This book arises out of a desire to clarify in detail some of the theories taken to be canonical in the discussion of the concept of sovereignty. I wanted to do this both for conceptual clarification and because this context forms an important but under-explored part of the background and framework for the contemporary discussion of the reconceptualisation of sovereignty. As always, Quentin Skinner and Conal Condren are intellectual touchstones for my thinking.
The book also owes much to the inspiration of discussions with Rob Walker, Jef Huysmans, Neil Walker and others. I would like to thank colleagues in the Feminist Reading Group at the Open University for debates, discussions and friendships over the past seven years—Kath Woodward, Stephanie Taylor, Rachel Thomson, Jane McCarthy, Wendy Hollway, Gillian Rose, and Elizabeth Silva.
I would also like to thank Gary, Eleanor, and Conal Browning, Anna Prokhovnik, Madeline, Kaz, and Mia Cooper-Ueki, Nick Prokhovnik, Alan, Hilary, and Stuart Browning and Jen Hardwick, David Blair, Scott Pitman and Susan Danseyar, Angela Radcliffe, Lorraine Foreman-Peck, Caroline Thompson, Anne Markiewicz and Ian Patrick, and Jane Wedmore for their sustaining love and warm friendship.
Raia Prokhovnik