
Chapter Seventeen: Tiberius


Reese was gone. It was as if the earth had opened up and swallowed him whole. His father had brushed him off when he’d asked if he’d met Reese, simply saying he hadn’t. So Tiberius had tracked down Reese’s uncle and asked if his nephew was there.

The uncle appeared very surprised at the question. Reese had a scholarship and was at Howl Academy, he’d explained. There had to be a mistake.

So the uncle had no idea that Reese had gone.

Above all, why wasn’t Reese answering his phone, or all the text messages Tiberius had sent him? Was he angry with Tiberius?

But why? He knew he was no angel, sure, but he’d fallen so hard for Reese. He couldn’t recall upsetting him.

It all circled back to his father’s suspicious presence the day Reese had disappeared. It was too much of a fucking coincidence. It was bugging the hell out of Tiberius, and he had to have the truth.

Which meant that he had to face his father, look him in the eye, and ask again the question he’d asked on the phone. It had been two weeks now since Reese had left. Tiberius couldn’t wait any longer.

Taking his car, he zoomed out of the Academy and sped toward the family estate. He was missing more classes, but he hadn’t been able to concentrate since Reese had vanished, anyway. He needed answers.

He needed Reese.

As he rolled down yet another green hill, the estate sprawled in front of him with trees and pastures and gardens and orchards. It had been in the family, and in the clan, for centuries. The vineyards were at the back, producing the white wine for which the estate was famous.

The company Emanuel wanted so much.

Well, now it was all his. Emanuel could do with it what he willed. Tiberius gave zero fucks about the estate and the winery.

He parked the car in the drive and loped down to the house where he rang the bell and banged on the door until footsteps sounded inside.

The door was opened by one of his father’s employees, Heston, a tall, wiry beta who served both as butler and ranger. “Master Tiberius.” His bushy brows went up. “I wasn’t aware you were visiting.”

“Is father in?”

“Yes, he is having supper in the—”

“Don’t worry, I know the way to the dining room.” Tiberius brushed past the beta and walked into the mansion that he’d once called home.

Rustic and yet luxurious, with huge windows overlooking the estate and vaulted ceilings, heavy mahogany furniture and Persian rugs on the floors, it was cozy and airy and somber all at once. Legend had it that great-great omega grandfather Elliot had it built and decorated to impress his alpha’s family.

It had obviously worked. That, or his alpha didn’t care whether his family approved of his omega or not.

Just like Tiberius. At this point, he honestly didn’t give a flying fuck.

The dining room was just like he remembered it, long dark table, high-backed chairs, the room facing the vineyards. His father sat at the head of the table—ever the leader, the super alpha, even with nobody else around to boss—eating a rare, bloody steak. Blood had run down his chin. His canines looked overly long. He looked wild, as if he’d just shifted back to human and was barely controlling the urge to throw the steak to the floor and devour it there.

“Tiberius,” he growled, letting his fork and knife clutter to the table, brows lowering. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Hello to you, too, father.”

His father got up and thumped his fists on the tabletop. “You dare waltz in here after everything. After refusing to do your duty, leaving me to not only deal with the other clans but also the witches’ threat that’s looming over us.”

“What happened? Did they attack?”

“Are you so out of touch with the world you live in? Bates City is under siege.”

“Bates City is disputed territory. Humans and shifters versus the witches who claim the territory as their own. I meant, is there anything new?”

“Tiberius...” His father sighed. “The clans need to give a united front to this threat. And if you marry Fennix, our families will join forces.”

“The witches aren’t after us, father. If anything, they after the human lands, not the wild shifter expanses.”

“Oh, now you’re an expert in what witches want, are you?”

Tiberius groaned. There was no winning with his father. “Admit it. What you want is power in the shifter world. You don’t give a shit about the witches, or the humans.”

“It’s no secret I don’t care about the humans. They’ve always used us in their wars. We used to be their slaves. Their pets. Fuck them.”

Good. At last some honesty. Though... “You use people. You’re no better than them.”

“I’d never use you.”

“Like hell you wouldn’t. You want to use me as your pawn for power. Use Fennix. He deserves better.”

“So much better than that good for nothing omega you had hidden away in your room.”

It took a long moment for the words to sink into Tiberius’s frazzled mind. “You... you bastard! You lied to me. You did talk to Reese. What the hell did you tell him?”

“The truth, son, what else? About the wedding and your betrothed.”

Anger almost blinded Tiberius, throwing a red veil over his eyes. “There won’t be a wedding, father. I already told you I am not doing it.”

“I will disown you if you don’t.”

“Then go ahead, I don’t give a shit.”

“You don’t?”

“No. I love Reese, and he is the only wolf I’m planning on Claiming.”

“Are you serious? You’ll fail your family for a passing fancy?”

“Reese isn’t a passing fancy. He’s the guy I love. You’d better start accepting it. Did you threaten him? Why did he leave?”

His alpha father bristled. “Threaten him? I didn’t have to. I only laid out the facts.”

“Fuck your facts. And fuck you.”


“Don’t bother me again.”

Tiberius strode away, fuming, his chest tight.

So that was why Reese had run. Why hadn’t he stayed to talk with Tiberius first? Why wouldn’t he talk to him? Had he really thought Tiberius was going to leave him for Fennix?

