Size of microservices

Before we start building our microservices, we should be clear about a few of their basic aspects, such as what factors to consider while sizing our microservices and how to ensure their isolation from the rest of the system.

As the name suggests, microservices should be micro. A question arises: what is micro? Microservices are all about size and granularity. To understand this better, let's consider the application discussed in Chapter 1, An Introduction to Microservices.

We wanted the teams working on this project to stay synchronized at all times with respect to their code. Staying synchronized is even more important when we release the complete project. We needed to first decompose our application/specific parts into smaller functionalities/segments of the main service. Let's discuss the factors that need to be considered for the high-level isolation of microservices:

Our primary goal should not be to make services as small as possible; instead, our goal should be to isolate the identified bounded context and keep it small.