
Just as I hope to inspire your appetite for wine, there are many people who have inspired mine. A big, happy toast to all of those who’ve played an essential role in this book:

To Joy Sterling, who answered a letter which opened a door

To Paul Torres, who took a chance and changed the direction of my life

To Peter Neptune, who captivated me from the beginning

To Bob Bath, for your insight

To Cindy Nixon, for your generosity

To Karen MacNeil, for your encouragement and openness

To Kermit Lynch, for your inspiration and for believing in me

To Bob Lescher, for your enthusiasm and faith in my voice

To Bill LeBlond, for your support

To Sarah Billingsley, for your creativity, passion, and professionalism

To Jane Tunks, for your keen eye and thoughtful feedback

To my mom, who inspires in so many ways and who always wanted me to be a writer

To Teresa, who introduced me to California, to wine, and to living life to the fullest

To Bill, for your strong, steady support, and for putting up with the three of us

To Bourbon, constant companion and foot warmer

To Evan, my joy, and my first beautiful baby boy

To Harrison, my second, who patiently waited to be born until the week after I was finished writing this book

And finally, to Christian: This project was a long time in the making, but it never would have happened without you. You are the love of my life. Let’s drink it in together.