purposes must never be interfered with (except in extreme cases where political freedom is endangered). Even the emotionally satisfying appeal for a common purpose, however excellent, is an appeal to abandon all rival moral opinions and the cross-criticisms and arguments to which they give rise. It is an appeal to abandon rational thought.

The evolutionist who demands the ‘scientific’ control of human nature does not realize how suicidal this demand is. The mainspring of evolution and progress is the variety of the material which may become subject to selection. So far as human evolution is concerned it is the ‘freedom to be odd and unlike one’s neighbour’—’to disagree with the majority, and go one’s own way’.56 Holistic control, which must lead to the equalization not of human rights but of human minds, would mean the end of progress.

33 Conclusion. The Emotional Appeal of Historicism

Historicism is a very old movement. Its oldest forms, such as the doctrines of the life-cycles of cities and races, actually precede the primitive teleological view that there are hidden purposes57 behind the apparently blind decrees of fate. Although this divination of hidden purposes is far removed from the scientific way of thinking it has left unmistakable traces upon even the most modern historicist theories. Every version of historicism expresses the feeling of being swept into the future by irresistible forces.

Modern historicists, however, seem to be unaware of the antiquity of their doctrine. They believe—and what else could their deification of modernism permit?—that their own brand of historicism is the latest and boldest achievement of the human mind, an achievement so staggeringly novel that only a few people are sufficiently advanced to grasp it. They believe, indeed, that it is they who have discovered the problem of change—one of the oldest problems of speculative metaphysics. Contrasting their ‘dynamic’ thinking with the ‘static’ thinking of all previous generations, they believe that their own advance has been made possible by the fact that we are now ‘living in a revolution’ which has so much accelerated the speed of our development that social change can be now directly experienced within a single lifetime. This story is, of course, sheer mythology. Important revolutions have occurred before our time, and since the days of Heraclitus change has been discovered over and over again.58

To present so venerable an idea as bold and revolutionary is, I think, to betray an unconscious conservatism; and we who contemplate this great enthusiasm for change may well wonder whether it is not only one side of an ambivalent attitude, and whether there was not some inner resistance, equally great, to be overcome. If so, this would explain the religious fervour with which this antique and tottering philosophy is proclaimed the latest and thus the greatest revelation of science. May it not, after all, be the historicists who are afraid of change? And is it not, perhaps, this fear of change which makes them so utterly incapable of reacting rationally to criticism, and which makes others so responsive to their teaching? It almost looks as if historicists were trying to compensate themselves for the loss of an unchanging world by clinging to the faith that change can be foreseen because it is ruled by an unchanging law.

where it is argued that it is the loss of the unchanging world of a primitive closed society which is, in part, responsible for the strain of civilization, and for the ready acceptance of the false comforts of totalitarianism and of historicism.

1 See F. A. von Hayek, ‘Scientism and the Study of Society’, Economica, N.S., vol. IX, especially p. 269. Professor Hayek uses the term ‘scientism’ as a name for ‘the slavish imitation of the method and language of science’. Here it is used, rather, as a name for the imitation of what certain people mistake for the method and language of science.

2 I agree with Professor Raven when, in his Science, Religion, and the Future (1943), he calls this conflict ‘a storm in a Victorian tea-cup’; though the force of this remark is perhaps a little impaired by the attention he pays to the vapours still emerging from the cup—to the Great Systems of Evolutionist Philosophy, produced by Bergson, Whitehead, Smuts, and others.

3 Feeling somewhat intimidated by the tendency of evolutionists to suspect anyone of obscurantism who does not share their emotional attitude towards evolution as a ‘daring and revolutionary challenge to traditional thought’, I had better say here that I see in modern Darwinism the most successful explanation of the relevant facts. A good illustration of the emotional attitude of evolutionists is C. H. Waddington’s statement (Science and Ethics, 1942, p. 17) that ‘we must accept the direction of evolution as good simply because it is good’; a statement which also illustrates the fact that the following revealing comment by Professor Bernal upon the Darwinian controversy (ibid., p. 115) is still apposite: ‘It was not … that science had to fight an external enemy, the Church; it was that the Church … was within the scientists themselves.’

