I was sitting in a church service the other day when I found myself in need of some tissue and none to be found. All of a sudden, this strong loving hand presented me with an ever faithful white handkerchief and wiped away the tear stains from my cheeks. As I nestled the soft material next to my face, I couldn’t help but be so very thankful for the gentle thoughtfulness of something as simple as my husband’s handkerchief. It’s one of the things I love about him. He has this uncanny ability to discern a need and do everything in his power to provide. It’s in those moments that I get a glimpse of God caring for me in the same way. So often I have found myself in need of the most obscure items: Medicine, specialists, supplements, etc. and yet before I knew it, there came a provision for exactly whatever the requirement was at hand, even before a word or prayer was uttered. I’ve experienced a lifetime, forty-five years of simple and extraordinary instances of God’s loving-kindness disguised in everyday provisions. Have you? Look for examples of God’s love and faithfulness in your life today. He’s all around you.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness” (Jeremiah 31:4b).