

Ahern, Kate, 140

Ailell, 2132

Alba, King of, 55, 56

Ambrose's stone, 38

Ankou, the, 182186

Ard Feis, 8

Armed Knight, the, 45


banshee, Irish, 187188

baptism and changelings, 174

Bards, 7, 1516

Benandoner, 47

Bendyth y Mamau, 66

Black Arcan, 5758

Blake, Colonel, 213215, 225, 227228

Blake, Evleen, 216218, 224228

Blight, Tamsin, 101

blood-drawing ghost, the, 154162

“Book of Invasions,” 63

“Botathen Ghost, The,” 268

excerpt from, 269281

Bottrell, William, 102, 108

Breton folktale, excerpt from a, 148152

Brownies, 69, 195

“Brownie of the Black Haggs, The,” 232250

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 209

burragh-boos. see love charms.


Caesar, Julius, 7, 9

Cambrensius, Geraldus, 8384

Campbell, J.F., 54., 86

canwyll corph. see corpse candle.

“Caractacus,” 37

ceilidh-houses, 8

Celtic heritage, 99

Celtic lore, influence of, 12

Celtic shamans, 101, 104105, 106

Celtic society, folktales and legends in, 9799

changeling legends, Welsh, 173180


burn, 103104

pick of thorns, 104

staunching blood, 105

toothache, 105

charms and spells, 211

Cornish, 101105

children, fairies and human, 173175


charms, 104105

traditions, 107108

Christianity and the Celtic world, 85

Christianity, fairies and, 139140

circles of stones, 4142

coach of the dead, the, 183184

Coblynau, 68

Coll Dhu, 212229

Conn, 20


charms and spells, 101105

language, 270271

Cornwall, 34

corpse candle, the, 188192

Corwrion Changeling Legend, 175176

crick stone in Morva, 41

Croker, Thomas Crofton, 140

cromlech of Lanyon, 40

crossroads in Celtic lore, 148

Cruachan, Connal MacRig, 2122, 8693

Cruachan: The Place of the Sidhe, 1932

Cuchulain of Muirthemne, excerpt from, 2032

Curtin, Jeremiah, 154


dead returning to world of living, the, 251252

death and the Celts, 153154, 181

“death coach, the,” 181182

Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, A, excerpt from, 164172

Devil's Doorway, the, 4546

Devil's Inn, the, 212, 215, 227

Dracula, Count, 208

“Drolls, Traditions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall,” 48

excerpt from, 5052, 134137

“druid circles,” 33

druids, 9, 20, 34

Dynon Bach Teg, 67


Eirinn, King of, 55, 56

Eisteddfod, 8, 16

Elidorus, 8384

Ellyll, 66, 68

Eminent Welshmen, 83


“Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland,” excerpt from, 140146