4 Even a statement such as ‘All vertebrates have one common pair of ancestors’ is not, in spite of the word ‘all’, a universal law of nature; for it refers to the vertebrates existing on earth, rather than to all organisms at any place and time which have that constitution which we consider as characteristic of vertebrates. See my Logic of Scientific Discovery, section 14 f.

5 See T. H. Huxley, Lay Sermons (1880), p. 214. Huxley’s belief in a law of evolution is very remarkable in view of his exceedingly critical attitude towards the idea of a law of (inevitable) progress. The explanation appears to be that he not only distinguished sharply between natural evolution and progress, but that he held (rightly, I believe) that these two had little to do with each other. Julian Huxley’s interesting analysis of what he calls ‘evolutionary progress’ (Evolution, 1942, pp. 559 ff.) seems to me to add little to this, although it is apparently designed to establish a link between evolution and progress. For he admits that evolution, though sometimes ‘progressive’, is more often not so. (For this, and for Huxley’s definition of ‘progress’, see note 26 on p. 117, below.) The fact, on the other hand, that every ‘progressive’ development may be considered as evolutionary, is hardly more than trivial. (That the succession of dominant types is progressive in his sense may merely mean that we habitually apply the term ‘dominant types’ to those of the most successful types which are the most ‘progressive’.)

6 See H. A. L Fisher’s History of Europe, vol. I, p. vii (italics mine). See also F. A. von Hayek, op. cit., Economica, vol. X, p. 58, who criticizes the attempt ‘to find laws where in the nature of the case they cannot be found, in the succession of the unique and singular historical phenomena’.

7 Plato describes the cycle of the Great Year in The Statesman; proceeding from the assumption that we live in the season of degeneration, he applies this doctrine in The Republic to the evolution of Greek cities, and in the Laws to the Persian Empire.

8 Professor Toynbee insists that his method is to investigate empirically the life cycle of 21 odd specimens of the biological species ‘civilization’. But even he does not seem to be influenced, in his adoption of this method, by any desire to counter Fisher’s argument (quoted above); at least, I do not find any indication of such a desire in his comments on this argument which he is content to dismiss as an expression of ‘the modern Western belief in the omnipotence of chance’; see A Study of History, vol. V, p. 414.1 do not think that this characterization does justice to Fisher, who says in the continuation of the passage quoted: ‘… The fact of progress is written plain and large on the page of history; but progress is not a law of nature. The ground gained by one generation may be lost by the next.’

9 In biology, the position is similar in so far as a multiplicity of evolutions (e.g. of different genera) may be taken as the basis of generalizations. But this com parison of evolutions has merely led to the description of types of evolutionary processes. The position is the same as in social history. We may find that certain types of events are repeated here or there, but no law describing either the course of all evolutionary processes (such as a law of evolutionary cycles) or the course of all evolution in general appears to result from such a comparison. See note 26 on p. 117, below.

10 Of nearly every theory it may be said that it agrees with many facts: this is one of the reasons why a theory can be said to be corroborated only if we are unable to find refuting facts, rather than if we are able to find supporting facts; see section 29, below, and my Logic of Scientific Discovery, especially ch. X. An example of the procedure criticized here is, I believe, Professor Toynbee’s allegedly empirical investigation into the life-cycle of what he calls the ‘species civilization’ (see note 8 on p. 101, above). He seems to overlook the fact that he classifies as civilizations only such entities as conform to his a priori belief in life-cycles. For example, Professor Toynbee contrasts (op. cit., vol. 1, pp. 147 to 149) his ‘civilizations’ with ‘primitive societies’ in order to establish his doctrine that these two cannot belong to the same ‘species’ although they may belong to the same ‘genus’. But the only basis of this classification is an a priori intuition into the nature of civilizations. This may be seen from his argument that the two are obviously as different as are elephants from rabbits—an intuitive argument whose weakness becomes clear if we consider the case of a St. Bernard dog and a Pekingese. But the whole question (whether or not the two belong to the same species) is inadmissible, for it is based on the scientistic method of treating collectives as if they were physical or biological bodies. Although this method has often been criticized (see, for example, F. A. von Hayek, Economica, vol. X, pp. 41 ff.) these criticisms have never received an adequate reply.

