Clear what the cast was to be as though a splash of

flux could confound the switching mechanism, grow


Compositae block ears to hypertrophy pink growths

allow, audition flap on flap and boundless swing out

in ellipses

Break bread and further comminute its ash, flowering

pores spew genotoxic slick rolled up short in collagen

and grit

Could be treble fine hash, bluish trumpets ranked

across the hanging sky drive travellers out to meat


Tufted syllables in cotton sedge, washes of percussion

breaking surface, islanded, leated and fired up

Instruct how to button back, holster in a vacuole the

hushed hearer, cap-à-pie one note sounds in, anecho-

ic bell

Trees discolour and the wrought grasses hold their

place as the loop generated opens. To be signified and

not know

The shingle street claims each nanosecond, chaining

copulas of likeness. How was it boosted – how was

morning crowbarred