The structure of Azure table storage for storing diagnostic data is as follows:
If the storage is in the form of tables, we will see the following tables schema:
- WadLogsTable: This table stores the log statements written during code execution, using the trace listener.
- WADDiagnosticInfrastructureLogsTable: This table specifies the diagnostic monitor and configuration changes.
- WADDirectoriesTable: This table includes the directories that the diagnostic monitor is monitoring. This includes IIS logs, IIS-failed request logs, and custom directories. The location of the blob log file is specified in the container field and the name of the blob is in the RelativePath field. The AbsolutePath field indicates the location and the name of the file as it existed on the Azure virtual machine.
- WADPerformanceCountersTable: This table contains data related to the configured performance counters.
- WADWindowsEventLogsTable: This table contains Windows' event tracing log entries.
For a blob storage container, the diagnostic storage schema is as follows:
- wad-control-container: This is only for SDK 2.4 and previous versions. It contains the XML configuration files that control Azure diagnostics.
- wad-iis-failedreqlogfiles: This contains information from the IIS-failed request logs.
- wad-iis-logfiles: This contains information about IIS logs.
- custom: This is a custom container based on the configuring directories that are monitored by the diagnostic monitor. The name of this blob container will be specified in WADDirectoriesTable.
An interesting fact to note here is that the WAD suffix, which can be seen on these container tables or blobs, comes from Microsoft Azure Diagnostics's previous product name, which is Windows Azure Diagnostics.
You can use Cloud Explorer from Visual Studio to explore the stored Azure diagnostics data.