And why wouldn’t he think that? he asked himself. You know you won’t marry Fennix, but how would Reese know when you’ve never mentioned the whole mess to him? Why would he doubt your father when he told him all those things, and knowing the old wolf, made him feel worthless?

He did it to Tiberius all the time. Only Tiberius was getting immune to it, having lived with it all his life.

Had he threatened Reese to make him go? His father said no, but what if he was lying again?



Tiberius had just entered the salon when Nero sauntered in behind him and took a seat in their usual corner.

“What’s up?” He just leaned back and watched Tiberius from under lowered lashes. With his spiky pale hair and lazy smile, he looked like some sort of wicked pirate.

Tiberius grunted as he reached for the Scotch.

“Whoa, early drinks? What’s going on with you, man?”

“Reese is still missing,” Tiberius said.

“And not replying to your love letters? Aww.”

“Fuck you, Nero.”

“No, thank you, I’m more into omegas myself. Strange, I thought you were, too.”

He was going to kill one of his friends. It was unavoidable. “And I thought you were a grumpy bastard. Why exactly are you so happy?”

Nero shrugged, but at least he stopped talking. Small mercies.

“Hey, guys.” Marcus approached, saving Tiberius from murdering Nero, and sank into a leather armchair across from them. “What’s up?”

“I need to find Reese. How am I going to find him? I found out that my father told him about the wedding. That asshole.”

Marcus was massaging his leg, his face a bit pale. Sweat drenched his temples. “So you’re getting married after all?”

“Are you nuts? Of course not.”


“How can any of this be fucking good? Marcus, damn it, I—”

“Calm your tits.”

“I can’t.”

“Don’t worry, Ty. We’ll track him down.”


“His uncle can’t be his only family, and if he’s running, he’ll go to his family. Omegas aren’t like us, Ty. They aren’t raised to snarl and fight until they drop. Their encoded impulse is to seek shelter, be in a familiar place.”

“You think he went to stay with some other relative.” It made sense. “What about his fathers?”

“I don’t know, but I’m telling you, buddy, we’ll find him.”



Promises like that sounded great, but more days passed with nothing to show for their efforts. Well, apart from the fact that Reese’s fathers were no longer alive. It hadn’t come as a total shock—Tiberius had had his suspicions about that after Reese’s reaction when asked about his family—and it made Tiberius even more determined to find his omega.

Besides that, he also had that other nagging suspicion that had to do with Reese’s scent... The one he still couldn’t put his finger on but which gave his search for his Mate all the more urgent.

Because Reese was his Mate, Tiberius was sure of it. He never believed in fated Mates, never believed in fate, period—but if anyone was meant for him, that someone had to be Reese.

Marcus put down the phone and rubbed at his eyes. “Fuck.”

“Have you found anything?”

“Patience is a virtue, my friend.”

“Fuck your virtues.”

“I’m sure it’s not my virtues you’re dying to fuck.”

Tiberius shook his head, distracted in spite of everything. “What have I done wrong to inherit you as a friend?”

“Many things, I’m sure. I’ll have you know, though, many wolves have fought to death to be my friend. You should consider yourself lucky, asshole.”

Nero poked his head in Marcus’s room. “You’re still here? Your asses will merge with the seats if you don’t move once in a while, guys.”

“Thank you for your concern, brother,” Marcus muttered. “Anyway, I think I have a lead.”

“You do? And you haven’t said a word all this time?”

“It’s a cousin of his. Doesn’t live too far from here. He and Reese had some exchanges online and seem friendly.”

“Why would you think he’d go there?” Nero asked.

“The cousin runs a diner. Maybe he offered Reese a job.”

“Why did it take you so long to find this?” Tiberius shot to his feet. “Let’s get ready to roll.”

Marcus stared at him. “You need to do some yoga or something. To relax, you know? You’re too fucking tense.”

“Wait until you find your Mate and lose him again and we’ll talk.”

“Reese is your Mate? You’re planning on Claiming him?” Nero finally came in and closed the door behind him. “For real?”

“Yeah... I think so.”


“I don’t think I can fucking live without him.”

Silence greeted his words.

“Well, that’s... that’s a good clue, I guess,” Marcus muttered, eyes a bit wide. “We’d better find Reese, then, before you expire on the spot.”

“Yeah, you’d better,” Tiberius whispered, more than a little shocked at his own words, and even more so at the truth of them. “And I think... I think he needs me, too.”

Nero narrowed his eyes at Tiberius. “I have a feeling you mean it quite literally. In what way would he need you?”

“I’m not sure. It’s just a gut feeling.”

“Gut feelings are valid. They’re sixth sense, knowledge stemming from small clues our brain processes subconsciously.”

“Okay then, Dr. Nero.”

“What do you sense?”

“He’s... I don’t know. He’s vulnerable right now. He needs protection. He needs me.”

“Well, one should hope so,” Marcus said drily, “if you want to Claim him. One should hope he loves you back. Right?”

And Tiberius had no answer to that, because although he knew what he felt for Reese, had finally come to terms with it, embraced it, he had no idea what Reese had to say about it.

Not until he asked.