“I THINK IT’S PERFECT.” Astrid held up the whisk, the chocolate brownie batter smooth as silk.
Nova peered into the bowl. She’d helped Astrid with each and every step and was quite proud of herself. “Looks good. Charlie?”
Charlie stopped loading the dishwasher long enough to take a quick look. “It looks right.”
Charlie doing the dishes was one of the many things Astrid found desirable about her new husband. His handiness in the kitchen was nothing compared to his exuberance in the bedroom. Astrid couldn’t wait to go to bed every night. “You have to taste it, Charlie.” Astrid held the whisk out. “That’s the only way to be sure.”
“Why do I feel like you’re up to something?” He cocked an eyebrow, but leaned in.
She pushed the whisk forward, leaving a big chocolate dollop on the end of his nose.
Nova shrieked with laughter. “Charlie, you have chocolate on your face.”
“What?” Halley looked up from her phone. “Ohmygosh.” She snapped a picture.
“You think you’re funny?” Charlie stepped closer, pinning Astrid against the counter. “Let me share.” He leaned forward and ran his nose across her forehead.
“Charlie.” Nova kept laughing.
Astrid held the bowl forward. “This could get messy.”
“Wait, wait.” Halley jumped up. “I promised Crissy I’d have brownies. Can you maybe have a food fight with something else?”
There was a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it,” Nova and Halley said in unison, running for the door.
Charlie took the bowl from her. “You look delicious.”
“I was just about to say the same thing about you.” She leaned forward to kiss him. “Chocolate-flavored Charlie kisses. Yum.”
“I told you. Newlyweds.” Halley stood in the doorway, Benji, Crissy, Leif and Kerrielynn gathered around her. “They are like this all the time.”
“Not with brownie batter,” Charlie said.
Astrid was so surprised, she couldn’t stop laughing.
“Ick. Do you need me to put that into the oven?” Halley asked.
“Do we want to eat those brownies?” Leif murmured.
That had Astrid laughing all over again. Which made Charlie laugh.
“We’ll get it.” She wiped the chocolate from his face. “You need anything else?”
“Nova asked for juice boxes for her and Ginger.” Benji crept into the kitchen. “I can get them.”
Juice boxes secured, the two of them had the kitchen to themselves.
“Have I told you how much I love you today, Mrs. Driver?”
Astrid pretended to think. “No, I don’t think you have, Mr. Driver.”
“Well, I do.” He pulled her close. “I love you. Very much.”