by Chris Gentry

The Enclyclopedia of Wealth is not just a collection of many of the most important and beloved books about discovering the secrets of abundance and joy—it is essentially the textbook for a successful life. The books contained herein are among the most timetested books, and collectively have not only sold millions of copies, but inspired countless millions to pursue their dreams and discover the path to riches, both material, emotional, and spiritual.

A couple quick notes before you dive into these treasures. First, there is no “correct” way to read this book. You can start at the first page of the first book and read straight through. Or, you can pick and choose the order in which you wish to read them. You can even open the book at any page and begin reading and get inspired.

But here is a suggestion for reading this book. There are twelve books, and of course there are twelve months in the year. If you want to truly learn from and embody the messages contained in these books, it would be very powerful to pick one book a month to study and enact into your life. Begin applying the ideas and principles in your life every day of the year.

Some of the books are longer, some are very short—but all of them are equally powerful, and can alter the life of one who reads them with an open mind, an open heart, and takes action immediately. These were all written a century ago, give or take, and the language of these books is bold, exciting, confident, and motivational. In the times these were written, the books were not afraid to mix science, psychology (then a new science), the arts, and spirituality all together so that the programs for success were not just about thinking differently, but rather about integrating the ideas into every part of life.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you read each book:

Think and Grow Rich is perhaps the all-time motivational bestselling book. Napoleon Hill’s Thirteen Steps to Riches together created a program that has been said to have inspired more people to become millionaires and billionaires than any other book in history. The language and examples are a little dated, but take the meaning of each of the thirteen steps and translate them into your own life.

As a Man Thinketh is sometimes considered to be the earliest successful self-help book. Short in pages, it is long in ideas and has inspired such leaders as Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, and Ernest Holmes, as well as many others.

How to Attract Money and Riches Are Your Right are two gems by Joseph Murphy, author of the bestseller The Power of the Your Subconscious Mind. Both of these short books outline Murphy’s philosophy of the mind, and how to use it correctly to get what you want. While the books have similar ideas, they are different enough in style that they both uniquely inspire the reader to adopt a new way of thinking, which will result in new experiences.

Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell is actually a transcription of a speech Conwell gave. The speech was an immediate hit, and it has been reported that he delivered it over 6,000 times before his death. The version included in this book is from 1900, when he gave the lecture in Philadelphia, PA.

A Message to Garcia is the most successful essay from the phenomenally successful writer Elbert Hubbard. A well-known figure in his time, much of his work has been forgotten today, except for this, his masterpiece that stands the test of time.

The Ideal Made Real is one of the most galvanizing works by Christian Larson, who is perhaps best known for his book The Pathway of Roses. The Ideal Made Real outlines the highest principles that will lead us to a life well-lived, and well-loved.

The Game of Life & How to Play It is written by Florence Scovel Shinn, a popular teacher and writer of her time. This little book is filled with stories of people who used her ideas to create positive changes in their lives, both large and small.

The Science of Getting Rich is the most well-known of the Wallace D. Wattles books. While his work was neglected for a time, this book was revived on a large scale by being mentioned in Rhonda Byrne’s popular book and movie The Secret, as well as other modern authors.

The Go-Getter is a fable by Peter B. Kyne that has inspired entrepreneurs, CEOs, managers, salespeople, as well as people from all walks of life. The book was published originally over one hundred years ago, but the concepts are applicable to today’s world.

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day might be the most dated of these books, in terms of language and illustrations that author Arnold Bennett writes about. However, in our constantly changing world that seems to be going faster and faster, this book might be more timely than ever before.

The Golden Key by Emmet Fox is the shortest of the texts included in this anthology, but it might have the biggest promise. A small essay that was written by this New Thought minister, most known for The Sermon on the Mount, The Golden Key has sold millions of copies, and continues to inspire people all around the world to change from fear to limitlessness.

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One note about the language. As I’ve noted, these books were originally published decades ago, and so sometimes the language will reflect this fact. And you may come across some ideas or examples that are dated and on the surface don’t seem to relate to today’s world. When you come across something like this, it is important to not discard the idea of what the author says—rather, I encourage you to read beyond the surface into the idea of what the author was trying to impart. The more you are able to understand what each author was trying to say, rather than get stuck by the dated language or examples, the more successful you will be in reading these books.

Of course, as with any self-help book, the results of these books are with you, the reader. How you read them, how you begin living the ideas, and how you take responsibility of your own life will determine the results you will have. Take heart, and remember that every page of this book has inspired millions to create their dream lives…and they can do the same for you.