amusements of, 127128

bodies of, 124

dress of, 124

encounters with the, 115119

general description of, 195203

homes of, 127

in Irish folklore, the, 113114

male, 125

names given to, 66

ointment to see, 133134

places of the, 20

social aspects of, 123

fairies and

Christianity, 139140

human children, 173175

human qualities, 231232

humans as neighbors, 133

men of second sight, 197

and Men, contact between, 113114

fairy brides and mortal men Welsh legends, 7284

fairy kind, 63

in Ireland, 121

fairy ladies and mortal men, 6972

Fairy Mythology, 65

fairy realm, questions about, 193

festivals, 1516

Findabair, 2627

folktales and legends in Celtic society, 9799

Fraech, 24, 26

funeral, phantom, 190192


Gab Lucas, 184186

Garth Uchaf, Llanuwchllyn

Giants Causeway, the, 47

giants, 4748, 8586

Gigmagog, 48, 5052

Gilbert, C.S., 39

Glasynys, 7778

Good People, the, 113, 114

Gors Goch Changeling Legend, The, 178179

Greath Myth Cycles, 9, 11, 16

Gregory, Lady Augusta, 20, 114, 115

Gwyll, 67


Hawker, Reverend Robert Stephen, 268

Hogg, James, 232

Hunt, Robert, 34, 48, 134


invaders of the Celtic peoples, 53

Ireland, fairy kind in, 121

Irish mythology and the “good people,” 122

Irish Wonders, excerpt from, 122131

iron and the fairy bride, 73, 75


Jones, Rev. Owen, 72, 77

Jones, Reverend Edmund, 188


King Arthur, 46

and the giants, 48

“King Arthur's Stone,” 46

Kirk, Reverend Robert, 193195


Land's End, 42, 44

Le Braz, Anatole, 182

Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan, 208

“Legend of Knockgrafton, The,” 148

Llanfrothen Legend, The, 81

Llanfwrog Changeling Legend, 177178

Lochlann, King of, 55, 56

Logan Rock, 35, 43

moving of the, 37

love charms, 210–211

Lovecraft, H.P., 207


Mabinogion, 17

Machen, Arthur, 207208

magical stones, 3334

marbh bheo, 98, 251252

Martin, Martin, 164

McAnally, Dr. David Rice, 122

McClour, Janet, 255265

McCumhaill, Fion, 47

McDonald, Angus, 54

Men-an-Tol, the, 4041

“Men of the West,” 268

Merlin, Ambrose, 38

Merodach, 235250

Midnight Washerwomen, 148

Mulholland, Rosa, 212

Muller, Max, 70

Myddfai Legend, The, 78

Myddvai Legend, The, 7984


Nera, 2931

night dancers at the

crossroads, 149152

“Nine Maids, The,” 4243

“Not to Be Taken at Bedtime,” 212229

“Notes on Y Tylwyth Teg,” excerpt from, 64


Observations on the Snowdon Mountains, 74, 75

ointment to see fairies, 133134, 135

Otherworld, the, 181

as place of the dead, 251

Owen, Baron, 82

Owen, Elias, 64, 77, 79, 175


Pellings, 77

Pentrevoleas Legend, The, 7275

phantoms and ghosts, 267268

Plant Annwfn, 67

Portuni, 6869

Presbyterianism, 233

priest and the fairies, a, 145146

prognostication and the Celts, 163, 187


“Relation of Ghosts and Apparitions, A” excerpt from, 188192

Ring of Gyges, the, 200

Ring of Kingussie, 34

“Romances of the Rocks,” excerpt from, 3446

Rumpelstiltskin, 75


Saxon kings and the Table-men, 44

Scawen, 38, 39

seanachie, 8, 910, 98

“second sight, the,” 163164

description of, 164172

Secret Commonwealth, The, 194

excerpt from, 195203

sheehogues, 97, 98

Sidhe, 19, 98

and heroes, 63

Siths, 195

Soulis, Reverend Murdoch, 252265

St. Madron's Well, 108111

Stephens and the cromlechs, C. Taylor, 3940

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 252

Stoker, Bram, 208

Stonehenge, 34

stories, oral, 15

storytellers, traditional local, 98

storytelling, 15


Table-men, 4344

Tains Bo Cuailnge, 17

taish, see “second sight, the.”

Tales of the Fairies and of the Ghost World from Oral Tradition in South-West Munster, excerpt from, 154162

“Thrawn Janet,” 252265

thresholds in Celtic lore, 147

Traditions of West Cornwall, selections from, 102105

Trereen Dinas, rock mass at, 3637

Tuatha de Danaan, 63

twelve o'clock stone, 43

Tylwyth Teg, 178


Van Lake Legend, see Myddfai

Legend, The Vikings and the Celts, 5354

“Virgin Sisters, The,” 4243


Welsh changeling legends, 173180

Welsh Folk-lore, selections from, 175180

Welsh legends of fairy brides and mortal men, 7275

Welsh Taboo story, 78

Welsh Tylwth Teg, 64

“West Country Superstitions,” excerpt from, 108111

Wheelhope, Lady, 232250

Williams, 74, 75, 7778

Wolf of Badenoch, 34

writers and the storytelling tradition, 207


X-Files, 209


Y Tylwyth Teg, 66, 68

Ystrad Legend, The, 7579


Zennor coits, 39