11 Toynbee, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 176.

12 This is so because of the law of inertia.—For an example of a typically ‘scientistic’ attempt to compute political ‘forces’ with the help of the Pythagorean theorem, see note 9 on pp. 57–8, above.

13 The confusion created by the talk about ‘motion’, ‘force’, ‘direction’, etc., may be gauged by considering that Henry Adams, the famous American historian, seriously hoped to determine the course of history by fixing the position of two points on its track—the one point located in the thirteenth century, the other in his own lifetime. He says himself of his project: ‘With the help of these two points … he hoped to project his lines forward and backward indefinitely … ‘, for, he argued, ‘any schoolboy could see that man as a force must be measured by motion, from a fixed point’ (The Education of Henry Adams, 1918, p. 434 f.). As a more recent example, I may quote Waddington’s remark (Science and Ethics, p. 17 f.) that ‘a social system’ is ‘something the existence of which essentially involves motion along an evolutionary path … ‘, and that (p. 18 f.) ‘the nature of science’s contribution to ethics … is the revelation of the nature, the character and direction of the evolutionary process in the world as a whole …’

14 See my Logic of Scientific Discovery, section 15, where reasons are given for considering existential statements to be metaphysical (in the sense of unscientific); see also note 28 on p. 118, below.

15 A law, however, may assert that under certain circumstances (initial condi tions) certain trends will be found; moreover, after a trend has been so explained, it is possible to formulate a law corresponding to the trend; see also note 29 on p. 119, below.

16 It may be worth mentioning that equilibrium economics is undoubtedly dynamic (in the ‘reasonable’ as opposed to the ‘Comtean’ sense of this term), even though time does not occur in its equation. For this theory does not assert that the equilibrium is anywhere realized; it merely asserts that every disturbance (and disturbances occur all the time) is followed by an adjustment—by a ‘movement’ towards equilibrium. In physics, statics is the theory of equilibria and not of movements towards equilibrium; a static system does not move.

17 Mill, Logic, Book VI, ch. X, section 3. For Mill’s theory of ‘progressive effects’ in general, see also Book III, ch. XV, section 2 f.

18 Mill seems to overlook the fact that only the very simplest arithmetical and geometrical sequences are such that ‘a few terms’ suffice for detecting their ‘principle’. It is easy to construct more complicated mathematical sequences in which thousands of terms would not suffice to discover their law of construction—even if it is known that there is such a law.

19 For the nearest approach to such laws, see section 28, especially note 29 on p. 119.

20 See Mill, loc. cit. Mill distinguishes two senses of the word ‘progress’; in the wider sense, it is opposed to cyclic change but does not imply improvement. (He discusses ‘progressive change’ in this sense more fully, op. cit., Book III, ch. XV) In the narrower sense, it implies improvement. He teaches that the persist ence of progress in the wider sense is a question of method (I do not understand this point), and in the narrower sense a theorem of sociology.

21 In many historicist and evolutionist writings it is often impossible to discover where metaphor ends and serious theory begins. (See for example the notes on pp. 102 and 105 of the present section.) And we must even face the possibility that some historicists may deny that there is a difference between metaphor and theory. Consider, for example, the following quotation from the psycho-analyst Dr. Karin Stephen: ‘That the modern explanation which I have tried to put forward may still be no more than a metaphor I will concede … I do not think we need be ashamed … because scientific hypotheses are in fact all based on metaphor. What else is the wave theory of light …?’ (Cp. Wad-dington’s Science and Ethics, p. 80; see also p. 76 on gravity.) If the method of science were still that of essentialism, i.e. the method of asking ‘what is it?’ (cp. section 10 above), and if the wave theory of light were the essentialist statement that light is a wave motion, then this remark would be justified. But as things are, it is one of the main differences between psycho-analysis and the wave theory of light that while the former is still largely essentialistic and metaphorical, the latter is not.

