The twisted cord of voice, furred and frayed, is still

stapled to a damp plaster wall with its impress called

Admit One

To the resident the bell calls, call holds its note,

thrown forward on a moth-eaten fringe where fat

blooms are falling

Overlay of clear nervous and digestive tracts, trans-

parent knots are straightening, unkinking, twisting so

that one cord

One outfall, one intestine flattened as a ribbon, the

ribbon rolled until microns-thin, one dangles from a

punch-card slot

Slot into the pitch classes, water clock that seeps into

plaster. A margin thickens on the desert and eats its


Gauges of extreme sensitivity measure pulse, starry

trace coating sand, sand of exploded sandstone and


Submit to be inserted in an invisible façade. A build-

ing settles amid slots, scrapes the gasping throat of a

razed building

I am my border guard. Was this a stammer, no it

was the bloom stuffed in my throat, bunch of multi-

coloured wire