Fire took hold, fire seized, fire shook livid compote.

Upholstery put on feeble smiles,

turning to show everything which is just its point:

When I saw everything I saw one point


Springs gyrate, while in gymnastic clusters gas-jets

dance across the loaded open. Suffice it the rig

workers worrying out a tongue

saw fire dance above its lolling proclamations


break not prevail, but slinks between a fair bunch,

flagrant line of the strobe rose ticks.

Suffice it silversmiths I thought of stirred pots of

attar must unfold exactly as they do


fire upon their benches, ramekins scent floods over:

Such was a mayhap convoy, such was hope,

fire broke out, a paper fire, scrunched and mashed

ash wings that flutter from the grate

        to make a point

together like a will, like a deposition sent to future

execution were it sanded well, sand

to soak the blots I think was chuted downholstery,

I sunk into the downy pillows even worse


if what is found suppressed for sure shortly spread,

what flared would be unreadable,

maybe too stable element, lean passionless script

tick-tocked across the brushed and blotless desert,

        blue shadow

ramping up the kerb at which a taxi long-awaited

pulls in never, fiery asphalt a face

rests on reinforces: sunset smelting out of snippets

new birds, closer now, as if unsparked

        bales of fire

stoked below the waterline, yet from neglect itself

turning up when no longer sought,

in a fire-trap, an iron sheath, in a condemned pile,

no part of speech is permitted,

        that is the point

insignia these burnt-off gas sheaths cannot reveal,

but involute to snag what light’s going.

I lamped out of there would you believe I trailed

nice, intelligent watercolours as though blots

        stress the point

shimmer stuff impossible to get a fix on, grasses

grew beneath my feet, the fetish

trailed its feathers and wore its emeralds, speaking

words in order till one point slowly opened

        sunrise sphincter.