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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Donald, Graeme.
Science : all the facts that turned out to be science fiction / Graeme Donald.
pages cm -- (They got it wrong)
Summary: “The fascinating stories behind 50 scientific theories that were once regarded as facts but history proved were pure fictions.This is an innovative way into some truly zany bits of science and history that will surely fascinate readers. They Got It Wrong: Science tells the story behind 50 scientific theories that were once widely believed to be true, but history has since proved to be wrong, and the consequences it brought on at the time. Contents include: When the Earth was Flat, Tobacco can cure a variety of Health Problems, All Base metals can be turned into gold, how the physical measurements of the skull correlate to a person’s personality, and more”-- Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-62145-009-2 (hardback) -- ISBN 978-1-62145-023-8 (adobe) 1. Errors, Scientific--Miscellanea. 2. Pseudoscience--Miscellanea. 3. Science--History--Miscellanea. I. Title. Q172.5.E77D66 2013
ISBN 978-1-62145-009-2 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-62145-088-7 (paperback)
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