22 This and the next quotation are from Mill, Logic, Book VI, ch. X, section 3.1 consider the term ‘empirical law’ (used by Mill as a name for a law of a low degree of generality) as very unfortunate because all scientific laws are empirical: they are all accepted or rejected on the basis of empirical evidence. (For Mill’s ‘empirical laws’, see also op.cit., Book III, ch. VI, and Book VI, ch. V, section 1.) Mill’s distinction has been accepted by C. Menger who opposes ‘exact laws’ to ‘empirical laws’; see The Collected Works, vol. II, pp. 38 ff., and 259 ff.

23 See Mill, op. cit., Book VI, ch. X, section 4. See also Comte, Cours de philosophic positive, IV, p. 335.

24 ill, op. cit., Book III, ch. XII, section 1. For the ‘derivation’ or ‘inverse deduction’ of what he calls ‘empirical laws’, see also lib. cit., ch. XVI, section 2.

25 This paragraph, containing the analysis of a causal explanation of a specific event, is a near-quotation from my Logic of Scientific Discovery, section 12. At present, I feel inclined to suggest a definition of ‘cause’ on the basis of Tarski’s semantics (which I did not know when that book was written), along the following lines: The (singular) event A is called a cause of the (singular) event B if and only if from a set of true universal statements (laws of nature) a material implication follows whose implicans designates A and whose implicate designates B. Similarly, we could define the concept of a ‘scientifically accepted cause’. For the semantic concept of designation, see Carnap, Introduction to Semantics (1942). It appears that the above definition could be improved by using what Carnap calls ‘absolute concepts’.—For some historical remarks concerning the problem of cause, see note 7 to ch. 25 of my book, The Open Society and Its Enemies.

26 For a discussion of evolutionary trends, see J. Huxley, Evolution (1942), ch. IX. Concerning Huxley’s theory of Evolutionary Progress (op. cit., ch. X) it appears to me that all that can reasonably be asserted is this: the general trend towards an increasing variety of forms, etc., leaves room for the statement that ‘progress’ (Huxley’s definition is discussed below) sometimes occurs, and sometimes not; that the evolutions of some forms is sometimes progressive, while that of most is not; and that there is no general reason why we should expect that forms will occur in the future which have made further progress. (Cp. Huxley’s contention—e.g. op. cit., p. 571—that, if man were wiped out, further progress is in the highest degree improbable. Although his arguments do not convince me, they carry an implication with which I am inclined to agree; namely, that biological progress is, as it were, something accidental.) Concerning Huxley’s definition of evolutionary progress as increasing all-round biological efficiency, i.e. as increasing control over and independence of the environment, I feel that he has indeed succeeded in expressing adequately the intentions of many who have used this term. Furthermore, the defining terms are not, I admit, anthropocentric; they contain no valuation. And yet, to call an increase in efficiency or in control ‘progress’ appears to me as expressing a valuation; it expresses the belief that efficiency or control is good, and that the spread of life and its further conquest of dead matter is desirable. But it is certainly possible to adopt very different values. I do not think therefore that Huxley’s claim that he has given an ‘objective definition’ of evolutionary progress, free from anthropomorphism and value judgments, is tenable. (See op. cit., p. 559; also p. 565, arguing against J. B. S. Haldane’s view that the idea of progress is anthropocentric.)

27 That in Mill’s case it is this confusion which is mainly responsible for his belief in the existence of what I call ‘absolute trends’ can be seen by an analysis of his Logic, Book III, ch. XVI.

28 There are some logical reasons for describing the belief in an absolute trend as unscientific or metaphysical (cp. note 14 on p. 106, above). Such a trend may be formulated by a non-specific or generalized existential statement (‘There exists such and such a trend’), which we cannot test since no observation of devi ation from the trend can disprove this statement; for we can always hope that, ‘in the long run’, deviations in the opposite direction will set matters right again.

