I was sitting in my vehicle the other day waiting on one of my boys when I noticed a little piece of paper crumbled up and lying on the floor. I unfolded it and read it. As I stared at this list I became keenly aware that I am often of the mindset that I don’t have enough. But the truth is that people, who don’t have enough, certainly don’t have need for the pharmacy, bank, or grocery store (except maybe to rob it). Instead of thinking I don’t have enough, I should say it like it really is, “I want more. “ So many times I pray and worry and concentrate on how to get more when I don’t do what is really needed - appreciate what I do have. Studying the note more intently, I realized that I had all I really needed written on that note: a son (3 by the way), food, medicine and the need for a bank (money). I suddenly realized how overwhelmingly blessed I was and before I knew it, a thankful heart began to emerge, where moments before I had a troubled one. The idea of possessing a thankful heart will not be accomplished by simply rolling out of bed in the morning, but if you and I make a concerted effort each day, it is possible to live a truly blessed life, thanking God one step at a time.
“Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done” (I Chronicles 16:8).