
If you asked me if I knew I would always be a writer, I would have told you no. If you asked people around me, they would have told you I was going to be a writer. I’ve always had this knack for missing the mark of what God wanted me to be, that is until all that was left for me to do in this life was this one thing. Due to health circumstances I was told at least twice in a span of about five years time that my condition was hopeless. I refused to believe it and I prayed and prayed and in my waiting I made a decision to do this one thing. . . I put my hope, all of my expectations, everything that I had, in God. These 40 days are a collection of my struggles, triumphs and faithfulness of a God who did not let me down. It’s been almost ten years since I first heard those words and I can tell you I have never been more alive than I am today, breathing, thriving and still hoping in God. “So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it, for He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word” (Hebrews 10:23 AMP). My prayer is that as you read these words you will be inspired to know and place your trust in the one and only creator and giver of Hope, Jesus Christ.