Even if you don’t know where it is, the dump gives off such a vile odor it’s easy to find. I park the truck close as I dare to the smoldering garbage pile, scan the dismal scene, and shudder. Why did I agree to carry this trash over here tonight? It could have waited till morning.
A powerful beam in the rearview mirror catches my attention quick. I rub my eyes and strain to see beyond the glare, but all I can make out are two truck-high headlights coming on fast. I brace myself, ready to jump out before my truck’s shoved in the dump fire.
The vehicle tears up to my tailgate but doesn’t touch it. The blazing lights put me in mind of a UFO ready to take me over—that is, if I believed in UFOs. Reaching for the door handle, I open it, then slam the thing shut again. What should I do? I’m trapped.
A door bangs shut behind me, and I can make out a figure lumbering to my window. A man, shadows from the firelight flickering on his bald head, pounds on the glass. “So y’all healed up and fixin’ for the next hurt—or worse?”
The voice is too familiar.
I open my window the tiniest crack. “I’m sick of your threats, Dale, and I’m sick of you.”
I’ve got no answer for why I’m putting myself in this kind of danger sassin’ him. But I’m so tired of his orneriness, and I’m hurting inside and out, and I’m fed up with being called names, and… I guess that’s all, but it’s enough.
“You’re gonna get sicker of me before this night’s spent. Reason being I got me a… enforcer settin’ there in the truck. Maybe you’d like him better. He’s along in case I decide to do some hard work, like dig a grave, or some such.”
“You know what, Dale? Saying ignorant stuff like that is just plain dumb, and the only person looks that way is you.”
Before he can answer, the passenger door of Dale’s truck opens. Dale snarls, “Stay where you are, Rucker. I’m not ready for you yet.”
“Aw, c’mon,” the guy bellyaches, but closes the door.
I smirk at Dale and wish there was real courage behind it. “So now you’re following a defenseless girl to the dump? You gotta have way too much time on your hands.”
He hawks up spit and blasts the ground with it. “You’re a fool, Sinclair. A damn fool.”
“No, you’re the fool, Dale, and a damn bully boy. You beat me up, then threaten me again. What’s wrong with you? Your mama surely didn’t raise you right.”
Dale puts a look of pure hate on me. “You ain’t good enough to even mention my mama.”
He glances back at his truck. “Rucker, get your ass on over here. It’s time.”
Dale glares at me, grabs the handle, and then pops open my door.
I forgot to relock it! We stare at each other a second, then I dive to the passenger seat and jerk open the door handle. Leaping out of the truck, I land on my right side, fetching back all those pain stars from when I was Dale-beat. Oh, my God. I can’t hardly move. Somebody gives a sob. Must be me.
“Got the rope?” Dale hollers from around my truck.
“Right here in my hand,” Rucker mumbles, like he has a smoke dangling from his mouth.
“Well, come on, then. Let’s get this over with. Make my maw in Heaven real… satisfied.”
Get up. Get up, Vi. No way you’re gonna let these creeps win. Balancing on my knees, I push hard with my left arm, wobble, and stand up. With Dale between his truck and me, and Rucker looming on my right, I’m trapped. But maybe I can squeeze between the fire and my truck. I back up, and heat from the flames warms my heels.
“You get your sweet self on over to Daddy,” Dale huffs, then lunges at me.
I skinny on through the airspace at my left. Licks of fire touch my toes, and scorched rubber from my flip-flop soles stings my nose. A hand grabs my shoulder, but I shake it off, then scream the loudest, most bloodcurdling sound I’ve ever made or heard.
“Hell. Almost got her,” Rucker bellyaches again.
I hate this guy.
“Let’s go,” Dale yells. “Let her go!”
“What you talking about, Dale? You crazy? I pretty near snagged her.”
“Somebody’s coming. We can’t get her in time, you moron. In the truck. Now!”
Dale opens his door. “We ain’t finished with you, Sinclair. Consider this a little extra time, kinda like on death row. Gives you more time to think on what’s coming.”
“Well, hell,” Rucker complains again. He punches my side door with his fist and dashes to Dale’s truck. It backs up, lurches forward, and passes the oncoming car. It rockets on down Dump Road and is gone.
Standing in stinking garbage, I survey this filthy place. It feels full of death, and I shudder, picturing me sprawled on top of it. My whole body’s in pain, but it’s fear tearing me apart.
I wipe away hot tears; not time to cry yet. Hobbling to the back of the truck, I hoist the two bags and drop them at the creeping fire’s edge. I’m done and hauling ass out of here.
A sliver of moon follows me home and hangs over Mama’s car when I rumble on in behind it. Whole world’s still as death after I shut off the engine, but for a barn owl hooting off in the distance. Getting ready to go hunting; pretty much like I was hunted a bit ago. I shiver and cross my arms over my smoke-filled T-shirt. Only one way to get in the house, Vi. Might as well get it over with.
I slip from the truck quiet as possible and push down the lock button. Heart battering my chest to bits, I gulp a huge breath of nighttime air, pound across the yard and hurl myself up the front steps. Thank Jesus the door’s unlocked. I throw the deadbolt and sink to the floor, my side screaming, in case I forgot it was hurt bad.
Please God, if You’re up there, I need help real bad. Don’t think I can do this on my own. Can’t even keep myself safe, let alone Jessie and Mama. I’d appreciate any assistance you could give. Thank you.