29 If we succeed in determining the complete or sufficient singular conditions c of a singular trend t, then we can formulate the universal law: ‘Whenever there are conditions of the kind c there will be a trend of the kind t’. The idea of such a law is unobjectionable from the logical point of view; but it is very different from Comte’s and Mill’s idea of a law of succession which, like an absolute trend, or a law of a mathematical sequence, characterizes the general run of events. Besides, how could we determine that our conditions are sufficient? Or what amounts to the same thing: how could we test a law of the form indicated above? (We must not forget that we are here discussing position (b) of section 27, which involves the claim that the trend can be tested.) In order to test such a law we have to try hard to produce conditions under which it does not hold; to this end we must try to show that conditions of the kind c are insufficient, and that even in their presence, a trend like t does not always occur. A method like this (it is sketched in section 32) would be unobjectionable. But it is inapplicable to the absolute trends of the historicist, since these are necessary and omnipresent concomitants of social life, and cannot be eliminated by any possible interference with social conditions. (We can see here again the ‘metaphysical’ character of the belief in trends which are not specific, such as general trends; the statements expressing such a belief cannot be tested; see also the foregoing note.)

30 See V. Kraft, Die Grundformen der wissenschaftlichen Methoden (1925).

31 See my Logic of Scientific Discovery, on which the present section is based, espe cially the doctrine of tests by way of deduction (‘deductivism’) and of the redundancy of any further ‘induction’, since theories always retain their hypo thetical character (‘hypotheticism’), and the doctrine that scientific tests are genuine attempts to falsify theories (‘eliminationism’); see also the discussion of testability and falsifiability.

The opposition here pointed out, between deductivism and inductivism, corresponds in some respects to the classical distinction between rationalism and empiricism: Descartes was a deductivist, since he conceived all sciences as deductive systems, while the English empiricists, from Bacon on, all conceived the sciences as collecting observations from which generalizations are obtained by induction.

But Descartes believed that the principles, the premises of the deductive systems, must be secure and self-evident—’clear and distinct’. They are based upon the insight of reason. (They are synthetic and a priori valid, in Kantian language.) As opposed to this, I conceive them as tentative conjectures, or hypotheses.

These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle: it is here that I deviate from the two greatest modern deductivists, Henri Poincaré and Pierre Duhem.

Poincaré and Duhem both recognized the impossibility of conceiving the theories of physics as inductive generalizations. They realized that the observational measurements which form the alleged starting-point for the generalizations are, on the contrary, interpretations in the light of theories. And they rejected not only inductivism, but also the rationalistic belief in synthetic a priori valid principles or axioms. Poincare interpreted them as analytically true, as definitions; Duhem interpreted them as instruments (as did Cardinal Bellarmino and Bishop Berkeley), as means for the ordering of the experimental laws—the experimental laws which, he thought, were obtained by induction. Theories thus cannot contain either true or false information: they are nothing but instruments, since they can only be convenient or inconvenient, economical or uneconomical; supple and subtle, or else creaking and crude. (Thus, Duhem says, following Berkeley, there cannot be logical reasons why two or more theories which contradict one another should not all be accepted.) I fully agree with both these great authors in rejecting inductivism as well as the belief in the synthetic o priori validity of physical theories. But I cannot accept their view that it is impossible to submit theoretical systems to empirical tests. Some of them are testable, I think; that is, refutable in principle; and they are therefore synthetic (rather than analytic); empirical (rather than a priori); and informative (rather than purely instrumental). As to Duhem’s famous criticism of crucial experiments, he only shows that crucial experiments can never prove or establish a theory; but he nowhere shows that crucial experiments cannot refute a theory. Admittedly, Duhem is right when he says that we can test only huge and complex theoretical systems rather than isolated hypotheses; but if we test two such systems which differ in one hypothesis only, and if we can design experiments which refute the first system while leaving the second very well corroborated, then we may be on reasonably safe ground if we attribute the failure of the first system to that hypothesis in which it differs from the other.

