Transformation of the operation team's mindset 

Microsoft's Bill Baker came up with an analogy of pets and cattle and he applied it to servers in a data center. Okay, honestly, we care for our pets. We love them and show affection towards them, we name them as well. We think of their hygiene; if they fall sick, we take them to the vet. Do we take such care of our cattle? Of course, we don't; this is because we do not care that much about cattle. 

The same analogy is true with respect to servers and containers. In pre-DevOps days, server admins cared about servers. They used to name those server machines and also have dedicated maintenance downtime and so on. With DevOps practices, such as infrastructure as code and containerization, containers can be treated as cattle. As the operations team, we do not need to care for them since containers are meant for a short lifespan. They can be booted up quickly in clusters and torn down quickly as well. When you are dealing with containers, always keep in mind this analogy. As far as daily operations go, expect the spinning up of and teardown of containers to be normal practice.

This analogy changes the perspective towards microservice deployment and how it supports containerization.