32 For a surprising example of the way in which even botanical observations are guided by theory (and in which they may be even influenced by prejudice), see O. Frankel, ‘Cytology and Taxonomy of Hebe, etc.’, in Nature, vol. 147 (1941), p. 117.

33 With this and the following paragraph, cp. F. A. von Hayek, ‘Scientism and the Study of Society’, parts I and II, Economica, vols. ix and x, where methodological collectivism is criticized and where methodological individualism is discussed in detail.

34 For the two passages see Economica, vol. ix, p. 289 f. (italics mine).

35 Cp. Erkenntnis, III, p. 426 f., and my Logik der Forschung, 1934, whose sub-title may be translated: ‘On the Epistemology of the Natural Sciences’.

36 A somewhat similar argument can be found in C. Menger, Collected Works, vol. II (1883 and 1933), pp. 259–60.

37 See the ‘null hypothesis’ discussed in J. Marschak, ‘Money Illusion and Demand Analysis’, in The Review of Economic Statistics, vol. XXV, p. 40.—The method described here seems partly to coincide with what has been called by Professor Hayek, following C. Menger, the ‘compositive’ method.

38 Even here it may be said, perhaps, that the use of rational or ‘logical’ models in the social sciences, or of the ‘zero method’, has some vague parallel in the natural sciences, especially in thermodynamics and in biology (the construction of mechanical models, and of physiological models of processes and of organs). (Cp. also the use of variational methods.)

39 See J. Marschak, op. cit.

40 See E Sargant Florence, The Logic of Industrial Organisations (1933).

41 This view is more fully developed in ch. 14 of my Open Society.

42 These difficulties are discussed by Professor Hayek, op. cit., p. 290 f.

43 See Econometrica, 1 (1933), p. 1 f.

44 See Lionel Robbins, in Economica, vol. V, especially p. 351.

45 My analysis may be contrasted with that of Morton G. White, ‘Historical Explanation’ (Mind, N.S., vol. 52, pp. 212 ff.), who bases his analysis on my theory of causal explanation as reproduced in an article by C. G. Hempel. Nevertheless he reaches a very different result. Neglecting the historian’s char acteristic interest in singular events, he suggests that an explanation is ‘historical’ if it is characterized by the use of sociological terms (and theories).

46 This has been seen by Max Weber. His remarks on p. 179 of his Gesammelte Aufsdtze zur Wissenschaftslehre (1922) are the closest anticipation of which I know to the analysis offered here. But he is mistaken, I believe, when he suggests that the difference between theoretical and historical science lies in the degree of generality of the laws used.

47 See, for example, Weber, op.cit., pp. 8 f., 44 f., 48, 215 ff., 233 ff.

48 This anticipates the problems recently laboured but not answered by Professor Toynbee.

49 For a criticism of the ‘doctrine … that all historical knowledge is relative’, see Hayek, in Economica, vol. X, pp. 55 ff.

50 Comte, Cours de philosophic positive, IV, p. 335.

51 Mill, Logic, Book VI, ch. X, section 3; the next quotation is from section 6 where the theory is worked out in more detail.

52 Comte, op. cit., IV, p. 345.

53 Mill, loc. cit., section 4.

54 A fuller criticism of the so-called ‘Sociology of Knowledge’ will be found in ch. 23 of my Open Society and Its Enemies. The problem of scientific objectivity, and its dependence upon rational criticism and inter-subjective testability, is also discussed there in ch. 24, and, from a somewhat different point of view, in my Logic of Scientific Discovery.

55 See note 44 on p. 83, above.

56 See Waddington (The Scientific Attitude, 1941, pp. Ill and 112), who is prevented neither by his evolutionism nor by his scientific ethics from denying that this freedom has any ‘scientific value’. This passage is criticized in Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom, p. 143.

57 The best immanent criticism of the teleological doctrine known to me (and one which adopts the religious point of view and especially the doctrine of creation) is contained in the last chapter of M. B. Foster’s The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel.

58 See my book The Open Society and Its Enemies, especially ch. 2 f; also ch. 10,